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One simple prescription is to read more: Newspapers, magazines, history, novels, short stories, and so on. Ideally you want to be a little uncomfortable with what you’re reading; it should strain your reading comprehension & concentration a bit. This will build your reading “muscles”: reading can be improved like any other skill, and when you’re better at it it requires less energy and it is easier to do it for an extended period of time.


lower your expectation. Forget that you have to achieve a target of some n number of words per minute on the WSJ speed reading challenge. Just enjoy the act of reading. Read slow. And most importantly comprehend what is being written. If you are reading at 91 words per minute, it clearly suggests that you are comprehending a lot of what you are reading. The lower reading speed is due to regression that are caused as you are unable to comprehend at one go. Thus, you have developed the skill of comprehension.Start of with a easy reading materials, ideally one which contains graphics to aid the reader. I would suggest comic books as they would really help. Start with easier Marvel Comics and slowly move on to DC and then onto better things like Calvin and Hobbes.

降低你的期望。忘記你必須在WSJ速度閱讀挑戰中實現每分鐘數n個詞的目標,而是要享受閱讀的行爲。慢慢讀 最重要的是要理解正在讀的內容。如果你每分鐘讀91個字,那就清楚地表明你正在理解你正在閱讀的很多東西。慢速閱讀是避免由於你無法一次理解而導致的回讀最佳方法。因此,你已經發展了理解的技能。然後開始使用簡單的閱讀材料,理想的是包含圖形以幫助讀者。我會建議漫畫書,因爲他們真的會幫助。從漫畫開始,慢慢地轉到DC,然後再到更好的東西,如加爾文和霍布斯。

Don't read stuff that's not worth reading.You see, in school, someone else was telling you what to read, but at work, It was pretty much in charge of your own education. Lots of people suggested things to read. Lots of topics had lists of references that might help you learn. From schooling, You had learned—erronously—that you must read everything on every topic you wanted to learn.

不要閱讀一些看不懂的文章。在學校的時候,有人告訴你讀什麼,但在工作中,你必須自己去負責自己的教育。許多人建議事情要閱讀。許多主題都有可能幫助你學習的參考書目。從學校教育來看,你已經認識到了錯誤,你必須閱讀每一個你自己想要學習的話題的內容。降低你的期望。忘記你必須在WSJ速度閱讀挑戰中實現每分鐘數n個詞的目標。只要享受閱讀的行爲。慢慢讀 最重要的是要理解正在寫的內容。如果你每分鐘讀91個字,那就清楚地表明你正在理解你正在閱讀的很多東西。較低的閱讀速度是由於您無法一次理解而導致的迴歸。因此,你已經發展了理解的技能。
