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語言程序設計是一門基礎的程序設計語言,學好這門課對以後程序開發至關重要。由於C語言靈活、強大,初學者要全面地掌握它非常吃力,因此在學習C語言的過程中,但一定要熟練掌握C語言的流程控制語句、數組、函數、指針等基礎知識的應用,爲學習面向對象程序設計打下堅實的基礎。下面小編就爲大家來介紹下c語言的用法。  c語言的用法: abort  功 能: 異常終止一個進程  用 法: void abort(void);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  int main(void)  {  printf("Calling abort()n");  abort();  return 0; /* This is never reached */  }  c語言的用法: abs  功 能: 求整數的絕對值  用 法: int abs(int i);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <math.h>  int main(void)  {  int number = -1234;  printf("number: %d absolute value: %dn", number, abs(number));  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: absread, abswirte  功 能: 絕對磁盤扇區讀、寫數據  用 法: int absread(int drive, int nsects, int sectno, void *buffer);  int abswrite(int drive, int nsects, in tsectno, void *buffer);  程序例:  /* absread example */  #include <stdio.h>  #include <conio.h>  #include <process.h>  #include <dos.h>  int main(void)  {  int i, strt, ch_out, sector;  char buf[512];  printf("Insert a diskette into drive A and press any keyn");  getch();  sector = 0;  if (absread(0, 1, sector, &buf) != 0)  {  perror("Disk problem");  exit(1);  }  printf("Read OKn");  strt = 3;  for (i=0; i<80; i++)  {  ch_out = buf[strt+i];  putchar(ch_out);  }  printf("n");  return(0);  }  c語言的用法: access  功 能: 確定文件的訪問權限  用 法: int access(const char *filename, int amode);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <io.h>  int file_exists(char *filename);  int main(void)  {  printf("Does exist: %sn",  file_exists("") ? "YES" : "NO");  return 0;  }  int file_exists(char *filename)  {  return (access(filename, 0) == 0);  }  c語言的用法: acos  功 能: 反餘弦c語言的用法  用 法: double acos(double x);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <math.h>  int main(void)  {  double result;  double x = 0.5;  result = acos(x);  printf("The arc cosine of %lf is %lfn", x, result);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: allocmem  功 能: 分配DOS存儲段  用 法: int allocmem(unsigned size, unsigned *seg);  程序例:  #include <dos.h>  #include <alloc.h>  #include <stdio.h>  int main(void)  {  unsigned int size, segp;  int stat;  size = 64; /* (64 x 16) = 1024 bytes */  stat = allocmem(size, &segp);  if (stat == -1)  printf("Allocated memory at segment: %xn", segp);  else  printf("Failed: maximum number of paragraphs available is %un",  stat);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: arc  功 能: 畫一弧線  用 法: void far arc(int x, int y, int stangle, int endangle, int radius);  程序例:  #include <graphics.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <stdio.h>  #include <conio.h>  int main(void)  {  /* request auto detection */  int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;  int midx, midy;  int stangle = 45, endangle = 135;  int radius = 100;  /* initialize graphics and local variables */  initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");  /* read result of initialization */  errorcode = graphresult(); /* an error occurred */  if (errorcode != grOk)  {  printf("Graphics error: %sn", grapherrormsg(errorcode));  printf("Press any key to halt:");  getch();  exit(1); /* terminate with an error code */  }  midx = getmaxx() / 2;  midy = getmaxy() / 2;  setcolor(getmaxcolor());  /* draw arc */  arc(midx, midy, stangle, endangle, radius);  /* clean up */  getch();  closegraph();  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: asctime  功 能: 轉換日期和時間爲ASCII碼  用 法: char *asctime(const struct tm *tblock);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <string.h>  #include <time.h>  int main(void)  {  struct tm t;  char str[80];  /* sample loading of tm structure */  _sec = 1; /* Seconds */  _min = 30; /* Minutes */  _hour = 9; /* Hour */  _mday = 22; /* Day of the Month */  _mon = 11; /* Month */  _year = 56; /* Year - does not include century */  _wday = 4; /* Day of the week */  _yday = 0; /* Does not show in asctime */  _isdst = 0; /* Is Daylight SavTime; does not show in asctime */  /* converts structure to null terminated  string */  strcpy(str, asctime(&t));  printf("%sn", str);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: asin  功 能: 反正弦c語言的用法  用 法: double asin(double x);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <math.h>  int main(void)  {  double result;  double x = 0.5;  result = asin(x);  printf("The arc sin of %lf is %lfn", x, result);  return(0);  }  c語言的用法: assert  功 能: 測試一個條件並可能使程序終止  用 法: void assert(int test);  程序例:  #include <assert.h>  #include <stdio.