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Although thousands, even millions, of photographs were taken during World War II, only a handful ever became popular. But sometimes it's the little-known photographs that reveal to us the cruelty and uncertainty the war brought upon humanity.


Nazi Muslim Soldiers



The image above is that of German Nazi-era Muslim soldiers in prayer. They are from the German 13th Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS Handschar, a full Muslim division of the German army. The unit, which mostly consisted of Bosnian Muslims, was formed in March 1943 after Germany conquered Croatia, which included Bosnia-Herzegovina. The Bosnian Muslims were accepted into the Nazi ranks because of Heinrich Himmler's belief that the people of Croatia were of Aryan descent, not Slavic. The Nazis also believed that the new division would help them win the support of most Muslims around the world. In time, the division also included Croatian Roman Catholics, who formed 10 percent of its ranks.

上面的圖片是德國納粹時期的穆斯林士兵在祈禱。他們來自德國黨衛軍第十三“彎刀”武裝山地師(the German 13th Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS Handschar),是德軍一個完整的穆斯林分支。1943年,德國侵佔包括波黑(Bosnia-Herzegovina)在內的克羅埃西亞(Croatia)之後,組建了這支由波斯尼亞穆斯林組成的軍隊。因為海因裡希·希姆萊(Heinrich Himmler)堅信克羅埃西亞人是雅利安(Aryan)血統而不是斯拉夫(Slavic)血統,所以波斯尼亞穆斯林被收編進納粹隊伍。同時納粹也相信這支新的隊伍會幫他們贏得全世界大多數穆斯林的心。經過一段時間以後,克羅埃西亞羅馬天主教徒佔這支隊伍的10%。

The unit was Grand Mufti Hajj Amin al Husseni's initiative. Hajj Amin al Husseni had led a failed coup in Iraq and had been exiled to Italy and then Berlin, Germany, where he encouraged Bosnian Muslims to join the ranks of the German army. Husseni encouraged the killings of Jews in North Africa and Palestine. He also wanted the Luftwaffe to bomb Tel Aviv. After the war, Husseni fled to France, where he was arrested. He later escaped and fled to Egypt, where the Allies were discouraged from re-arresting him because of his status in the Arab world.

伊斯蘭宗教領袖大穆夫提(Grand Mufti)穆罕默德·阿明·侯賽尼(Hajj Amin al Husseni)最早提出要組建這支部隊。侯賽尼在伊拉克發動政變,失敗後流亡義大利和德國柏林。在柏林,他鼓動波斯尼亞穆斯林加入德軍,不僅提議滅絕北非和巴勒斯坦的猶太人,還慫恿納粹德國空軍空炸特拉維夫(Tel Aviv)。二戰之後,侯賽尼逃往法國但被捕,後又逃往埃及。由於這位伊斯蘭宗教領袖在阿拉伯國家享有很高的地位,所以他在埃及再次被捕使得穆斯林盟軍士氣大跌。

ing The Hair Of French Women


十幅引人注目的二戰照片(1) 第2張

After France was liberated toward the end of World War II, French citizens who had supported the invading German troops in any form were tracked down and had their heads forcefully shaved as a badge of dishonor. The photograph shown above is that of a woman whose head was being shaved in Montelimer, France, on August 29, 1944. As many as 20,000 French citizens had their heads shaved in public, the majority of which were women. The punishment was often carried out by locals or members of the French Resistance and was done everywhere from the homes of the victims to public squares in the presence of a cheering crowd.


During the same period, Germany also decreed that women who had sexual relations with non-Aryans or prisoners of war should have their heads shaved. Shaving the hair of women seen as fugitives didn't get its start during World War II—it's also recorded to have been done in Europe during the Middle Ages, when it was used as punishment for adulterous women.


ing A Flag Over The Reichstag


十幅引人注目的二戰照片(1) 第3張

Raising a flag over the Reichstag would have been the Russian equivalent of Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima except that it was staged, a fact which its photographer, Yevgeny Khaldei, confirmed. The photograph shows a young Russian soldier raising the Soviet flag over Berlin after the defeat of the German army.

這幅名為《國旗飄揚在柏林國會大廈之上》的照片是蘇聯版的《美國國旗插上硫磺島》,意義非凡。不過,該作品的攝像師葉甫蓋尼·哈爾岱(Yevgeny Khaldei)承認,那張照片是擺拍的。照片呈現的是德軍戰敗之後,一個年輕的蘇聯戰士在柏林國會大廈樓頂揮舞著蘇聯國旗。

Yevgeny Khaldei was in Moscow when the Soviet army overran Berlin, but he quickly left for Berlin on the orders of top Soviet officials, possibly Joseph Stalin himself. His orders were to produce images that depicted the Soviet victory in Germany. Yevgeny got to Berlin and inspected several locations, including Tempelhof Airport and the Brandenburg Gate, before settling for the Reichstag building. Yevgeny took 36 different shots of the scene, which was to be used for Soviet propaganda. Interestingly, a Soviet army unit had initially hoisted its flag on the building not long after the town was captured, but that scenario had gone unrecorded.

蘇聯軍隊攻克柏林時,葉甫蓋尼·哈爾岱還在莫斯科(Moscow),不過,他很快接到高層,可能就是約瑟夫·斯大林(Joseph Stalin)本人下達的命令,要求他馬上前往柏林拍下蘇聯大勝的景象。在拍攝柏林國會大廈之前,葉甫蓋尼考查了柏林多處戰場,包括滕珀爾霍夫機場(Tempelhof Airport)和勃蘭登堡門(Brandenburg Gate)。他總共拍攝了36張不同的場景的照片,準備為蘇聯宣傳機構所用。有意思的是,一支蘇聯隊伍在攻克柏林不久後就在國會大廈升起了蘇聯國旗,可惜這場景沒被記錄下來。

審稿:Freya然 校對:CMX