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英國對敘利亞ISIS發動空襲 UK launches air strikes on Isis in Syria

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英國對敘利亞ISIS發動空襲 UK launches air strikes on Isis in Syria

Britain has launched air strikes against Isis extremists in Syria, hours after MPs overwhelmingly endorsed David Cameron’s plan to bomb what he called “medieval murderers”.

英國發動了對敘利亞“伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯蘭國”(ISIS)極端主義者的空襲。就在空襲幾個小時前,英國議會以壓倒性多數,通過了戴維慍蕓倫(David Cameron)提出的轟炸他所稱的“中世紀兇手”的計劃。

Tornado bombers took off early on Thursday from the RAF Akrotiri air base in Cyprus and made strikes on targets in Syria, news agencies reported, quoting government officials.

多家新聞機構援引政府官員的話稱,週四早間多架龍捲風轟炸機從位於塞浦路斯的皇家空軍阿克羅蒂裏基地(RAF Akrotiri)起飛,對敘利亞多個目標實施了轟炸。

After a day of high drama at Westminster on Wednesday, dozens of Labour MPs ignored their leader Jeremy Corbyn and backed military action. Britain has now joined France in a US-led coalition committed to attacking Isis in its heartlands.

週三,在英國議會上演一整天激動人心的大戲之後,數十名工黨(Labour)議員無視黨魁傑里米科爾賓(Jeremy Corbyn),爲實施軍事行動投下了贊同票。如今,英國已加入法國的行列,參加以美國爲首的聯盟,致力於在ISIS核心地帶對其開展轟炸。


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