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  struct ITEM {  int key;  int value;  };  /* add item to list, make sure list is not null */  void additem(struct ITEM *itemptr) {  assert(itemptr != NULL);  /* add item to list */  }  int main(void)  {  additem(NULL);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: atan  功 能: 反正切c語言的用法  用 法: double atan(double x);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <math.h>  int main(void)  {  double result;  double x = 0.5;  result = atan(x);  printf("The arc tangent of %lf is %lfn", x, result);  return(0);  }  c語言的用法: atan2  功 能: 計算Y/X的反正切值  用 法: double atan2(double y, double x);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <math.h>  int main(void)  {  double result;  double x = 90.0, y = 45.0;  result = atan2(y, x);  printf("The arc tangent ratio of %lf is %lfn", (y / x), result);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: atexit  功 能: 註冊終止c語言的用法  用 法: int atexit(atexit_t func);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  void exit_fn1(void)  {  printf("Exit function #1 calledn");  }  void exit_fn2(void)  {  printf("Exit function #2 calledn");  }  int main(void)  {  /* post exit function #1 */  atexit(exit_fn1);  /* post exit function #2 */  atexit(exit_fn2);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: atof  功 能: 把字符串轉換成浮點數  用 法: double atof(const char *nptr);  程序例:  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <stdio.h>  int main(void)  {  float f;  char *str = "12345.67";  f = atof(str);  printf("string = %s float = %fn", str, f);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: atoi  功 能: 把字符串轉換成長整型數  用 法: int atoi(const char *nptr);  程序例:  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <stdio.h>  int main(void)  {  int n;  char *str = "12345.67";  n = atoi(str);  printf("string = %s integer = %dn", str, n);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: atol  功 能: 把字符串轉換成長整型數  用 法: long atol(const char *nptr);  程序例:  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <stdio.h>  int main(void)  {  long l;  char *str = "98765432";  l = atol(lstr);  printf("string = %s integer = %ldn", str, l);  return(0);  }  c語言的用法: bar  功 能: 畫一個二維條形圖  用 法: void far bar(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);  程序例:  #include <graphics.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <stdio.h>  #include <conio.h>  int main(void)  {  /* request auto detection */  int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;  int midx, midy, i;  /* initialize graphics and local variables */  initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");  /* read result of initialization */  errorcode = graphresult();  if (errorcode != grOk) /* an error occurred */  {  printf("Graphics error: %sn", grapherrormsg(errorcode));  printf("Press any key to halt:");  getch();  exit(1); /* terminate with an error code */  }  midx = getmaxx() / 2;  midy = getmaxy() / 2;  /* loop through the fill patterns */  for (i=SOLID_FILL; i<USER_FILL; i++)  {  /* set the fill style */  setfillstyle(i, getmaxcolor());  /* draw the bar */  bar(midx-50, midy-50, midx+50,  midy+50);  getch();  }  /* clean up */  closegraph();  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: bar3d  功 能: 畫一個三維條形圖  用 法: void far bar3d(int left, int top, int right, int bottom,  int depth, int topflag);  程序例:  #include <graphics.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <stdio.h>  #include <conio.h>  int main(void)  {  /* request auto detection */  int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;  int midx, midy, i;  /* initialize graphics, local variables */  initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");  /* read result of initialization */  errorcode = graphresult();  if (errorcode != grOk) /* an error occurred */  {  printf("Graphics error: %sn", grapherrormsg(errorcode));  printf("Press any key to halt:");  getch();  exit(1); /* terminate with error code */  }  midx = getmaxx() / 2;  midy = getmaxy() / 2;  /* loop through the fill patterns */  for (i=EMPTY_FILL; i<USER_FILL; i++)  {  /* set the fill style */  setfillstyle(i, getmaxcolor());  /* draw the 3-d bar */  bar3d(midx-50, midy-50, midx+50, midy+50, 10, 1);  getch();  }  /* clean up */  closegraph();  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: bdos  功 能: DOS系統調用  用 法: int bdos(int dosfun, unsigned dosdx, unsigned dosal);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <dos.h>  /* Get current drive as 'A', 'B', ... */  char current_drive(void)  {  char curdrive;  /* Get current disk as 0, 1, ... */  curdrive = bdos(0x19, 0, 0);  return('A' + curdrive);  }  int main(void)  {  printf("The current drive is %c:n", current_drive());  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: bdosptr  功 能: DOS系統調用  用 法: int bdosptr(int dosfun, void *argument, unsigned dosal);  程序例:  #include <string.h>  #include <stdio.h>  #include <dir.h>  #include <dos.h>  #include <errno.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #define BUFLEN 80  int main(void)  {  char buffer[BUFLEN];  int test;  printf("Enter full pathname of a directoryn");  gets(buffer);  test = bdosptr(0x3B,buffer,0);  if(test)  {  printf("DOS error message: %dn", errno);  /* See errno.h for error listings */  exit (1);  }  getcwd(buffer, BUFLEN);  printf("The current directory is: %sn", buffer);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: bioscom  功 能: 串行I/O通信  用 法: int bioscom(int cmd, char abyte, int port);  程序例:  #include <bios.h>  #include <conio.h>  #define COM1 0  #define DATA_READY 0x100  #define TRUE 1  #define FALSE 0  #define SETTINGS ( 0x80 | 0x02 | 0x00 | 0x00)  int main(void)  {  int in, out, status, DONE = FALSE;  bioscom(0, SETTINGS, COM1);  cprintf("... BIOSCOM [ESC] to exit ...n");  while (!DONE)  {  status = bioscom(3, 0, COM1);  if (status & DATA_READY)  if ((out = bioscom(2, 0, COM1) & 0x7F) != 0)  putch(out);  if (kbhit())  {  if ((in = getch()) == 'x1B')  DONE = TRUE;  bioscom(1, in, COM1);  }  }  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: biosdisk  功 能: 軟硬盤I/O  用 法: int biosdisk(int cmd, int drive, int head, int track, int sector  int nsects, void *buffer);  程序例:  #include <bios.h>  #include <stdio.h>  int main(void)  {  int result;  char buffer[512];  printf("Testing to see if drive a: is readyn");  result = biosdisk(4,0,0,0,0,1,buffer);  result &= 0x02;  (result) ? (printf("Drive A: Readyn")) :  (printf("Drive A: Not Readyn"));  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: biosequip  功 能: 檢查設備  用 法: int biosequip(void);  程序例:  #include <bios.h>  #include <stdio.h>  int main(void)  {  int result;  char buffer[512];  printf("Testing to see if drive a: is readyn");  result = biosdisk(4,0,0,0,0,1,buffer);  result &= 0x02;  (result) ? (printf("Drive A: Readyn")) :  (printf("Drive A: Not Readyn"));  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: bioskey  功 能: 直接使用BIOS服務的鍵盤接口  用 法: int bioskey(int cmd);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <bios.h>  #include <ctype.h>  #define RIGHT 0x01  #define LEFT 0x02  #define CTRL 0x04  #define ALT 0x08  int main(void)  {  int key, modifiers;  /* function 1 returns 0 until a key is pressed */  while (bioskey(1) == 0);  /* function 0 returns the key that is waiting */  key = bioskey(0);  /* use function 2 to determine if shift keys were used */  modifiers = bioskey(2);  if (modifiers)  {  printf("[");  if (modifiers & RIGHT) printf("RIGHT");  if (modifiers & LEFT) printf("LEFT");  if (modifiers & CTRL) printf("CTRL");  if (modifiers & ALT) printf("ALT");  printf("]");  }  /* print out the character read */  if (isalnum(key & 0xFF))  printf("'%c'n", key);  else  printf("%#02xn", key);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: biosmemory  功 能: 返回存儲塊大小  用 法:int biosmemory(void);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <bios.h>  int main(void)  {  int memory_size;  memory_size = biosmemory(); /* returns value up to 640K */  printf("RAM size = %dKn",memory_size);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: biosprint  功 能: 直接使用BIOS服務的打印機I/O  用 法: int biosprint(int cmd, int byte, int port);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <conio.h>  #include <bios.h>  int main(void)  {  #define STATUS 2 /* printer status command */  #define PORTNUM 0 /* port number for LPT1 */  int status, abyte=0;  