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Your desk speaks volumes about who you are, and can even mark you out as suitable or not for your company. That’s what we called desk psychology.


A behavioral psychologist has identified six main types of personality exposed by office work spaces:


1. Trophy desks reek of success. The ingredients are simple: a scattering of postcards from expensive destinations where you have spent holidays or conducted lucrative business meetings; invitations from dignitaries; and, casually but strategically placed, the odd award acknowledging sporting or professional triumph.

1. 擺滿獎盃的辦公桌多散發成功的氣息。桌上常見的擺設有:來自各種奢華度假景點或商務會議地點的明信片、名人發出的請柬,以及看似隨意實則頗費心思擺放的運動或專業領域獎狀。

2. Neutral-look desk. Quite organized but not too bland desk, with a pot plant and a snap of your Labrador, should reassure your colleagues that beneath your superpowers you are human.

2. 相對中庸的擺設。辦公桌井然有序但又不失生氣,一盆綠植加一張家中寵物犬的靚照會讓同事覺得,在威嚴背後,你和他們是一樣的。

3. The coffee hub of the office. A forest of foliage, photographs of your extended family, and souvenirs from your last five trips to Great Yarmouth all on your desk? You are doubtless an extrovert.

3. 辦公室咖啡閒聊聚集地。桌上擺滿了綠葉植物、全家福照片,還有五次去大雅茅斯帶回來的紀念品?那你肯定是外向派了。

4. Heavily personalized desks imply that the occupant is settled and plans to stay, but too much homey clutter can backfire. Bottles of nail varnish, mouthwash, vitamin pills and soft toys may suggest you are more interested in your own image than in your job.

4. 個性非常鮮明的辦公桌往往說明這個人在這裏很穩定並且打算長期工作下去。不過,如果桌上的個人物品太多反而會有不良影響。指甲油、漱口水、維生素片以及毛絨玩具等可能會讓人覺得你對個人形象的關注多於對工作的關注。

5. Creatively chaotic desk. This might go down well in the media industry. The clutter, on close examination, will indicate wide cultural interests and mental agility.

5. 雜亂卻有序的辦公桌。這種辦公桌多見於媒體行業。如果仔細看一下桌上“雜物”,會發現桌子的主人在文化方面興趣廣泛而且思維敏捷。

6. Disorganized chaos — undisciplined piles of paper, mould-filled coffee mugs — speaks less flatteringly. It shows you are unable to delegate, to say no or to keep up.

6. 雜亂無章的辦公桌——紙張無序堆放、咖啡杯裏滿是污漬——當然傳遞不出什麼好的信息。這樣的辦公桌說明你不知道如何將任務分派出去,不懂得拒絕,或者不知如何繼續跟進。