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請看下面一道題:The operation was successful, but I still felt _________.
A. very painful            B. much painful       C. a lot of pain          D. very paining
【分析】此題很容易誤選A,想當然地認爲 painful 表示“感到疼痛的”,而其實 painful 的實際意思卻是“使人感到疼痛的”、“使人感到痛苦的”,所以它通常只能用來說明事物,不宜用來說明人。所以此題應選C。又如:


Does it still feel painful? 它還疼嗎? My boots are still painful. 我的靴子仍夾得我的腳痛。He will never forget the painful experience for the rest of his life. 這一段痛苦的經歷,他永生難忘。上面一題的最佳答案爲C,pain 爲名詞,又如:Did you feel any pain? 你感覺痛嗎?
Where is the pain? 哪兒痛?

要用形容詞表示漢語的“感到疼痛的要AN>”,英語可用 pained。如:
We were all pained to hear of his death. 聽到他的死訊,我們都很痛苦。

He looked rather pained at your remarks. 聽了你的話他似乎很難受。


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