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Out of the following three things, which one would you prefer to regulate in order to improve your health? 以下三種方式中何種方式可以改善健康?(2012年11月2日)

1. The kind of food you eat 吃的食物

2. The amount of exercise 鍛鍊

3. The amount of stress in your life 生活的壓力





1. 規律運動可以增強人的免疫力和抵抗力,使人遠離疾病的困擾。例如,我的同學保羅大學期間規律地鍛鍊,很少感冒,相反,對於很多缺乏體育鍛煉之人,生病是常有之事。

2. 體育鍛煉,有建設地利用了時間,使人身心愉快,再也沒有無聊之感。健康使人精力充沛地應對事業的挑戰以及樂觀地實現家庭的和諧。


Do you agree or disagree with the statement:The food we ate in the past was healthier than the food today.



1. 在過去,人們種植水果,蔬菜,糧食的時候較少使用殺蟲劑。 對比的是,現在的食物,很多種植者為了提高產量,大量使用化肥農藥,因此,過去的食物比現在的食物更加健康。

2. 在現在,很多的飯店以及酒店的企業經營者為了非法地謀取暴利,使用過期的或者是劣質的食材,因此,很多食品是有害健康的。例如,很多小食店使用地溝油,而現代人工作忙碌,很多人的午飯都要訂餐,因此,現代人的飲食很難說健康。

3. 在過去,經濟發展不如現在,人們的收入不如現在,一個客觀的利好是人們較少有機會去快餐店,燒烤店,海鮮店消費,因此,客觀上,人們比較容易保持健康。同時,食品類(例如快餐)廣告也不如今天這樣普及,因此,人們更多選擇更加健康的家庭聚餐。


1. A is healthier than B …… 比…… 更加健康

2. A is more wholesome in comparison with B …… 比…… 更加健康

3. currently = nowadays = at present 現在

4. several decades ago = in the past 過去

5. keep fit = remain healthy 保持健康

6. ……is physically detrimental = …… is health-threatening …… …… 是有害健康的

7. food containing too much addictives 包含有太好新增劑的食品

8. fake and exaggerated food ads that promote the sales of unhealthy foods 促進了非健康食品銷量的不良廣告

9. Being presented with junk food stimulates our desire to consume them. 接觸到太多的垃圾食品激發了我們消費的渴望。

10. …… is low in nutritional value 營養價值低

點評:談及快餐 , 罐頭食品, 加工食品。

11. People can eat fresh fruits and vegetables that seldom suffer from the invasion of insecticides / pesticides 人們可以吃到很少受到殺蟲劑侵蝕的新鮮的水果蔬菜。

解析:insect (昆蟲) + cid(殺)+e = insecticide 殺蟲劑

12. Currently,crops are more likely to expose to the contamination from paper mills and chemical plants. 現在, 莊稼更有可能受到化工廠,造紙廠的汙染。

13. …… improve people’s health index 提高人的健康指數

14. strengthen one’s immune system 增強人的免疫力

15. Health enables us to brave career challenges energetically and harmonize family life optimistically. 健康使我們精力充沛地應對事業的挑戰以及樂觀地實現家庭和諧

16. greedy owners of food shops or avaricious bosses of resultants 貪婪的食品店業主或者貪婪的飯店老闆

17. desire to reap fabulous profits illegally 渴望去非法謀取暴利

18. use ingredients containing toxic contents 使用含有有毒的成分的食材

解析: ingredients 做飯的原料

19. canned food,take-away food 罐頭食品,熟食食品

20. the awareness of health management 健康管理的意識



People will feel happier if they have fewer possessions. 如果人們財產很少,人們更加幸福?







Do you agree or disagree with: Spending time alone is the best way to reduce the stress?是否同意獨處是最佳的緩解壓力的方式?


Which way would you like to take to improve your health?

Eat more healthy food

Do more exercises

Reduce stress by other ways




1. 參加群體性的體育活動(例證展開)

2. 和朋友們去旅行 (細節展開)


1. strain = stress = pressure n壓力

2. feel stressful adj感到壓力的

3. be under a pool of pressure v壓力很大

4. burn the mid-night oil v開夜車(為工作,學習)

5. work far into the night v 工作到深夜

6. strike a proper balance between rest and work v勞逸結合

7. People always believe that they will be less busy in the future than now,however,they are, sometimes, too occupied to relax for a while. 人們一直以為將來會比現在輕鬆, 然而,有時候,他們太忙碌,以至於不能稍微放鬆下。

點評:relax for a while 放鬆一下

點評:too……to…… 太……而不能……

8. A lot of modern people with demanding jobs need a proper way to relieve their pressure caused by tight working scheme. 很多現代人,工作極有挑戰性,因此,他們需要一種適當的方式緩解緊張工作引起的壓力。

點評:tight working scheme n緊張的工作計劃

9. Modern people are now under a pool of pressure ranging from pursuing academic excellence to sustaining the family to developing personal career. 現代人壓力很大,壓力來自追求學業,贍養家庭,發展事業。

詞彙:range from v 從……到……

10. Some people argue that to enjoy the happiness of solitude is the best way to get relaxed. 有人認為享受獨處的樂趣是放鬆的最佳方式。

11. In comparison with being alone, embarking on group physical exercises and travelling with friends deserve more praises in terms of reducing pressure. 對比獨處,從事群體性的體育鍛煉,和朋友旅行在緩解壓力方面更加值得推薦。

詞彙:in comparison with adv和……對比

點評:in terms of adv在……方面

12. …… is a good stress-reducer v ……是緩解壓力的有效方式

13. …… is an effective way to relax one’s body and ease one’s mind ……是放鬆身心的良好方式

14. …… in this way, one’s circle of friends grows v因此,人的朋友增多了

15. to enjoy the company of intimate friends v享受好友的陪伴

16. …… add color to one’s dull routine of everyday life v ……增加了人們枯燥瑣碎生活的樂趣

17. Spending time alone is merely a short-term stress relief. 獨處僅僅是短期的緩解方式。

點評:relief n.(痛苦,壓力等的)減輕

18. To climb the mountain with a group of like-minded friends over weekends is a superior approach to relax and entertain, which will increase one’s resilience over time. 在週末,和一群志同道合的好友一起爬山是更好的放鬆娛樂的方式,爬山運動可以增加人的樂觀情緒。(例證展開)

點評:increase one’s resilience over time v 隨著時間的推移,增加人的樂觀情緒。

19. Those who like to spend time alone, to large extent, tend to become socially inadequate and thus fail to establish good interpersonal relationship. 喜歡獨處的人,在很大程度上,易於變得社交方面力不從心,也很難建立良好的人脈資源。

點評:tend to become socially inadequate v容易變得社交方面力不從心 (推薦背誦)

20. Although to reduce pressure by being alone sounds appealing to some extent,I still enjoy the company of friends and group stress-reducing approach. 經管獨自緩解壓力在某種程度上聽起來有吸引力,但是我依然喜歡好友的陪伴以及群體性的緩壓方式。