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IT RAINED FOR four years, eleven months, and two days. There were periods of drizzle during which everyone put on his full dress and a convalescent look to celebrate the clearing, but the people soon grew accustomed to interpret the pauses as a sign of redoubled rain. The sky crumbled into a set of destructive storms and out of the north came hurricanes that scattered roofs about and knocked down walls and uprooted every last plant of the banana groves. Just as during the insomnia plague, as ?rsula came to remember during those days, the calamity itself inspired defenses against boredom. Aureliano Segundo was one of those who worked hardest not to be conquered by idleness. He had gone home for some minor matter on the night that Mr. Brown unleashed the storm, and Fernanda tried to help him with a half-blown-out umbrella that she found in a closet. “I don’t need it,?he said. “I’ll stay until it clears.?That was not, of course, an ironclad promise, but he would accomplish it literally. Since his clothes were at Petra Cotes’s, every three days he would take off what he had on and wait in his shorts until they washed. In order not to become bored, he dedicated himself to the task of repairing the many things that needed fixing in the house. He adjusted hinges, oiled locks, screwed knockers tight, and planed doorjambs. For several months he was seen wandering about with a toolbox that the gypsies must have left behind in Jos?Arcadio Buendía’s days, and no one knew whether because of the involuntary exercise, the winter tedium or the imposed abstinence, but his belly was deflating little by little like a wineskin and his face of a beatific tortoise was becoming less bloodshot and his double chin less prominent until he became less pachydermic all over and was able to tie his own shoes again. Watching him putting in latches and repairing clocks, Fernanda wondered whether or not he too might be falling into the vice of building so that he could take apart like Colonel Aureliano Buendía and his little gold fishes,Amaranta and her shroud and her buttons, Jos?Arcadio and the parchments, and ?rsula and her memories. But that was not the case. The worst part was that the rain was affecting everything and the driest of machines would have flowers popping out among their gears if they were not oiled every three days, and the threads in brocades rusted, and wet clothing would break out in a rash of saffron-colored moss. The air was so damp that fish could have come in through the doors and swum out the windows, floating through the atmosphere in the rooms. One morning ?rsula woke up feeling that she was reaching her end in a placid swoon and she had already asked them to take her to Father Antonio Isabel, even if it had to be on a stretcher, when Santa Sofía de la Piedad discovered that her back was paved with leeches. She took them off one by one, crushing them with a firebrand before they bled her to death. It was necessary to dig canals to get the water out of the house and rid it of the frogs and snails so that they could dry the floors and take the bricks from under the bedposts and walk in shoes once more. Occupied with the many small details that called for his attention, Aureliano Segundo did not realize that he was getting old until one afternoon when he found himself contemplating the premature dusk from a rocking chair and thinking about Petra Cotes without quivering. There would have been no problem in going back to Fernanda’s insipid love, because her beauty had become solemn with age, but the rain had spared him from all emergencies of passion and had filled him with the spongy serenity of a lack of appetite. He amused himself thinking about the things that he could have done in other times with that rain which had already lasted a year. He had been one of the first to bring zinc sheets to Macondo, much earlier than their popularization by the banana company, simply to roof Petra Cotes’s bedroom with them and to take pleasure in the feeling of deep intimacy that the sprinkling of the rain produced at that even those wild memories of his mad youth left him unmoved, just as during his last debauch he had exhausted his quota of salaciousness and all he had left was the marvelous gift of being able to remember it without bitterness or repentance. It might have been thought that the deluge had given him the opportunity to sit and reflect and that the business of the pliers and the oilcan had awakened in him the tardy yearning of so many useful trades that he might have followed in his life and did not; but neither case was true, because the temptation of a sedentary domesticity that was besieging him was not the result of any rediscovery or moral lesion. it came from much farther off, unearthed by the rain’s pitchfork from the days when in Melquíades?room he would read the prodigious fables about flying carpets and whales that fed on entire ships and their crews. It was during those days that in a moment of carelessness little Aureliano appeared on the porch and his grandfather recognized the secret of his identity. He cut his hair, dressed him taught him not to be afraid of people, and very soon it was evident that he was a legitimate Aureliano Buendía, with his high cheekbones, his startled look, and his solitary air. It was a relief for Fernanda. For some time she had measured the extent of her pridefulness, but she could not find any way to remedy it because the more she thought of solutions the less rational they seemed to her. If she had known that Aureliano Segundo was going to take things the way he did, with the fine pleasure of a grandfather, she would not have taken so many turns or got so mixed up, but would have freed herself from mortification the year before Amaranta ?rsula, who already had her second teeth, thought of her nephew as a scurrying toy who was a consolation for the tedium of the rain. Aureliano Segundo remembered then the English encyclopedia that no one had since touched in Meme’s old room. He began to show the children the pictures, especially those of animals, and later on the mapsand photographs of remote countries and famous people. Since he did not know any English and could identify only the most famous cities and people, he would invent names and legends to satisfy the children’s insatiable curiosity.
