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我們還在討論坐月子 她們的造型師已走進產房

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When Donna Yip, a lawyer who lives in the financial district, went into labor with her second child in June, she had more than just her husband and medical team in her room at NewYork-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital.

唐娜·葉(Donna Yip)是一位住在金融區的律師,6月,她在紐約長老會摩根·斯坦利兒童醫院生第二個孩子的時候,產房裏除了她的丈夫和醫療團隊,還有其他人。

Jackson Simmonds from the Julien Farel Restore Salon & Spa was also there, with a curling iron, hair dryer and boar bristle hairbrushes in his Longchamp tote. They were his tools to style Ms. Yip’s hair immediately after delivery.

此人是來自朱利安·法萊爾康復沙龍與水療(Julien Farel Restore Salon & Spa)的傑克遜·西蒙德斯(Jackson Simmonds),他的瓏驤(Longchamp)大包裏裝着電捲髮器、吹風機和豬鬃發刷,用來給剛剛生產完的葉女士打理髮型。

我們還在討論坐月子 她們的造型師已走進產房

Ms. Yip is one of a growing number of women who are booking hairstylists and makeup artists to come to their hospital room for postpartum grooming, typically with the first photographs of mother and child in mind.


“I think someone realized, ‘Why should I not look good for that great picture that I’m going to show everybody, the first picture of my child?’ ” said Joel Warren, an owner of the Warren-Tricomi salons.

“我覺得她們意識到,‘我要給我的孩子拍第一張照片,它很棒,將來我要給所有人看,那我爲什麼不能打扮漂亮一點?’”沃倫-特里克米沙龍(Warren-Tricomi)的擁有者喬伊·沃倫(Joel Warren)說。

Those images are frequently posted on social media like Instagram, as Ms. Yip’s was, to be seen by a broad network of friends, colleagues and close family. It is probable that the practice has been fueled by the barrage of images of women like Kate Middleton, who after delivering her children left the hospital with sleek, bouncy hair that more readily suggested a leisurely blowout than the physically taxing experience of childbirth.

這樣的照片經常被貼在Instagram之類社交媒體上,會有大量朋友、同事和家庭成員瀏覽,葉女士的照片也是如此。此外,凱特·米德爾頓(Kate Middleton)產後出院時,頂着一頭輕盈柔順的新發型,很容易讓人覺得她只是氣定神閒地出席了一次宴會,而不是經歷了痛苦的分娩。類似的名人照片鋪天蓋地,自然也爲這種風潮推波助瀾。

“We have a lot of patients who have had a long labor, and they are like, ‘O.K., I want cool pictures of me and my baby,’ ” said Lisa Schavrien, the obstetric nurse navigator at Lenox Hill Hospital, who keeps in her mobile phone a list of hairstylists from nearby salons for the five to 10 new mothers for whom she helps arrange in-room appointments each month.


Though these treatments are far from ubiquitous (Mr. Warren’s salons have sent stylists on 10 hospital appointments with new mothers in the last couple of months), they are on the rise.


Julien Farel has had a 200 percent increase in such bookings (the salon declined to disclose the number of appointments) in the last three months. , a website offering to-go hair and makeup appointments, has been sending about five stylists a week on maternity calls. Glamsquad, the on-demand beauty app, reports an increase of 30 percent over the last six months.


“You figure you do it for other events,” said Patti Wilson, the director of photography at OK! Magazine, who plans to book a hairstylist through to come to her room at Mount Sinai Hospital when she delivers her first child later this year. “This is a moment where it’s one of those milestones. I’ll feel better if it’s blown out, and in pictures it will look better.”

“我發現自己出席其他大場合也要打理髮型,”《OK!》雜誌的攝影總監帕蒂·威爾遜(Patti Wilson)說,今年晚些時候,她將在西奈山醫院迎來自己的第一個孩子,屆時她打算通過預約一個髮型師。“這個時刻是人生的里程碑之一。到時候我希望能感覺好一點,在照片裏顯得漂亮一點。”

Typically, stylists on maternity calls aim for low-key grooming, not a splashy fashion statement. “No one wants ‘I’m going to a black-tie event’ hair,” said Chris Lospalluto, a stylist at Sharon Dorram Color at Sally Hershberger who has had a handful of such bookings. “They just want to look fresh, just a better version of themselves. You’ve got to spruce them up because everybody’s coming to see them.”

造型師們一般會爲產後的母親做簡單低調的裝扮,而不是花枝招展的時尚展示。“沒有人會說,‘我要做出席正裝晚宴的髮型’,”造型師克里斯·洛斯帕魯託(Chris Lospalluto)說,他來自莎莉·赫施博格旗下的香農·達倫色彩(Sharon Dorram Color at Sally Hershberger),目前手頭有好幾樁這樣的預約。“她們只想看上去清清爽爽,比自己本身好看一點。你得把她們打扮整齊,因爲會有很多人來看望她們。”

Mr. Simmonds uses dry shampoo or spritzed water on new mothers who can’t shower or wash their hair after delivery. “It’s not like the full-on blowout you would have in a salon, for logistical reasons,” he said. “Nonetheless, it comes out looking good.” (For the record, he waited in a hallway while Ms. Yip was in labor, slipping back inside her room after her daughter Caroline Rose, or Rosie, was born.)


A hospital-room booking with a stylist from an upscale salon can be expensive: An out-of-salon call by Mr. Lospalluto costs $700; the charge for a similar booking from Julien Farel’s salon is $500. appointments start at $180 before tax and tip. Prices for Glamsquad’s services begin at $50.


For some new mothers, the treatments offer an emotional boost as well as an aesthetic one. “It’s really important that you feel good, that you don’t look in the mirror and say, ‘Oh, my God,’ because having a baby is like running a marathon,” said John Barrett, founder of the namesake salon at Bergdorf Goodman. “Just feeling ‘I look normal’ afterward is such a nice thing. It’s good for the psyche.”

對於有些新媽媽來說,除了美學上的意義,這種服務也能改善情緒。“最重要的是讓自己感覺良好,而不是照鏡子的時候覺得‘太可怕了’,因爲生孩子就像一場馬拉松,”約翰·巴瑞特(John Barrett)說,他的美容沙龍以自己的名字命名,開在波道夫·古德曼(Bergdorf Goodman)店內。“只要能覺得‘我看上去很正常’,就已經很好了。這對精神狀態有好處。”


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