
首页 > 口语英语 > 英语突破情景对话 > 茶话会第434期:北京人为什么牛


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今天的节目一开始,我想讲段子。生活中我是一个比较会讲冷笑话(bad joke)的人。不妨让大家来感受一下:有人问我北京人为什么这么牛X,我默默深吸了一口气、笑着看了看他。他不服、学我他也深吸了一口气、享年25岁。这是在微信朋友圈看到的,我知道大家其实并没有听懂。这个小段子其实映射的是北京的雾霾,因为深吸了一口气、享年25岁。When the pollution gets really serious, I can't even see the buildings next to me. 雾霾太严重了,附近的建筑都看不清了。在今天的节目中,就跟大家分享一下关于雾霾的英文表达。


1. The smog is severe!
雾霾太严重了Smog就是雾的意思。Black smog reduced visibility to about fifty yards. 黑色的烟雾使能见度降到大约五十码左右。Reduce to 下降到。能见度就是visibility,同时呢这个词的形容词形式就是visible可见的。说雾霾太严重了,太severe了。Severe就是严重的意思。There is a severe shortage of fuel. 燃料严重短缺。Severe还有严厉的意思,比如说:We must be severe with ourselves and lenient with others. 我们必须严于律己宽以待人。这八个字也是我的信条之一:严于律己宽以待人-be severe with ourselves and lenient with others.

2. I'm very Concerned about my son's health. If the air pollution stays like this, he won't ever be able to leave the house.
我很担心我儿子的健康。如果空气质量一直这么差的话,他就不能去外面玩。Concern about,担心的意思,concerned about my son's health-担心儿子的健康。Because of the air pollution,原因就是空气污染air pollution。Be able to do sth.--可以去做某事。比如:Will your be able to finish the work come the end of this year? 今年年底来到时,你能够完成工作吗?Will or will not, that is really a question.由于雾霾天气,妈妈担心儿子的健康,因为如果空气质量一直这么差的话,他就不能去外面玩:I'm very concerned about my son's health. If the air pollution stays like this, he won't ever be able to leave the house.

3. Strong cold air is in the forecast to blow away the smog.
天气预报说有强冷空气要来吹散雾霾了。好消息。天气预报是the weather forecast。 Blow away,blow是吹的意思,那blow away就是吹走、刮走。Blow away the smog吹散雾霾。Blow away还有一个意思,是什么呢?Nancy blew away the rest of the skaters. 南希战胜了其他的滑冰运动员。Blow away在这里其实是打败的意思。下一个例句:The loud noise from the concert blew me away. 演唱会的歌声把我给征服了。再详细点儿,这个blow away就是(to excite a person very much, to cause someone great pleasure or surprise. 使某人兴奋起来,给某人带来快乐或者惊喜。

雾霾是一个让人挺烦心的天气。我们关注着天气的变化,希望身体一直都会是健康的。节目中播放的这首歌曲是《Starry Starry Night》。既然我们谈论天气,那特地选了这一首美美的歌曲。Starry starry night, flaming flowers that brightly blaze, swirling clouds in violet haze, reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue. 繁星点点的夜晚,绚烂如火怒放的鲜花,紫罗兰色迷雾中旋转着的云团,都投影在文森特青瓷般藏蓝的眼睛中。非常非常美的歌词,也充满着文艺气息,有着梵高的背景。今天的节目就在这样的美好中收尾吧,祝福各位每天拥有好心情。