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ing-bottom: 40%;">她們用英語怎麼說

她們的英文:they/them。例句:The infinite, vast night expanded gigantic all around them.無邊無際,遼闊廣大的夜空在她們身邊朝四面八方伸展。


They testified that both were sound asleep
她們作證說她們目睹了孩子的出生。I'm surprised they're so buddy-buddy.
我感到奇怪的是她們倆那麼友好。They remained stolid and motionless
她們仍舊倔強冷靜,坐着不動。The girls’ PE teacher, Miss Wang, was very pleased with their performance.
女生的體育老師王老師對她們的戰果非常滿意。They said as they swooped them up.
她們一邊說着,一邊抱起了貓咪。Be in when them in closet when rouge, they can imprint the lip on the mirror to leave a lip to imprint.
當她們在洗手間裏擦口紅時,她們會將嘴脣印在鏡子上留下脣印。On the other hand persons of whom they fancied themselves fond will be found to have become insipid and disagreeable
另一方面,她們本來以爲她們很喜歡的人,現在卻變得索然無味,一點也不可愛了。An hour had passed like a moment in their expressions of mutual affection.
她們各傾衷腸,一小時就象一剎那似的過去了。Instead, they crave sweets, fruits (especially citrus) and dairy products
但是,她們卻變得愛吃甜食、水果(尤其柑橘)和奶製品。The infinite, vast night expanded gigantic all around them.

pron. 他們;她們;它們

pron. 他們,她們,它們;他們,她們,它們

Open them, shut them.
攤開手,合攏手。I summarized the situation for them and then showed them the scans
我給他們概述了湯姆的狀況,然後給他們看片子。If they refrain therefrom, clothe them and feed them suitably.
如果她們從此悔改,就適當地給她們衣食。Will she weep for them or whip them once again?
她會爲他們哭泣還是將他們鞭笞?This puts them in the ballpark and makes them a major player.