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职场社交英语 Lesson 16:我不敢居功

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职场社交英语 Lesson 16:我不敢居功

SCENE② A 艾文与玛莉在意式浓缩咖啡前出现

职场社交英语 Lesson 16:我不敢居功


Mary: Are you Elvin?

玛莉: 你是艾文吗?

Elvin: Elvin Dixon. Who are you?

艾文: 艾文迪克森。你是谁?

Mary: I'm Mary. I want to say I really 1) admire the software you're designed.

玛莉: 我是玛莉。我真的很欣赏你设计的软件。

Elvin: Easy stuff. But thanks. And the 1)admiration is 2) mutual.

艾文: 简单的玩意。不过还是谢了。这份欣赏是彼此彼此。

Mary: It is?

玛莉: 真的?

Elvin: You're selling InfoKing 3) subscriptions like nobody's business. And we don't even have a working 4) demo yet.

艾文: 你把“资讯王”的订阅卖得如入无人之境。 而我们甚至连能用的样品都还没着落呢。

Mary: I can't take the credit for that. I'm just Zina's assistant. She's the 5) pro.

玛莉: 我不敢居功。我只是吉娜的助手。她才是高手。


A: Here's a demo of our product.


B: Thank you. I'll take a look at it and get back in touch with you.


【like nobody's business 如入无人之境】

like nobody's business可以用来表达“无人能出其右”,形容此人相当有一手:

A: They play the blues like nobody's business.


B: I have to go and see them.


【take the credit居功】

credit是“功劳,赞扬”的意思,take the credit就是指“因为功劳而接受赞扬”,可以用在正面的“居功”。

A: Josh, you are amazing!


B: I can't take the credit for this job. We all worked hard on it.


1) admire (v.) 仰慕,钦羡;名词是admiration

2) mutual (a.) 互相的

3) subscription (n.) 订阅

4) demo (n.) (商品的)样品,demonstration的略缩。

5) pro (n.) 专家,系professional 的略缩