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學習與娛樂之間的平衡 The Balance Between Study and Amusement

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ing-bottom: 66.67%;">學習與娛樂之間的平衡 The Balance Between Study and Amusement
The stage of high school is so important for me that I focus a lot of energy on study. I am good at math and English while my weak subjects are biology and geography. In order to keep up with the top students, I study all the time. So my parents were so worried about me, they thought I was stressful. The more I studied, the heavier pressure I could feel. I talked to my close friends, then they asked me to hang out for fun with them for one day. We watched a movie and then went shopping happily, the most excited thing was to have buffet. We could eat what we wanted and then shared our secrets. The moment of forgetting annoyance made me felt so comfortable and easy. I need to find the balance of study and amusement.


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