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"a little" 和 "a bit" 的區別?帶你深入瞭解

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A little 和 a bit這兩個短語都可以表示“少量,有一點兒”的意思,在使用中常常容易混淆。接下來我們就一起看看這兩個短語應該如何使用吧~

"a little" 和 "a bit" 的區別?帶你深入瞭解

1.首先,a little 和 a bit都可表示“一點兒,少量”,可作狀語和定語,均可用來修飾比較級。例如:

He is a little(a bit) better today.


I want to drink a little(a bit of) water.


2.a little 和 a bit均可構成短語a little of 和 a bit of,用於修飾不可數名詞,但a little of 中的 of可以省略。比如:

A little (of) meat=a bit of meat


3.a little 和 a bit與否定詞not連用時,兩者的含義是不同的。Not a little 表示“非常”,等於“very”。not a bit則表示“根本不/一點也不”,等於“not at all”。例如:

He is not a little hungry.


He is nt a bit hungry.



se open the  window ____ .

a bit   a little

has one shoulder____ higher than the other.

a bit   a little

3.I feel not ____ tired,I need to have a rest.

a bit   a little

Add ____sugar to the cup of coffee.

a bit   a little

答案:a bit/a little;a bit/a little;a little;a little