printf("Please turn off your printer. Press any key to continuen");  getch();  status = biosprint(STATUS, abyte, PORTNUM);  if (status & 0x01)  printf("Device time out.n");  if (status & 0x08)  printf("I/O error.n");  if (status & 0x10)  printf("Selected.n");  if (status & 0x20)  printf("Out of paper.n");  if (status & 0x40)  printf("Acknowledge.n");  if (status & 0x80)  printf("Not busy.n");  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: biostime  功 能: 讀取或設置BIOS時間  用 法: long biostime(int cmd, long newtime);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <bios.h>  #include <time.h>  #include <conio.h>  int main(void)  {  long bios_time;  clrscr();  cprintf("The number of clock ticks since midnight is:rn");  cprintf("The number of seconds since midnight is:rn");  cprintf("The number of minutes since midnight is:rn");  cprintf("The number of hours since midnight is:rn");  cprintf("rnPress any key to quit:");  while(!kbhit())  {  bios_time = biostime(0, 0L);  gotoxy(50, 1);  cprintf("%lu", bios_time);  gotoxy(50, 2);  cprintf("%.4f", bios_time / CLK_TCK);  gotoxy(50, 3);  cprintf("%.4f", bios_time / CLK_TCK / 60);  gotoxy(50, 4);  cprintf("%.4f", bios_time / CLK_TCK / 3600);  }  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: brk  功 能: 改變數據段空間分配  用 法: int brk(void *endds);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <alloc.h>  int main(void)  {  char *ptr;  printf("Changing allocation with brk()n");  ptr = malloc(1);  printf("Before brk() call: %lu bytes freen", coreleft());  brk(ptr+1000);  printf(" After brk() call: %lu bytes freen", coreleft());  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: bsearch  功 能: 二分法搜索  用 法: void *bsearch(const void *key, const void *base, size_t *nelem,  size_t width, int(*fcmp)(const void *, const *));  程序例:  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <stdio.h>  #define NELEMS(arr) (sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]))  int numarray[] = {123, 145, 512, 627, 800, 933};  int numeric (const int *p1, const int *p2)  {  return(*p1 - *p2);  }  int lookup(int key)  {  int *itemptr;  /* The cast of (int(*)(const void *,const void*))  is needed to avoid a type mismatch error at  compile time */  itemptr = bsearch (&key, numarray, NELEMS(numarray),  sizeof(int), (int(*)(const void *,const void *))numeric);  return (itemptr != NULL);  }  int main(void)  {  if (lookup(512))  printf("512 is in the table.n");  else  printf("512 isn't in the table.n");  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: cabs  功 能: 計算複數的絕對值  用 法: double cabs(struct complex z);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <math.h>  int main(void)  {  struct complex z;  double val;  z.x = 2.0;  z.y = 1.0;  val = cabs(z);  printf("The absolute value of %.2lfi %.2lfj is %.2lf", z.x, z.y, val);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: calloc  功 能: 分配主存儲器  用 法: void *calloc(size_t nelem, size_t elsize);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <alloc.h>  int main(void)  {  char *str = NULL;  /* allocate memory for string */  str = calloc(10, sizeof(char));  /* copy "Hello" into string */  strcpy(str, "Hello");  /* display string */  printf("String is %sn", str);  /* free memory */  free(str);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: ceil  功 能: 向上舍入  用 法: double ceil(double x);  程序例:  #include <math.h>  #include <stdio.h>  int main(void)  {  double number = 123.54;  double down, up;  down = floor(number);  up = ceil(number);  printf("original number %5.2lfn", number);  printf("number rounded down %5.2lfn", down);  printf("number rounded up %5.2lfn", up);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: cgets  功 能: 從控制檯讀字符串  用 法: char *cgets(char *str);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <conio.h>  int main(void)  {  char buffer[83];  char *p;  /* There's space for 80 characters plus the NULL terminator */  buffer[0] = 81;  printf("Input some chars:");  p = cgets(buffer);  printf("ncgets read %d characters: "%s"n", buffer[1], p);  printf("The returned pointer is %p, buffer[0] is at %pn", p, &buffer);  /* Leave room for 5 characters plus the NULL terminator */  buffer[0] = 6;  printf("Input some chars:");  p = cgets(buffer);  printf("ncgets read %d characters: "%s"n", buffer[1], p);  