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同學們好!又是一個美的清晨,開始我們愉快的一天,愉快的一課。這裏是《Faith口語課堂-天天學》,我是Faith老師。準備好了嗎?今天的快樂英語之旅就要開始了。 

首先,介紹一個短語;win-win situation: 雙贏局面
Is this a win-win situation? 不知道這算不算雙贏呢?
Can we create a win-win situation to make a deal? 我們能夠創造一種雙贏局面以便達成這筆交易嗎?
I hope it will be a win-win situation, but my mind is not at ease. 我希望雙贏,但心裏還是有些不踏實。

那麼,和“win-win situation”意思正好相反,“no-win situation”的意思是:輸定的局勢:He was trapped in a no-win situation. 他陷入必敗的處境。下面,來學學“和某事無關”用英語如何來表達呢:用這個動詞詞組“have /has nothing to do with…”, 在“with”後面放上沒關係的對象:
This has nothing to do with you. 這事與你無關。
I have nothing to do with that incident. 我跟那事毫無牽連
Tears have nothing to do with sadness. 眼淚和悲哀沒有關係。
These have nothing to do with Asian values. 這些和亞洲價值觀無關。

那麼,相反,和某事有點關係呢,就是:have/has something to do with…

Do you have something to do with this group? 你和那個集團有何關係?
Her success must have something to do with her diligence. 她的成功和她的勤勉一定有某些關係。
This has nothing to do with you, stay away!, Kidding, the progress of your English study must have something to do with your diligence.
