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1. 記單詞的第一層次,get to know it。


constellation = con-stell-ation=con-很多,共同;stell=star=星星;ation-名詞字尾=星座

2. 第二層次,dating with it。


例如:book 書;預定

3. 第三層次,family member。

Hi, good morning. OK, fine, thanks.

經過本課程後你學到的單詞,就會成為你的family member。

學習方法:以點帶面;點-音形意;面-Linguistic skill; communicating clearly; culture focus。

age [eidʒ]

Everyday Expressions

n. 年齡;時代;壽命,使用年限;階段

時代 space age 太空時代 modern age 現代

vi. 成熟;變老

vt. 使成熟;使變老,使上年紀


aged 年老的

ageless 不老的,永恆的

Linguistic skills 常見搭配

come of age 成年

middle of age 中年

習語和俗語 idoms and Slangs

age before beauty 老人優先

communicating clearly

street talk

You are 27 years old. Act your age. Don't be such a baby.

Culture focus




sleepless seattle : All children are hideous at the age of eight.

1. action ['ækʃən]

Everyday Expressions

n. [C] 行動 (group action 團隊行動)

Now it's time to take action. (現在是該行動的時候了。)

n. [U] 情節

The action is set in Paris. (事情發生在巴黎。)

n. 戰鬥

( war 戰爭, battle 戰役, action戰鬥)

The action lasted five hours. (戰鬥持續了5 個)

n. 訴訟

She decided to take a legal action against him. (她決定起訴他。)


active (積極的); Take a active role in ; passive (消極的)

actionless (沒有行動的, 不行動的);

activate (v.啟用)


action movie (動作片; kongfu movie)

Kong fu movie (粵語)

Hong Kong(粵語)

常見搭配 Useful Phrase

軍事行動 --- military action (take military action against Iraq)

民事訴訟 --- a civil action (civil case 民事案件 civil law civil rights civil engineering 土木工程)

刑事訴訟 --- a criminal action

習語與俗語 Idioms & Slangs

Action! --- 開拍(導演用語

man of action --- 注重行動的人,實幹家

生活用語 Street Talks

If you guys are going to bet on the basketball game, I want a piece of the action. (算我一份)

I wanna be a part of the action.(我也想參與進來)

Action stations, everyone! (各就各位,大家準備好哦!)

電影對白 Transcripts


Linus: What does it tell you?

Sabrina: That's between you and the river.

Linus: You know it's funny listening to your talk. Makes me... Makes me wonder if I should...

Sabrina: What?

Linus: I don't know, something is different. I feel different. At work I don't... I love the action, but, sometimes I wonder, lately especially, been wondering what it would be like, to spend some time in a place that I love like that, not just a few days, but for a real change. Actually, I think I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, I just, um, I just didn't know it until, till you, uh...《情歸巴黎》

諺語 Proverbs

Actions speak louder than words.行動勝於語言。

Don't judge a man's actions at first sight; give them a second look.乍看難評人,再看認得清。

He is all talk and no action.他是個光說不練的人。