Fernanda really believed that her husband was waiting for it to clear to return to his concubine. During the first months of the rain she was afraid that he would try to slip into her bedroom and that she would have to undergo the shame of revealing to him that she was incapable of reconciliation since the birth of Amaranta ?rsula. That was the reason for her anxious correspondence with the invisible doctors, interrupted by frequent disasters of the mail. During the first months when it was learned that the trains were jumping their tracks in the rain, a letter from the invisible doctors told her that hers were not arriving. Later on, when contact with the unknown correspondents was broken, she had seriously thought of putting on the tiger mask that her husband had worn in the bloody carnival and having herself examined under a fictitious name by the banana company doctors. But one of the many people who regularly brought unpleasant news of the deluge had told her that the company was dismantling its dispensaries to move them to where it was not raining. Then she gave up hope. She resigned herself to waiting until the rain stopped and the mail service was back to normal, and in the meantime she sought relief from her secret ailments with recourse to her imagination, because she would rather have died than put herself in the hands of the only doctor left in Macondo, the extravagant Frenchman who ate grass like a donkey. She drew close to ?rsula, trusting that she would know of some palliative for her attacks. But her twisted habit of not calling things by their names made her put first things last and use “expelled?for “gave birth?and “burning?for “flow?so that it would all be less shameful, with the result that ?rsula reached the reasonable conclusion that her trouble was intestinal rather than uterine, and she advised her to take a dose of calomel on an empty stomach. If it had not been for that suffering, which would have had nothing shameful about it for someone who did not suffer as well from shamefulness, and if it had not been for the loss of the letters, the rain would not have bothered Fernanda, because, after all, her whole life had been spent as if it had been raining. She did not change her schedule or modify her ritual. When the table was still raised up on bricks and the chairs put on planks so that those at the table would not get their feet wet, she still served with linen tablecloths and fine chinaware and with lighted candles, because she felt that the calamities should not be used as a pretext for any relaxation in customs. No one went out into the street any more. If it had depended on Fernanda, they would never have done so, not only since it started raining but since long before that, because she felt that doors had been invented to stay closed and that curiosity for what was going on in the street was a matter for harlots. Yet she was the first one to look out when they were told that the funeral procession for Colonel Gerineldo Márquez was passing by and even though she only watched it through the half-opened window it left her in such a state of affliction that for a long time she repented in her weakness.
She could not have conceived of a more desolate cortege. They had put the coffin in an oxcart over which they built a canopy of banana leaves, but the pressure of the rain was so intense and the streets so muddy that with every step the wheels got stuck and the covering was on the verge of falling apart. The streams of sad water that fell on the coffin were soaking the flag that had been placed on top which was actually the flag stained with blood and gunpowder that had been rejected by more honorable veterans. On the coffin they had also placed the saber with tassels of silver and copper, the same one that Colonel Gerineldo Márquez used to hang on the coat rack in order to go into Amaranta’s sewing room unarmed. Behind the cart, some barefoot and all of them with their pants rolled up, splashing in the mud were the last survivors of the surrender at Neerlandia carrying a drover’s staff in one hand and in the other a wreath of paper flowers that had become discolored in the rain. They appeared like an unreal vision along the street which still bore the name of Colonel Aureliano Buendía and they all looked at the house as they passed and turned the corner at the square, where they had to ask for help to move the cart, which was stuck. ?rsula had herself carried to the door by Santa Sofía de la Piedad. She followed the difficulties of the procession with such attention that no one doubted that she was seeing it, especially because her raised hand of an archangelic messenger was moving with the swaying of the cart.