printf("The returned pointer is %p, buffer[0] is at %pn", p, &buffer);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: chdir  功 能: 改變工作目錄  用 法: int chdir(const char *path);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <dir.h>  char old_dir[MAXDIR];  char new_dir[MAXDIR];  int main(void)  {  if (getcurdir(0, old_dir))  {  perror("getcurdir()");  exit(1);  }  printf("Current directory is: %sn", old_dir);  if (chdir(""))  {  perror("chdir()");  exit(1);  }  if (getcurdir(0, new_dir))  {  perror("getcurdir()");  exit(1);  }  printf("Current directory is now: %sn", new_dir);  printf("nChanging back to orignal directory: %sn", old_dir);  if (chdir(old_dir))  {  perror("chdir()");  exit(1);  }  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: _chmod, chmod  功 能: 改變文件的訪問方式  用 法: int chmod(const char *filename, int permiss);  程序例:  #include <sysstat.h>  #include <stdio.h>  #include <io.h>  void make_read_only(char *filename);  int main(void)  {  make_read_only("");  make_read_only("");  return 0;  }  void make_read_only(char *filename)  {  int stat;  stat = chmod(filename, S_IREAD);  if (stat)  printf("Couldn't make %s read-onlyn", filename);  else  printf("Made %s read-onlyn", filename);  }  c語言的用法: chsize  功 能: 改變文件大小  用 法: int chsize(int handle, long size);  程序例:  #include <string.h>  #include <fcntl.h>  #include <io.h>  int main(void)  {  int handle;  char buf[11] = "0123456789";  /* create text file containing 10 bytes */  handle = open("", O_CREAT);  write(handle, buf, strlen(buf));  /* truncate the file to 5 bytes in size */  chsize(handle, 5);  /* close the file */  close(handle);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: circle  功 能: 在給定半徑以(x, y)爲圓心畫圓  用 法: void far circle(int x, int y, int radius);  程序例:  #include <graphics.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <stdio.h>  #include <conio.h>  int main(void)  {  /* request auto detection */  int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;  int midx, midy;  int radius = 100;  /* initialize graphics and local variables */  initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");  /* read result of initialization */  errorcode = graphresult();  if (errorcode != grOk) /* an error occurred */  {  printf("Graphics error: %sn", grapherrormsg(errorcode));  printf("Press any key to halt:");  getch();  exit(1); /* terminate with an error code */  }  midx = getmaxx() / 2;  midy = getmaxy() / 2;  setcolor(getmaxcolor());  /* draw the circle */  circle(midx, midy, radius);  /* clean up */  getch();  closegraph();  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: cleardevice  功 能: 清除圖形屏幕  用 法: void far cleardevice(void);  程序例:  #include <graphics.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <stdio.h>  #include <conio.h>  int main(void)  {  /* request auto detection */  int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;  int midx, midy;  /* initialize graphics and local variables */  initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");  /* read result of initialization */  errorcode = graphresult();  if (errorcode != grOk) /* an error occurred */  {  printf("Graphics error: %sn", grapherrormsg(errorcode));  printf("Press any key to halt:");  getch();  exit(1); /* terminate with an error code */  }  midx = getmaxx() / 2;  midy = getmaxy() / 2;  setcolor(getmaxcolor());  /* for centering screen messages */  settextjustify(CENTER_TEXT, CENTER_TEXT);  /* output a message to the screen */  outtextxy(midx, midy, "press any key to clear the screen:");  /* wait for a key */  getch();  /* clear the screen */  cleardevice();  /* output another message */  outtextxy(midx, midy, "press any key to quit:");  /* clean up */  getch();  closegraph();  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: clearerr  功 能: 復位錯誤標誌  用 法:void clearerr(FILE *stream);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  int main(void)  {  FILE *fp;  char ch;  /* open a file for writing */  fp = fopen("", "w");  /* force an error condition by attempting to read */  ch = fgetc(fp);  printf("%cn",ch);  if (ferror(fp))  {  /* display an error message */  printf("Error reading from n");  /* reset the error and EOF indicators */  clearerr(fp);  }  fclose(fp);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: clearviewport  功 能: 清除圖形視區  用 法: void far clearviewport(void);  程序例:  #include <graphics.