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百歲老婦曝長壽祕訣 全因一生沒男友

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ing-bottom: 67.25%;">百歲老婦曝長壽祕訣 全因一生沒男友

Some might turn to the latest scientific findings or dietary advice to help them prolong their life expectancy. But Gladys Gough, who has reached an incredible 103 years old, puts her longevity down to her single status. The centenarian from Stoke-on-Trent says she couldn't be bothered with men and has never had a boyfriend, let alone married or had children.

隨着生活節奏的加快,人們對自身健康越來越重視,報刊上、網絡上對於長壽的祕訣以及如何能延長生命關於飲食方面的研究花樣翻新,今天説素食能長壽,明天説不同種類的肉類也能促使人類長壽,今天一位來自澳大利亞墨爾本的103歲的老太太Gladys Gough告訴我們,她長壽的祕訣就是---一輩子不受到男人的困擾,別説是男朋友了,她連結婚都沒想過,更別説是要小孩。看來,“清湯寡慾”的生活才是長壽的根本哦!

She has wit, charm and a sense of humour but has avoided relationships all her life Instead of settling down, she travelled the world with her sister, visiting far flung and exotic countries, and made sure she always ate her dinner.

這位看起來身體還十分硬朗、頭腦還十分清晰、並且還有些許幽默感的老太太Gladys Gough向媒體承認,她説:“我一輩子都在避免有男朋友,雖然我還算是有一定的吸引力,我選擇轉移注意力的方法很多,比如我可以和我姐姐環遊世界,周遊列國!此外,最最重要的祕訣,我覺得是每一天我都必須吃晚餐,一天下來,晚餐必不可少,103年了,我沒有一天是不吃晚飯的!”

Staff at the care home where Gladys lives describes her as a 'charmer'. But the life-long singleton maintains its her avoidance of the opposite sex which could be the secret to her long and healthy life. 'I always eat my dinner. I've always made sure that I've eaten well,' she said. 'I never got married or had a boyfriend either. That probably had something to do with it. I just couldn't be bothered with men.'

與老人同住在養老院的“同事們”都覺得老人Gladys Gough是一位“非常具有吸引力”的老太太,大家覺得,老人一輩子遠離異性、或者對異性持有排斥態度的生活習慣説不定就是能夠保持她長壽、以及健康生活的一個重要祕訣。老太太Gladys Gough説:“我每天都確保我的晚餐能吃好、從來沒想過結婚或者有什麼男朋友之類的事情,説不定這是長壽的原因。但是,我真的不能忍受男人,這十分重要!”