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3.1 be動詞的過去時

3.1.1 be動詞過去時的構成
肯定句:主語 + be動詞的過去式(was/were)...
否定句:主語 + be動詞的過去式(was/were) + not...
疑問句:be動詞的過去式(Was/Were) + 主語...?
疑問代詞/疑問副詞 + was/were + 主詞...?

3.1.2 be動詞過去時的肯定句
句型:主語 + was/were...
be動詞過去時由“主語 + be動詞的過去式(was/were) + 表語”構成:
I was here yesterday.昨天我在這裏。
We were hungry.我們當時餓了。
The concert was last night.音樂會在昨晚舉行。
The biggest problem was that we didn't have enough time.最大的問題是我們當時沒有足夠的時間。
There were some students on the campus.校園裏有一些學生。


【注意】 there is/are句型的一般過去時爲there was/were。

3.1.3 be動詞過去時的否定句
句型:主語 + was/were + not...
be動詞過去時的否定句結構是在be動詞過去式was/were後面加上not。否定式的was not,were not大多使用縮寫形式wasn't(讀作/′w znt/)和weren't(讀作/w nt/):
I was not here yesterday.昨天我不在這裏。
He wasn't busy the other day.前幾天他不忙。
There weren't any students in the classroom.教室裏一個學生也沒有。

3.1.4 be動詞過去時的一般疑問句
句型:Was/Were + 主語...?
回答方式:Yes,主語 + was/were...
No,主語 + wasn't/weren't...
Were you here yesterday? —Yes,I was.你昨天在這裏嗎? ——是,我在。
Was there any water in the river then? —Yes,there was./No,there wasn't.那時那條河裏有過水嗎? ——是的,有過。/不,沒有。
Were your parents pleased to hear about your new job? —Yes,they were./No,they weren't.你父母聽說你有了新工作後,他們高興嗎? ——是。/不是。

3.1.5 be動詞過去時的特殊疑問句
句型:疑問代詞(主語)/疑問限定詞的名詞詞組(主語) + was/were...?
疑問代詞/疑問副詞 + was/were + 主語...?
就主語提問時,將疑問代詞或帶有疑問限定詞的名詞詞組置於be動詞過去式was/were之前(was/were的第一個字母無需大寫),和一般疑問句差不多,在句尾加問號;這種語序是陳述句語序。就表語提問時,則以一個疑問代詞或疑問副詞開頭,之後是“be動詞過去式was/were + 主語”,在句尾加問號;這種語序是主語和謂語倒裝語序:
Who was here yesterday? —I was here yesterday.昨天誰在這裏? ——昨天我在這裏。(就主語提問)
How many people were present at the meeting? 參加會議的有多少人? (就主語提問)
How was your trip to London? 你倫敦之行過得怎樣? (就表語提問)
What was the weather like yesterday? —Yesterday it rained all day.昨天天氣怎樣? —昨天下了一天雨。(疑問代詞what就表語提問)
Where were you yesterday afternoon? —I was at home all after-noon.你昨天下午在哪兒? ——整個下午我都在家。(疑問副詞where就表語提問)