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <stdio.h>  #include <conio.h>  #define CLIP_ON 1 /* activates clipping in viewport */  int main(void)  {  /* request auto detection */  int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;  int ht;  /* initialize graphics and local variables */  initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");  /* read result of initialization */  errorcode = graphresult();  if (errorcode != grOk) /* an error occurred */  {  printf("Graphics error: %sn", grapherrormsg(errorcode));  printf("Press any key to halt:");  getch();  exit(1); /* terminate with an error code */  }  setcolor(getmaxcolor());  ht = textheight("W");  /* message in default full-screen viewport */  outtextxy(0, 0, "* <-- (0, 0) in default viewport");  /* create a smaller viewport */  setviewport(50, 50, getmaxx()-50, getmaxy()-50, CLIP_ON);  /* display some messages */  outtextxy(0, 0, "* <-- (0, 0) in smaller viewport");  outtextxy(0, 2*ht, "Press any key to clear viewport:");  /* wait for a key */  getch();  /* clear the viewport */  clearviewport();  /* output another message */  outtextxy(0, 0, "Press any key to quit:");  /* clean up */  getch();  closegraph();  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: _close, close  功 能: 關閉文件句柄  用 法: int close(int handle);  程序例:  #include <string.h>  #include <stdio.h>  #include <fcntl.h>  #include <io.h>  main()  {  int handle;  char buf[11] = "0123456789";  /* create a file containing 10 bytes */  handle = open("", O_CREAT);  if (handle > -1)  {  write(handle, buf, strlen(buf));  /* close the file */  close(handle);  }  else  {  printf("Error opening filen");  }  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: clock  功 能: 確定處理器時間  用 法: clock_t clock(void);  程序例:  #include <time.h>  #include <stdio.h>  #include <dos.h>  int main(void)  {  clock_t start, end;  start = clock();  delay(2000);  end = clock();  printf("The time was: %fn", (end - start) / CLK_TCK);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: closegraph  功 能: 關閉圖形系統  用 法: void far closegraph(void);  程序例:  #include <graphics.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <stdio.h>  #include <conio.h>  int main(void)  {  /* request auto detection */  int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;  int x, y;  /* initialize graphics mode */  initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");  /* read result of initialization */  errorcode = graphresult();  if (errorcode != grOk) /* an error  occurred */  {  printf("Graphics error: %sn", grapherrormsg(errorcode));  printf("Press any key to halt:");  getch();  exit(1); /* terminate with an error code */  }  x = getmaxx() / 2;  y = getmaxy() / 2;  /* output a message */  settextjustify(CENTER_TEXT, CENTER_TEXT);  outtextxy(x, y, "Press a key to close the graphics system:");  /* wait for a key */  getch();  /* closes down the graphics system */  closegraph();  printf("We're now back in text mode.n");  printf("Press any key to halt:");  getch();  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: clreol  功 能: 在文本窗口中清除字符到行末  用 法: void clreol(void);  程序例:  #include <conio.h>  int main(void)  {  clrscr();  cprintf("The function CLREOL clears all characters from thern");  cprintf("cursor position to the end of the line within thern");  cprintf("current text window, without moving the cursor.rn");  cprintf("Press any key to continue . . .");  gotoxy(14, 4);  getch();  clreol();  getch();  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: clrscr  功 能: 清除文本模式窗口  用 法: void clrscr(void);  程序例:  #include <conio.h>  int main(void)  {  int i;  clrscr();  for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)  cprintf("%drn", i);  cprintf("rnPress any key to clear screen");  getch();  clrscr();  cprintf("The screen has been cleared!");  getch();  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: coreleft  功 能: 返回未使用內存的大小  用 法: unsigned coreleft(void);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <alloc.h>  int main(void)  {  printf("The difference between the highest allocated block andn");  printf("the top of the heap is: %lu bytesn", (unsigned long) coreleft());  