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A:What would you like for Breakfast? 早餐你想吃什麼?

B:How about noodles? 吃麪怎麼樣?

A:OK,Would you help me set the table?好的,你能幫我準備餐具嗎?

B:I'd be happy to. 樂意之至。


A:Mrs. wu, would you care for another helping?吳小姐,還要再來一點嗎?

B:No more, thank you. I'm quite full.不啦,謝謝。我已經夠飽了。

A:Did you enjoy the meal?您吃得怎麼樣?

B:It's the most delicious dinner I've had for a long time. It's such a rich dinner.好久沒有吃過這樣美味的飯萊了。這頓飯萊太豐盛了。

A:I'm so glad you like it.你能喜歡,我不勝榮幸。

B:Thank you very much for your hospitality.謝謝你的盛情款待。


A: Excuse me, Where am I on this map?對不起,請問我在地圖上的什麼地方 ?

B: We are here, bus station, we are in the heart of the city.我們在這裏,汽車站,我們現在在市中心。

A: Oh ! I think I ’ m lost. Can I go from here to the railway station?哦!我想我迷路了。我能否從這裏到火車站呢?

B: Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left.順這條街一直走過兩個街區,然後左轉。

A: Excuse me. I ’ m afraid I got lost. Can you show me the way to the station?對不起,我迷路了,請問您能告訴我去車站怎麼走嗎?

B: I ’ m walking that way. Let me lead you the way.我正朝那邊去。讓我給你帶路吧!

A: Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. I ’ m looking for the Museum.對不起,打擾一下,不知您能否幫助我,我在找博物館。

B: Boy, you are lost. I t ’ s across town.哇,你是迷路了。它在城的那頭。

A: Oh ! What bad luck ! How can I get to the Museum?哦!太糟糕了!那我怎麼去博物館呢?

B: You can take a No. 24 bus here and then transfer to a No.53 bus to get there.您可以在此乘坐 24 路公共汽車換乘 83 路公共汽車到那裏。


Mary : What is the parking fee per hour here? John : Ten yuan an hour.這裏停車每小時多少錢? 每小時 10 塊錢。

Mary : How much would it be if I park here for an hour and ten minutes? John : Twenty yuan, sir.Because we charge by the number of hours.那要是停了 1 小時 10 分鐘呢?

Mary : I see. Thanks.20 塊錢,先生。因爲我們是按小時整點收費的。明白了。謝謝。


Tom: Hello.湯姆:你好。

John: Hello.約翰:你好。

Tom: My name is Tom. I'm in Class 1, Grade 3.湯姆:我叫湯姆。我在三年級一班。

John: My name is John. I'm in Class 1, Grade 3, too.約翰:我叫約翰。我也在三年級一班。

Tom: We are in the same class.湯姆:我們是同一班的。

John: Yes, we are.約翰:是的,我們是。

Tom: I'm very glad to meet you.湯姆:很高興見到你。

John: I'm very glad to meet you, too.約翰:我也很高興見到你。


Bill: Hi, Mary.比爾:嗨,瑪麗。

Marry: Hi, Bill. How are you?瑪麗:嗨,比爾。你好嗎?

Bill: I'm fine, thank you. And you?比爾:我很好,謝謝。你呢?

Marry: I'm fine, too, thank you.瑪麗:我也很好,謝謝。

Bill: How is your mother?比爾:你媽媽怎麼樣?

Marry: She is very well, thank you. And how is your mother?瑪麗:她很好,謝謝。你媽媽怎麼樣?

Bill: She is also very well. Thank you. Goodbye.比爾:她也很好。謝謝您。再見。

Marry: Goodbye.瑪麗:再見。


Tom: What time is it, Mom?湯姆:幾點了,媽媽?

Mom: It's six forty. It's time to have breakfast.媽媽:六點四十。該吃早餐了。

Tom: OK, Mom.湯姆:好的,媽媽。

Tom: It's seven ten. It's time to go to school.湯姆:七點十分。該上學了。

Teacher: It's eight o'clock now. It's time for Chinese.老師:現在八點了。現在是中國人的時候了。

Tom: I'm ready.湯姆:我準備好了。


Mike: Hello. This is Mike.邁克:你好。我是邁克。

John: Hello. This is John. What's the weather like in Harbin?約翰:你好。我是約翰。哈爾濱的天氣怎麼樣?

Mike: It's cold here today.邁克:今天這裏很冷。

John: Put on your sweater, please.約翰:請穿上你的毛衣。

Mike: Thank you. I want to wear my pants, too. What's the weather like in Hainan?邁克:謝謝。我也想穿我的褲子。海南的天氣怎麼樣?

John: It's hot here. I can go swimming.約翰:這裏很熱。我可以去游泳。

Mike: So cool!邁克:太酷了!


Assistant: Can I help you?助理:我能幫你嗎?

Amy: Yes. I want to buy some fruit for my birthday.艾米:是的。我想買些水果過生日。

Assistant: OK. What kind of fruit do you like助理:好的。你喜歡什麼水果

Amy: I want four oranges, six apples. How much are they?艾米:我要四個橙子,六個蘋果。多少錢?

