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美國習慣用語 第710:廣播編輯

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這倒讓我想起了今天要學的習慣用語,叫, march to a different drummer.

March是齊步走,行軍的意思,drummer是鼓手。March to a different drummer, 按照不同鼓手的節奏前進,意思就是獨樹一幟,標新立異。

這下大家明白了吧,別人一般都是星期一早上開會,但是新來的這位編輯卻規定星期五下班前開會,跟別人不一樣,這就叫, march to a different drummer. 其實啊,生活中這種人並不少見,讓我們聽聽下面例子裡這個人是怎麼過年的。

例句-1: My friends are always inviting me to these crazy New Year's Eve parties. But I've always march to a different drummer. Going to big noisy celebrations just to wait until midnight isn't for me. I'd much rather stay home and have a quiet evening watching a good movie or reading a good book.


雖然我也是喜歡安靜的人,大年夜可不是安靜的時候。要讓我說,迎接新的一年到來,跟親朋好友在一起慶祝,一年就這麼一次,是無論如何也少不了的。有時候,我還會穿上晚禮服,跟先生一起到大飯店裡去參加新年慶祝活動, 玩個通宵呢!



例句-2: Zappos, the biggest online shoe store could have copied its competitors. Instead, it march to a different drummer. By offering free shipping, a 365-day return policy and continuously available service, it provided some of the best service in the industry. Maybe that's why it's grown from nothing to an almost $1 billion giant.


看來,這家公司的經營者還真是挺有創意的。我認識一對夫婦,他們結婚是在山崖上,婚禮最精彩的節目是笨豬跳。WOW,真夠刺激的。這就叫march to a different drummer.

很顯然,march to a different drummer這個習慣用語的出處跟閱兵,儀仗有關,來自美國著名作家和思想家亨利·戴維·梭羅1854年著作《沃爾登》裡的一句話。也許你聽人說過,march to a different beat, march to a different tune, 還有,march to the beat of a different drum or drummer, 其實這些說法都是一個意思。
