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“Venezuela shows that socialism always fails” is perhaps one of the most common and least interesting reactions to the collapse of that country into economic and political chaos.


Without doubt, radical leftism accompanied by massive state intervention in the economy has a terrible record in Latin America, and indeed elsewhere — though whether that constitutes the entirety of “socialism”, given the prevalence of successful centre-left, self-styled socialist parties in western Europe, is highly tendentious.


More interesting is whether progressive redistributive governments can ever succeed in poor countries marked by deep inequality. This particularly applies to those rich in minerals and hence vulnerable to the “resource curse” that unbalances their economies and poisons their politics.


Venezuela shows what happens when it all goes wrong. Possession of the world’s largest proven oil reserves during the decade of high global hydrocarbon prices after 2005 gave the former president Hugo Chávez and his successor Nicolás Maduro plenty of rope to strangle their country. True, social spending increased, but money was sprayed around with huge inefficiency — and oil prices could not forever defy gravity.

委內瑞拉的例子表明在出錯的時候會發生什麼。在2005年後的十年裏,全球碳氫化合物價格保持高位,而委內瑞拉擁有世界上最豐富的已探明石油儲量,這讓前任總統烏戈?查韋斯(Hugo Chávez)及其繼任者尼古拉斯?馬杜羅(Nicolás Maduro)能夠爲所欲爲,窒息國家發展。沒錯,社會支出增加了,但資金配置極度缺乏效率,而油價不可能永遠漲上天。


Meanwhile, hundreds of companies were nationalised and often run into the ground by the regime’s cronies. Multiple exchange rates were used to dole out hard currency to favoured recipients, a currency black market flourished and the basic functioning of the economy collapsed.


Meanwhile Bolivia, another, much poorer, South American country, has shown that it is perfectly possible to use oil and gas revenue to achieve widescale redistribution. In the 11 years that Evo Morales has served as Bolivia’s president — and despite a similar line in frothy revolutionary rhetoric to Messrs Chávez and Maduro — he has managed to reduce the poverty rate in the country by a third while maintaining economic stability.

同時另一個更窮的南美國家玻利維亞的情況表明,利用石油和天然氣收入來實現全面再分配是完全有可能的。在埃沃?莫拉萊斯(Evo Morales)擔任玻利維亞總統的11年裏——儘管他所發表的空洞革命性言論中也有與查韋斯和馬杜羅類似的措辭——他成功地在保持經濟穩定的情況下讓該國的貧困率下降了三分之一。

Mr Morales must be one of the world’s few presidents who inveighs fervently against the iniquities of global capitalism while receiving regular plaudits from the International Monetary Fund. Like Mr Chávez, he has increased social spending, though not always efficiently. Unlike Venezuela, Bolivia has maintained fiscal buffers, cushioning public spending from falls in the oil and gas price.


Meanwhile, although the rest of the economy remains under-developed, Mr Morales’s government has been restrained in taking over private businesses, including those owned by foreign investors, and the currency has been pegged against the dollar at a reasonably competitive rate with free movement of capital.


The point is not that Mr Morales is a technocratic wizard who has come up with an unprecedented way of managing natural resources. He has simply been one of the few leaders who has — thus far — managed to stop a mineral-rich country becoming an all-out scramble for loot.


Botswana has performed a similar trick in sub-Saharan Africa using its diamond wealth, and kept it going for more than half a century. Whether this can endure in Bolivia is very unclear. There are serious reasons for concern about the political situation, including Mr Morales’s plans to ignore a referendum barring him from seeking a fourth term in office, and some high-profile instances of corruption.


But economically, there is no particular reason that Bolivia’s redistributive model, whether or not called socialism, must collapse. True, if low oil prices persist, there will have to be some retrenchment in government spending and Bolivia will need to find other sources of growth to continue the process of reducing poverty. But the buffers that have been built up means this can be done gradually.


Venezuela is what happens when a corrupt and thuggish socialist regime gets hold of oil revenues and then destroys the economy. But it does not follow that large-scale income redistribution in a natural resource state must necessarily end in disaster.
