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英語口語每日一招 第68招:過去時(4) 打給銀行的電話 退貨

推薦人: 來源: 閱讀: 1.84W 次

1、 傳授祕訣,口語入門 come in, relax
Was the food good? 那個菜好吃嗎?
火車準時嗎?:Was the train on time?
班機延誤了嗎?:Was the plan delay?
比賽好看嗎?:Was the game fine?
會議結束了嗎?:Was the meeting over?
工作完成了嗎?:Was the work completed?
餐廳的人多嗎?:Was the restaurant crowded?
2、 電話英語一點通 English for the telephone.
First National Bank. 第一國民銀行。
I have a checking account with you. 我在你們這裏有一個活期的存款。
How can I help you? 有什麼事情嗎?
I need to see if check number 212 has cleared yet. 我想知道有一張212號的支票的錢是否被領走了。
What's your name and account number? 你的名字和帳號是什麼?
Union Bank. How can I be your service? 聯合銀行。有什麼事嗎?
I need to know how much money is in my account? 我想知道我的帳戶裏有多少錢?
I need to know your name and account number? 我需要知道你的名字和帳號。
Certainly. 當然
National Trust 國民信託銀行
My name is Alice Lin, and I need to know if some money has been transferred to my account yet.
我的名字叫Alice Lin,我想知道是否有錢轉入了我的帳戶。
Just one second, and I'll check. 稍等一下,我查看一下。
City Bank. This is Tom. May I help you? 花旗銀行,我是Tom,我能爲您做些什麼嗎?
I expecting some money wired to my account from Taiwan. Could you please check if the
money available yet.
Sure, may I have your name and account number please? 當然,我需要知道您的姓名和帳號。
3、 旅行英語一點通 Tourist English
This skirt is too tight. I could like to return it please. Do I need to go to the customer's service desk? 這條裙子太緊了,我想退貨。我需要去客服嗎?
I can help you with that. Do you still have your receipt. 我可以幫助你,你還保留着收據嗎?
I receive this as a birthday present, but the price tag is still on the skirt though. Will that be OK?
Oh, yes, that will help me a lot.恩,這樣可以省掉不少的麻煩
Do you have any more skirts in this style? I would like to find a size larger. 你們還有這個式樣的裙子嗎?我想買一個大一點的。
I think we're out of this skirt in this color. Do you want me to call another one of our store to see if it's available there?
That's all right. I'll just look for something else.
Well,your refund total is a 50 dollars. 你的退款總共是50美元。

英語口語每日一招 第68招:過去時(4) 打給銀行的電話 退貨