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留美老師帶你每日說英文 第533期:藝術作品的價值

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The value of their works lay precisely in preserving visual traditions, rather than in changing them. In the last few decades, works such as quilts, ceramics and wood carvings have become more prominently included in art history textbooks and displayed in museums alongside paintings and sculpture.

留美老師帶你每日說英文 第533期:藝術作品的價值


isely 精確地
precisely (adv.) 精確地
precise (adj.) 精準的
accurate (adj.) 準確
accuracy (n.) 準確性

erve 保藏、防腐
preserve (v.) 保藏、防腐
preservation (n.) 保護
conserve (v.) 保存
conservation (n.) 保存
conservative (adj.) 保守的
reserve (v.) 保留
reservation (n.) 訂位

al 視覺的
visual (adj.) 視覺的
visible (adj.) 可看見的

inent 凸起的
prominent (adj.) 凸起的
dominant (adj.) 主要的
permanent (adj.) 永久的

ude 包含
include (v.) 包含
inclusive (adj.) 包容的
exclude (v.) 排除在外
exclusive (adj.)

pture 雕像
sculpture (n.) 雕像
carving (n.) 雕刻品
craving (n.) 渴望