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美國習慣用語 第826:a case in point

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我一直很想周遊世界,瞭解各國文化,嚐遍各國美食,還能學習各個國家的語言。星期天我認識了一個新朋友,她的生活簡直就跟我夢寐以求的生活!她是一個外交官,所以每兩年她就能換一個新國家,體驗新鮮的風土人情。我真羨慕她!這也讓我想到一個習慣用語,那就是:a case in point.

美國習慣用語-第826:a case in point

我們知道,case是例子的意思,a case in point, 意思就是恰當的例子。我的外交官朋友過着我描述的夢想生活。It's a case in point. 再比如,我們全家性格都很內向,但是也有例外。My niece is a case in point. 我侄女就一個典型的例子。


例句-1:People assume that the super wealthy live extravagant lifestyles. But you can find exceptions. My cousin is a case in point. He's worth several million dollars. Still, he drives the same used car he's had for years, rents a modest apartment, and donates most of his money to charity.


這聽起來很像我認識的一個朋友耶!她也非常有錢,可是她認爲,成就感和美好的回憶比錢更重要。A case in point was her belief in living here and now,一個恰當的例子就是她相信要活在當下。夢想是重要的,但是也不能錯過享受眼前的時光。這對我們也是個提醒呢!



例句-2:It' true. I'm no fan of technology. Not only do I avoid computers and personal communications devices, but so do the characters in the short stories I write. My latest best-seller is a case in point. There are no references to e-mails, blogs, the Internet or even cell phones. How's that for an example of what I believe?


我們管這種人啊叫Luddite, 就是反對科技創新的人。A case in point was a man named Lud. 最恰當的例子就是一個叫Lud的人。他是19世紀早期的一名紡織工,曾經焚燬紡織機器,因爲他覺得這些機器威脅到了他的生計。這也就是Luddite, 反對科技創新者,這個詞的來歷。