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This post is in partnership with Entrepreneur. The article below was originally published at .


PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel is often known for his ability to understand what makes a company successful and for having some contrarian points of view. Following the sale of PayPal to eBay EBAY 0.14% in 2002, Thiel founded global hedge fund Clarium Capital Management, technology company Palantir and venture capital firm Founders Fund, which has invested in companies like Spotify, Oculus and SpaceX. Thiel was also Facebook’s first outside investor and currently sits on its board. Through his Thiel Foundation, four years ago, he created the Thiel Fellowship for up-and-coming entrepreneurs under 20, who are each given $100,000 and two years to eschew higher education and work on a venture of their choosing.

貝寶公司(PayPal)聯合創始人彼得o泰爾深知如何成功經營一家公司,並且因許多特立獨行的觀點而聞名於創投界。2002年將PayPal出售給易趣公司(eBay)之後,泰爾創建了全球對衝基金克萊瑞姆資本管理公司(Clarium Capital Management)、科技公司Palantir和風險投資公司創業者基金(Founders Fund),該基金投資的公司包括音樂平臺Spotify、虛擬現實公司Oculus和太空探索技術公司(SpaceX)。此外,泰爾也是Facebook第一位外部投資者,目前爲Facebook董事會成員。通過其泰爾基金會(Thiel Foundation),他在4年前設立了針對20歲以下優秀創業者的泰爾獎學金(Thiel Fellowship),有前途的創業者不用接受高等教育,即可獲得10萬美元和兩年的時間,從事自己選擇的事業。


Known for his strong opinions about hot-button topics like education, company culture and competition, Thiel has been in the news of late promoting his new book Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future, which he co-wrote with former student Blake Masters, and was based upon the notes that Masters took while taking Thiel’s computer science course at Stanford. The authors aim to rebuff the notion that innovation is dead and instead delve into how entrepreneurs can explore new technologies and create fresh inventions in current fields and “uncharted frontiers.” We caught up with Thiel to talk about the value of being naive and finding inspiration off the beaten track.

泰爾因其對教育、公司文化與競爭等熱門話題的強烈觀點而名聲在外,近期,他的新書《從零到一:對創業,以及如何構築未來的一點思考》(Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future)使他再次成爲媒體熱點。該書由泰爾和他之前的學生布萊克o馬斯特斯共同創作,主要內容爲馬斯特斯在斯坦福大學(Stanford)上泰爾的計算機科學課時記錄的筆記。兩位作者並不認同“創新已死”的觀點,他們在書中探討了創業者如何開發新技術,在當前領域和“未知的前沿”創造發明。我們對泰爾進行了採訪,邀請他談論了天真的價值,以及如何獨闢蹊徑,尋找靈感。

Q: Knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently when you were first starting up? How did you learn this lesson?


A:When I was starting out, I followed along the path that seemed to be marked out for me — from high school to college to law school to professional life. When I was working at a New York law firm, that path came to a dead end. All the aspiring lawyers on the outside wanted to get in but all of the people I worked with wanted to get out. It was like Alcatraz but all you had to do to escape was walk through the front door. So I left. And that experience helped me realize how many things in the world might be possible and valuable, yet ignored by most people, simply because they are not found on any conventional track.


Q: What do you think would have happened if you had had this knowledge then?


A:If I’d realized how arbitrary it was, I might have gotten off the track a lot sooner. I know I would have thought about it more carefully. But there’s no way to run the experiment twice.


Q: How do you think young entrepreneurs might benefit from this insight?


A:An entrepreneur must deal with more uncertainty than a professional with a well-defined role. Because of that uncertainty, there’s always a temptation to reach out for some kind of guide, whether it’s old business school case studies, or, more likely, the most recent moves of the firms that you perceive to be competitors. Reacting to them can at least give some idea of what to do. We’re so used to competing on tracks that entrepreneurs can quickly get caught up in incremental battles with each other, almost without realizing it. But defining yourself by a competitor means giving up the most important reason to be an entrepreneur: You can do something new in the world that won’t be done unless you are the one to do it.


Q: Besides inventing a time machine, how might they realize this wisdom sooner?


A:I don’t know. How to teach people to do what hasn’t been done is a great riddle. It’s because schools tend to breed a kind of process-oriented conformity that I started a fellowship for young people who want to learn by getting something done in the real world — precisely so they can begin charting their own path as early as possible.


I taught a class at Stanford for the same reason — because I wanted to tell students that they don’t have to accept the paths laid down by their schooling or by their competitors. But fundamentally it’s something people have to figure out for themselves.


Q: What are you glad you didn’t know then that you know now?


A:If I had known how hard it would be to do something new, particularly in the payments industry, I would never have started PayPal. That’s why nobody with long experience in banking had done it. You needed to be naive enough to think that new things could be done. And it turned out to be true: PayPal worked. But if I’d had more experience, I’m sure I would have shied away from the risk and done something much more boring. This is one of the reasons that young people can have a strange advantage in technology in that they haven’t yet been brainwashed into thinking that current methods are inevitable.


Q: What is your best advice for aspiring entrepreneurs?


A:The most important thing is simple: Start with a small market and dominate that first. Big markets are tempting because they seem full of opportunity but most of that opportunity will be for others to compete with you. Instead focus your ambition on a definitively superior solution to a specific problem.



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  • 2每日一句口語 第861期:任何時候,一個人都不應該做自己情緒的奴隸
  • 3韓語每日一句:如果一個人不能發現值得自己拼命的事情,那麼他就沒有活着的資格。
  • 4女人應該出去獨自旅行的6大理由大綱
  • 5日語每日一句:對自己不誠實的人,沒有資格得到他人的尊重。
  • 6英語每日一說:對外保持單身,一個男人就能讓自己成爲長期的大衆情人。所以,他們應該更小心。—Oscar Wilde
  • 7英語每日一說:我們應該關注那些在意自己和自己在意的人。
  • 8韓語每日一說:如果一個人不能發現值得自己拼命的事情,那麼他就沒有活着的資格。
  • 9心靈雞湯: 你應該爲自己感到驕傲的6個理由
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  • 11每日一句口語 第1263期:別把自己放在別人人生裏的一個你自己都不確定的位置
  • 12韓語每日一說:每個人往往都會經歷自己無法決定的一些事情,這時候我們可以做得就是決定應該怎麼做。
  • 13韓語每日一說:我可以一直做一件事情唯一的理由就是我確認我所做的是我所熱愛的事情。大家也應該尋找自己 熱愛的事情,正如去尋找自己所愛的人那樣。
  • 14韓語每日一句:每個人往往都會經歷自己無法決定的一些事情,這時候我們可以做得就是決定應該怎麼做。
  • 15每日一句泰語:“沒關係”這個詞 有人用它安慰自己 也有人用它欺騙自己
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