Assistant: They are twenty yuan.店員:二十元。

Amy: Oh, I also want ten bananas, six pears and two watermelons.艾米:哦,我還要十個香蕉,六個梨和兩個西瓜。

Assistant: That's thirty yuan.店員:三十元。

Amy: All right.艾米:好的。


A:Good morning,lady. 早上好,女士。

B:Good morning,.How are you this morning? 早上好,今早你好嗎?

A:I'm very fine.Did you sleep well last night? 我很好。昨晚你睡得好嗎?

B:Yes,I did.Thank you. 是的,我睡得很好。謝謝你。

A:Would you like coffee or tea this morning? 你喜歡喝茶還是咖啡呢?

B:Coffee,please.Make it real hot. 咖啡,熱一點兒。


A:Breakfast is ready! It's time to eat. 早餐好了,該吃飯啦!


A:Did you wash your hands well? 手洗乾淨了嗎?

B:Yes,I will eat all of vegetables.洗啦,我耀把蔬菜吃光光!

A:OK,Don't be picky. 棒!不許挑食。


Nancy:Have a nice weekend!週末好!

Jerry:Thanks.You too!謝謝!你也好!

Nancy:Do you have any plans?你有什麼計劃嗎?

Jerry:Well,my family's away and I can't afford to do much.What about you?嗯,我家裏人都走了,我承受不起做太多的事。你呢?

Nancy:Oh,I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet.哦,我還沒決定我要做什麼呢。


A:Do you like China?A:你喜歡中國嗎?

B:Yes,I like it very much.B:是的,很喜歡。

A:Are you used to Chinese food?A:你吃得慣中國的飯菜嗎?

B:Yes,I am.B:是的,我吃得慣。

A:Which dish do you particularly like?A:你最喜歡中國的哪道菜?

B:I like them all, except for Sichuan dishes because they are too hot.B:我都很喜歡,除了川菜,因爲太辣了。

A:Traditional Chinese culture is profound.Do you know them?A:中國的傳統文化博大精深。你瞭解得多嗎?

B:Sorry, I don't know much about Chinese culture.B:抱歉,我不是特別瞭解中國文化。

A:What's your impression of Chinese people?A:你能告訴我你對中國人的印象嗎?

B:They are very friendly.B:他們十分和善。

A:Which country do you like best, and why?A:你最喜歡哪個國家,爲什麼?

B:France, because people there are very romantic.B:法國,因爲那裏的人非常浪漫。


Tom: Wow. This farm is nice. So many animals! What are these?湯姆:哇。這個農場不錯。這麼多動物!這些是什麼?

Farmer: They are horses.農夫:它們是馬。

Tom: Are those sheep?湯姆:那些是綿羊嗎?

Farmer: No. They are goats. Look! These are lambs.農夫:不,它們是山羊。看!這些是小羊。

Tom: Oh, These are pigs. They are so fat.湯姆:哦,這些是豬。他們太胖了。

Farmer: Yes. Our rabbits are fat, too.農夫:是的。我們的兔子也很胖。

Tom: How many ducks do you have?湯姆:你有幾隻鴨子?

Farmer: I have forty.農夫:我有四十個。


John: What's the weather like today? Is it cold?約翰:今天天氣怎麼樣?天氣冷嗎?

Mike: No. It's warm and sunny.邁克:不,天氣暖和,陽光明媚。

John: Let's go swimming.約翰:我們去游泳吧。

Mike: I like playing football.邁克:我喜歡踢足球。

John: OK. Let's play football.約翰:好的。我們去踢足球吧。



A: What time's the next train to Washington?A: 下一趟去華盛頓的車幾點開?

B: That's 9:26 on Track 14.B: 9 點 26 分 , 14 軌 道 。

A: When does it get there?A: 什麼時候到?

B: It'sscheduledto arrive at 10:50.

A: How much is it?A: 多少錢?

B: It's $30.00 one way or $55.00 round trip.B: 單程票 30 美元,往返票 55 美元。


乘客A:Excuse me, is this seat taken?對不起,這個座位有人坐嗎?

乘客B:No, I don't think so.我想應該沒有人。

乘客A:Thanks,I am waiting for the train at 9 o ’clock to Shanghai.Where will you go?謝謝,我在等 9 點到上海的火車,你去哪呢?

乘客B:What a coincidence! we are the same train.真是太巧了,我們同一列火車。

乘客A:Really? What is your seat number?真的嗎?你座位幾號?

乘客B:No.5 on the second row. And you?第二排 5 號,你呢?

乘客B:Could you please keep an eye on my luggage? I want to go to the washroom.你能幫我照看下行李嗎?我去下洗手間。

乘客A:No problem.沒問題。

乘客B:Thank you so much.非常感謝。


① The fit is’t good.

② It’s too big/small.

③ It seems to fit well.

④ How about this blue one?

⑤ The color is very popular.


① Can I help you?

② What can I do for you?

③ What color do you want/like?

④ What size do you want?


醫生:① What’s the matter?/What’s wrong with you?

② You should have a rest.

③ How long have you had the problem?

病人:① I have a cold/toothache/stomachache.

② My ... Hurt.
