
首頁 > 英語學習 > 英語面試 > AbouttheFinalDecision關於應聘結果


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Key Sentences(重點句子)    believe you would be able to do the job very as you know,we have dozens of applicants to be can't reach a final decision until we have talked to all applicants being asked to come here.


   can I know whether I'm accepted or not?


  512.I think we'll send you a letter by early next month if you are wanted.


   you were hired you would be expected to report for train-ing on the 8th of August.


  ,that's O.K.


  idering your qualifications,we believe you would be a good as you know,we are considering several other applicants and we will make our final decision by the end of this month.


  'll send you a letter then.


   you start work next Monday?


  's settled then.I'm glad to be able to offer the job.


  e there are other applicants on the line,we can't let you know our decision yet until all of them have got their chance for interview.


   enough,I am willing to wait until you have come to a decision.


  rt here at nine-thirty tomorrow,and I'll take you down to your department and introduce you to the man you'll be taking orders from for the next few days.


  522.I hope you'll enjoy working with us.


  523.I'm sure I k you very much,Mr. manager.


   are will you start to work?


   are se report to the personnel office on April first at eight o'clock in the morning.


  le call us up not just to order often ask questions about travel,entertainment, I have to say I can't offer you the job.


  k you for hiring me.I'm very proud to be employed by your firm.


  528.I want to express my appreciation for giving me this chance.I can assure you that you will not be disappointed.


  k you!I'll come at nine o'clock tomorrow.


  's all right.I can try other places.


  Dialogue A

  (I=Interviewer主試人 A=Applicant受試人)

  I:How long have you been here?

  A:About three months.

  I:Have you worked as a telephonist(話務員)?

  A:No,but I think I can learn quickly.

  I:Well,your English is very good.I have noticed the problem is my telephonist must have local knowledge as well.

  A:Is it?

  I:People call us up not just to order often ask ques-tions about travel,entertainment, I have to say I can't offer you the job.

  A:That's all right.I can try other -bye.


  Dialogue B

  I:Since there are other applicants on the line,we can't let you know our decision yet until all of them have got their chance for interview.

  A:Fair enough,I am willing to wait until you have come to a decision.

  I:We will let you know probably next Tuesday.I hope to give you the positive reply.

  A:Thank you,I will be glad to hear that.

  I:By the way,are you married?

  A:Yes,I am married with two children.

  Dialogue C

  A:Good,this job should suit me well.

  I:Can you start working next Monday?


  I:That's settled then.I'm glad to be able to offer you the job.

  A:Thank you,Brian.

  I:See you next Monday.

  Notes 註釋

   long have you been here?


  2.I have noticed that.


   the problem is my telephonist must have local knowledge as well.


  4.I hope to give you the positive reply.


  ,this job should suit me well.


  Words and Expressions

  dozen n.一打,12個

  dozens of 幾十個,許多

  stewardess n.女乘務員,空中小姐

  settle v.解決,決定

  entertainment n.娛樂,招待

  telephonist n.話務員

  appreciation n.感謝,感激

  personnel n.全體人員,人事

  personnel office 人事部門,人事辦公室


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