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: cos  功 能: 餘弦c語言的用法  用 法: double cos(double x);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <math.h>  int main(void)  {  double result;  double x = 0.5;  result = cos(x);  printf("The cosine of %lf is %lfn", x, result);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: cosh  功 能: 雙曲餘弦c語言的用法  用 法: dluble cosh(double x);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <math.h>  int main(void)  {  double result;  double x = 0.5;  result = cosh(x);  printf("The hyperboic cosine of %lf is %lfn", x, result);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: country  功 能: 返回與國家有關的信息  用 法: struct COUNTRY *country(int countrycode, struct country *country);  程序例:  #include <dos.h>  #include <stdio.h>  #define USA 0  int main(void)  {  struct COUNTRY country_info;  country(USA, &country_info);  printf("The currency symbol for the USA is: %sn",  country__curr);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: cprintf  功 能: 送格式化輸出至屏幕  用 法: int cprintf(const char *format[, argument, ...]);  程序例:  #include <conio.h>  int main(void)  {  /* clear the screen */  clrscr();  /* create a text window */  window(10, 10, 80, 25);  /* output some text in the window */  cprintf("Hello worldrn");  /* wait for a key */  getch();  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: cputs  功 能: 寫字符到屏幕  用 法: void cputs(const char *string);  程序例:  #include <conio.h>  int main(void)  {  /* clear the screen */  clrscr();  /* create a text window */  window(10, 10, 80, 25);  /* output some text in the window */  cputs("This is within the windowrn");  /* wait for a key */  getch();  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: _creat creat  功 能: 創建一個新文件或重寫一個已存在的文件  用 法: int creat (const char *filename, int permiss);  程序例:  #include <sysstat.h>  #include <string.h>  #include <fcntl.h>  #include <io.h>  int main(void)  {  int handle;  char buf[11] = "0123456789";  /* change the default file mode from text to binary */  _fmode = O_BINARY;  /* create a binary file for reading and writing */  handle = creat("", S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);  /* write 10 bytes to the file */  write(handle, buf, strlen(buf));  /* close the file */  close(handle);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: creatnew  功 能: 創建一個新文件  用 法: int creatnew(const char *filename, int attrib);  程序例:  #include <string.h>  #include <stdio.h>  #include <errno.h>  #include <dos.h>  #include <io.h>  int main(void)  {  int handle;  char buf[11] = "0123456789";  /* attempt to create a file that doesn't already exist */  handle = creatnew("", 0);  if (handle == -1)  printf(" already exists.n");  else  {  printf(" successfully created.n");  write(handle, buf, strlen(buf));  close(handle);  }  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: creattemp  功 能: 創建一個新文件或重寫一個已存在的文件  用 法: int creattemp(const char *filename, int attrib);  程序例:  #include <string.h>  #include <stdio.h>  #include <io.h>  int main(void)  {  int handle;  char pathname[128];  strcpy(pathname, "");  /* create a unique file in the root directory */  handle = creattemp(pathname, 0);  printf("%s was the unique file created.n", pathname);  close(handle);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: cscanf  功 能: 從控制檯執行格式化輸入  用 法: int cscanf(char *format[,argument, ...]);  程序例:  #include <conio.h>  int main(void)  {  char string[80];  /* clear the screen */  clrscr();  /* Prompt the user for input */  cprintf("Enter a string with no spaces:");  /* read the input */  cscanf("%s", string);  /* display what was read */  cprintf("rnThe string entered is: %s", string);  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: ctime  功 能: 把日期和時間轉換爲字符串  用 法: char *ctime(const time_t *time);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <time.h>  int main(void)  {  time_t t;  time(&t);  printf("Today's date and time: %sn", ctime(&t));  return 0;  }  c語言的用法: ctrlbrk  功 能: 設置Ctrl-Break處理程序  用 法: void ctrlbrk(*fptr)(void);  程序例:  #include <stdio.h>  #include <dos.h>  #define ABORT 0  int c_break(void)  {  printf("Control-Break pressed. Program aborting ...n");  return (ABORT);  }  int main(void)  {  ctrlbrk(c_break);  for(;;)  {  printf("Looping... Press <Ctrl-Break> to quit:n");  }  return 0;  }