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1. lt is required that... 要求……. [主語從句使用虛擬語氣]

It is required that every student (should) attend the meeting this afternoon.

句型學口語:初級口語必會句型(part19) 第2張

2. It is said that... 據說…….

It is said that Liu Xiang will come to our city soon. 據說劉翔不久將來我市.

句型學口語:初級口語必會句型(part19) 第3張

3. It is thought that... 人們認爲…….

It is thought that man's ability to learn languages makes him different from the animals.

句型學口語:初級口語必會句型(part19) 第4張

4. It is (not) true that... ……(不)是真的.

It is true that city life is much more exciting than country life.

句型學口語:初級口語必會句型(part19) 第5張

5. It is (very) difficult to...……(非常)困難.

It is very difficult to foretell what the world will be like in the future.
很難預測將來的世界會怎樣. [ foretell v. 預言;預測]

句型學口語:初級口語必會句型(part19) 第6張

6. It's really a challenge for me to...……對我來說確實是一個挑戰.

It's really a challenge for me to take this job, and I think I will appreciate working with you.

句型學口語:初級口語必會句型(part19) 第7張

7. It is (very) useful to...……很有用.

It is very useful to recite English sentences and passages.

句型學口語:初級口語必會句型(part19) 第8張

8. It is/ was obvious/clear that... 很明顯…….

It is obvious / clear that she is terribly nervous on stage. 很明顯她在臺上非常緊張.

句型學口語:初級口語必會句型(part19) 第9張

9. It seems / seemed that... 好像…….似乎…….

It seemed that no one knew what had happened.似乎無人知道發生了什麼事.

句型學口語:初級口語必會句型(part19) 第10張

10. It sounds like ...…聽起來好像…….

It sounds like a good idea. 聽起來這主意不錯.