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美國加州槍擊案已致至少14人喪生 At least 14 dead in Californian shootings

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美國加州槍擊案已致至少14人喪生 At least 14 dead in Californian shootings

Federal and regional authorities in California were searching for a third suspect on Wednesday after at least 14 people were killed in San Bernardino at a centre that serves people with developmental disabilities, local police said.


At least another 17 people were wounded at the Inland Regional Center, which provides services for more than 30,200 individuals with disabilities in Riverside and San Bernardino counties.

這個名爲Inland Regional Center的服務中心,爲河濱市和聖貝納迪諾市超過3.02萬名殘障人士提供服務。在這次槍擊案中,至少還有17人在該中心受傷。

Police chased a dark SUV after witnesses said the suspects had fled the scene in the vehicle and were possibly wearing body armour or military style gear.


A San Bernardino police officer said at a press conference held at about 4pm local time, some hours after the shootings, that one suspect was “down”, a second was being “dealt with”, and that there may be a third who was still being pursued. One officer was hit during the shootout but had “non-life threatening” injuries.


A bomb unit was also inspecting devices found at the scene but it was unclear what the materials were, said San Bernardino police chief Jarrod Burguan.

聖貝納迪諾警官賈羅德伯古安(Jarrod Burguan)表示,拆彈部隊也在檢查現場發現的裝置,不過目前並不清楚這些東西是什麼。

David Bowdich, assistant in charge of the FBI office in Los Angeles, said it was not certain whether it could be deemed a terrorist incident. Mr Burguan said the motive was unclear but added that the suspects acted as if they were “on a mission.”

負責洛杉磯美國聯邦調查局(FBI)辦事處的助理戴維貟迪奇(David Bowdich)表示,目前並不確定是否可以把這次槍擊案視爲恐怖事件。伯古安表示兇手的動機仍不清楚,不過他補充說,嫌疑人的行爲方式似乎在“完成什麼任務”。

“They were prepared,” Mr Burguan said. “They came in with a purpose.”


There have been several mass shootings in the US this year that have prompted repeated calls by President Obama for tougher gun control laws.


“We have a pattern now of mass shootings in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in world,” he told CBS News, which was interviewing the president as news of the San Bernardino incident broke.

槍擊案發生時,CBS新聞(CBS News)正在採訪奧巴馬。他向該臺表示:“如今,在我們國家,大規模槍擊案已成了一種模式,一種在全球其他地方絕無僅有的模式。”

Just last weekend, President Obama said “we can’t let it become normal” after a shooting at a Planned Parenthood centre in Colorado on Friday that left three people dead and nine wounded.

就在上週末,奧巴馬還曾表示:“我們不能讓它常態化”。在之前的週五,科羅拉多州一個計劃生育(Planned Parenthood)中心曾發生一起槍擊案,導致3人死亡,9人受傷。

It took hours for police to clear the Inland Regional Center, which employs almost 670 people and works with children, adults and senior citizens, according to its Facebook page. The suspects were armed with long guns but no weapons were found at the scene, police said.

警方用了幾個小時的時間清理Inland Regional Center。根據該機構的Facebook網頁,該機構聘有近670人,接待的人員包括兒童、成人和老年人。警方表示,嫌疑人裝備有步槍,不過現場並未發現任何武器。

The shooting once again sparked debate over gun control laws, which Democrats have advocated but Republicans have opposed.


“We cannot allow ourselves to grow numb to gun violence or to feel powerless in the face of it,” Senate minority leader Harry Reid said in a tweet. “Gun violence has become a cancer on this nation. We must make common sense gun reforms that keep weapons out of dangerous hands.”

參議院少數黨領袖哈里里德(Harry Reid)在一條Twitter消息中表示:“我們不能允許自身對槍支暴力日漸麻木,或在其面前感覺軟弱無力。槍支暴力已成爲美國的癌症。開展槍支改革,確保武器不要落入危險的人手中,是我們必須取得的共識。”

Many Republicans declined to mention the gun control debate in their responses, and instead expressed sympathy for the victims.


“California shooting looks very bad,” Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump said. “Good luck to law enforcement and God bless. This is when our police are so appreciated!”

共和黨總統熱門候選人唐納德礠朗普(Donald Trump)表示:“加州槍擊案看起來非常糟糕。祝執法部門好運,願上帝保佑。這正是我們要如此感謝警方的一刻!”


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