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       一般將來時的被動語態表示將來要發生的動作和存在的狀況且主語是動作的承受者。由shall/will be+done構成。



1、一般將來時態的被動語態的肯定式爲:shall/will+be+done。(shall用於第一人稱; will用於各種人稱)

如:We shall be punished if we break the rule. 如果我們違反規定,我們將要受到懲罰。

The new film will be shown next Thursday. 這部新電影將在下週四上映。

2、一般將來時態的被動語態的否定式爲:shall/will+not+be+done.(可縮寫成shan't 或won't)

如:The meeting won't be held tomorrow. 明天不再舉行會議

The exhibition won't be put off till next week. 展覽會將不會推遲到下週。


如:Won't water be turned into ice, if it is below freezing? 如果氣溫在冰點之下,水難道不會變成冰嗎?

—Will the work be finished at once? 這項工作會立刻被完成嗎?

—Yes, it will. ?是的,立刻就完成。


如:When will these books be published? 這些書將在什麼時候被出版?

Whom will this book be written by? 誰來寫這本書?


1、be going to be done:

如:Some old buildings are going to be put down. 一些舊的樓房將被推倒。

The problem isn't going to be discussed at the meeting tomorrow. 這個問題將不在明天的會議上被討論。

—Are these trees going to be cut down?這些樹將被砍倒嗎?

—Yes,they are. 是的,將被砍倒

2、be to be done:

如:The sports meeting is to be held on April 10. 運動會將於四月十日舉行。

The machines are not to be repaired tonight. 今晚將不會修理這些機器。

—Are new textbooks to be published next week?新教科書將在下週出版嗎?

—No, they aren't. 不,不是。



如:The new film will be shown next Thursday. 這部新電影將在下週四上映。

A lot of athletes will be invited to Beijing. 好多運動員將被邀請到北京來。


如:When the dam is completed, the Changjiang River will be controlled. 當大壩竣工時,長江將得到控制。

If I am given enough time, I will go to Japan for my holiday. 如果我有足夠的時間,我將去日本度假。


如:Heated to 100℃, water will be turned into steam. 加熱到100度時,水將會變成蒸氣。

If you speak in class, you will be punished. 如果你在課堂上講話,你將會被懲罰。