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People with tattoos are more likely to be aggressive and rebellious than those without, a study has found.


Researchers at Anglia Ruskin University looked into whether the fact body art had become more mainstream in recent years - a trend influenced by the likes of footballer legend David Beckham and pop star Cheryl Fernandez-Versini - had affected traditional stereotypes.

受足球明星大衛·貝克漢姆(David Beckham)和流行歌手謝麗爾·費爾南德茲-維西尼(Cheryl Fernandez-Versini)等人的影響,人體藝術近年來變得更爲主流。英國安格利亞魯斯金大學(Anglia Ruskin University)的研究人員探查了這一潮流對傳統觀念的影響。


They found that tattooed individuals reported significantly higher levels of verbal aggression, anger and rebelliousness compared with non-tattooed adults.


professor Viren Swami, professor of social psychology at the university, said: "One explanation is that people who have higher reactive rebelliousness may respond to disappointing and frustrating events by getting tattooed.

該校的社會心理學教授維倫·斯瓦米(Viren Swami)說:“一種解釋是反應性叛逆程度較高的人可能通過紋身來回應令人失望和沮喪的事件。”

研究發現:紋身的人更具叛逆性和攻擊性 第2張

"That is, when these individuals experience a negative emotional event, they may be more likely to react by pursuing an act that is seen as defiant.


"The act of tattooing is perceived as rebellious, or more generally tattoos themselves can signify defiance or dissent."


She added that the study of 378 adults aged between 20 and 58 found that those with tattoos scored higher in terms of verbal aggression and anger.


研究發現:紋身的人更具叛逆性和攻擊性 第3張

"Although tattoos have now become commonplace in modern British society, our findings may have implications for understanding the reported associations between tattooing and risky behaviour among adults," she said.


The research, to be published in the next edition of the journal Body Image, also showed a correlation between the number of tattoos a person had and their levels of anger.

這項研究還表明紋身數量與個體憤怒程度間存在關聯。該研究將發表在下一期《Body Image》期刊上。