雨,下了四年十一個月零兩夭。有時,它彷彿停息了,居民們就象久病初愈那樣滿臉笑容,穿上整齊的衣服,準備慶祝睛天的來臨;但在這樣的間隙之後,雨卻更猛,大家很快也就習慣了。隆隆的雷聲響徹了天空,狂烈的北風向馬孔多襲來,掀開了屋頂,颳倒了牆垣,連根拔起了種植園最後剩下的幾棵香蕉樹。但是,猶如烏蘇娜這些日子經常想起的失眠症流行時期那樣,災難本身也能對付苦悶。在跟無所事事進行鬥爭的人當中,奧雷連諾第二是最頑強的一個。那天晚上,為了一點兒小事,他順便來到菲蘭達家裏,正巧碰上了布勞恩先生話説不吉利招來的狂風暴雨。菲蘭達在壁櫥裏找到一把破傘,打算拿給丈夫。“用不着雨傘,”奧雷連諾第二説。“我要在這兒等到雨停。”當然,這句話不能認為是不可違背的誓言,然而奧雷連諾第二打算堅決履行自己的諾言,他的衣服是在佩特娜·柯特家裏的,每三天他都脱下身上的衣服。光是穿着短褲,等着把衣服洗乾淨。他怕閒得無聊,開始修理家中需要修理的許多東西。他配好了門上的鉸鏈,在鎖上塗了油,擰緊了門閂的螺釘,矯正了房門的側柱。在幾個月中都可以看見,他腋下挾着一個工具箱(這個工具箱大概是霍·阿·布恩蒂亞在世時吉卜賽人留下的),在房子裏忙未忙去,誰也不知道怎麼回事——由於體力勞動呢,還是由於極度的憂悶,或者由於不得不節慾——他的肚子逐漸癟了,象個空扁的皮酒囊;他那大烏龜似的傻里傻氣的嘴臉,失去了原來的紫紅色;雙下巴也消失了;奧雷連諾第二終於瘦得那麼厲害,能夠自個兒繫鞋帶了。看見他一鼓作氣地修理門閂,拆散掛鐘,菲蘭達就懷疑丈夫是否也染上了瞎折騰的惡習,象奧雷連諾上校做他的金魚,象阿瑪蘭塔縫她的鈕釦和殮衣,象霍·阿卡蒂奧第二看他的羊皮紙手稿,象烏蘇娜反覆嘮叨她的往事。但是事情並非如此。原因只是暴雨把一切都攪亂了,甚至不會孕育的機器,如果三天不擦一次油,齒輪之間也會開出花朵;錦緞繡品的絲絨也會生鏽;濕衣服也會長出番紅花顏色的水草。空氣充滿了水分,魚兒可以經過敞開的房門鑽進屋子,穿過房間,游出窗子。有一天早晨烏蘇娜醒來,感到非常虛弱——臨終的預兆——,本來已經要求把她放上擔架,抬到安東尼奧·伊薩貝爾神父那兒去,可是聖索菲婭。 德拉佩德立即發現,老太婆的整個背上都佈滿了水蛭。她就用一根燃燒着的木頭燒灼它們,把它們一個一個地除掉,免得它們吸乾烏蘇娜最後剩下的血。這就不得不挖一條水溝,排出屋裏的水,消除屋裏的癩蛤模和蝸牛,然後才能弄乾地面,搬走牀腳下面的磚頭,穿着鞋子走動。奧雷連諾第二忙於許多需要他注意的小事,沒有察覺自己漸漸老了,可是有一天晚上,他一動動地坐在搖椅裏,望着早臨的夜色,想着佩特娜。 柯特,雖未感到任何激動,卻突然覺得自己老了。看來,沒有什麼妨礙他回到菲蘭達索然寡昧的懷抱(她雖上了年紀,姿容倒更煥發了),可是雨水沖掉了他的一切慾望,使他象個吃得過飽的人那樣平平靜靜。從前,在這種延續整整一年的雨中,他是什麼都幹得出來的,他一想到此就不禁一笑。在香蕉公司推廣鋅板屋頂之前很久,他是第一個把鋅板帶到馬孔多的。他把它們弄來,就是為了給佩特娜·柯特蓋屋頂,因為聽到雨水澆到屋頂的響聲,他就覺得跟她親親熱熱特別舒服。然而,即使憶起青年時代那些荒唐怪誕的事兒,奧雷連諾第二也無動於衷,好象他在最後一次放蕩時已經發泄完了自己的情慾,現在想起過去的快活就沒有苦惱和懊悔了。乍一看來,雨終於使他能夠安靜地坐“下來,悠閒地左右思量,但是裝着注油器和平口鉗的箱子卻使他過遲地想到了那些有益的事情,那些事情是他能做而未做的。但是情況並不如此。奧雷連諾第二喜歡舒適的家庭生活,既不是由於回憶起往事,也不是由於痛苦的生活經歷。他對家庭生活的喜愛是在雨中產生的,是很久以前的童年時代產生的,當時他曾在梅爾加德斯的房間裏閲讀神話故事,那些故事談到了飛毯,談到了吞下整隻整隻輪船和乘員的鯨魚。有一天,因為菲蘭達的疏忽,小奧雷連諾溜到了氏廊上。奧雷連諾第二立即認出這小孩兒是他的孫子。他給他理髮,幫他穿衣服。叫他不要怕人;不久之後,誰也不懷疑這是布恩蒂亞家中合法的孩子了,他具有這家人的共同特點:突出的顴骨,驚異的眼神,孤僻的模樣兒。菲蘭達從此也就放心了。她早就想剋制驕做,可是不知道怎麼辦才好,因為她越考慮解決辦法,就越覺得這些辦法不合適。如果她知道奧雷連諾第二會用祖父的寬厚態度對待意外的孫子,她就不會採取各種搪塞和拖延的花招,一年前就會放棄把親骨肉弄死的打算了。這時,阿瑪蘭塔·烏蘇娜的乳齒已經換成恆齒,侄兒成了她悶倦的下雨時刻用來消遣的活玩具。奧雷連諾第二有一次想起,在梅梅昔日的卧室裏,扔着大家忘記了的英國百科全書。他開始讓孩子們看圖畫:起初是動物畫,然後是地圖、其他國家的風景畫以及名人的肖像。奧雷連諾第二不懂英語,勉強能夠認出的只是最有名的城市和最著名的人物,囚此他不得不自己想出一些名字和説法,來滿足孩子們無限的好奇心。