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A group of six world powers has called on Iran to enter talks on its controversial nuclear program without preconditions. At a board meeting of the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog in Vienna on Thursday, the group known as the P5+1 said that the process should be a "serious dialogue" that produces "concrete results." The West fears Iran is developing nuclear weapons. Iran says its nuclear ambitions are peaceful. The world powers group includes the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council - the United States, China, Russia, France and Britain - plus Germany. The statement reaffirmed support for a diplomatic solution. It also urged Iran to grant International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors access to its Parchin facility, which has been closed to them.

Also Thursday, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said he welcomes U.S. President Barack Obama's statements earlier this week that there is still time to address the nuclear issue diplomatically. Israel believes a nuclear-armed Iran would be a threat to its existence and has warned it may take military action to stop Iranian nuclear ear experts accredited to the IAEA have identified Parchin as the location of suspected nuclear-weapons-related denies allegations it is attempting to develop atomic weapons and says its nuclear activities are only to generate power or for research purposes.世界六個大國呼籲伊朗無條件就其有爭議的核項目舉行談判。聯合國核監督機構理事會星期四在維也納召開會議。被稱為“5常+1”的六個國家表示,談判應該是 “嚴肅的對話”並且取得“實質性結果”。西方擔心伊朗正在研發核武器。伊朗表示,其核項目是用於和平目的。5常+1是指聯合國安理會五個常任理事國--美國、中國、俄羅斯、法國和英國,再加上德國。聲明重申支持以外交途徑解決伊朗核問題。聲明還敦促伊朗允許國際原子能機構核查人員進入其帕爾欽核設施內。伊朗一直禁止核查人員進入這個設施。

