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和a few的用法比較

few和a few在句中都可作主語、賓語和定語,用作句子主語時,接複數動詞。作定語時,只修飾複數可數名詞。few和a few的意思不同。few是“很少”,表示“幾乎沒有”,帶有否定意義;afew是“少數幾個”,表示雖少但有一些,帶有肯定意義。如:

A few of them know English.他們當中有幾個懂英語。(a few在句中作主語,謂語動詞用複數形式know)

Few f them know English.他們當中幾乎沒有人懂英語。(few在句中作主語,注意和上句表達的意思不同)

I met a few of my friends there.我在那兒遇見了我的幾個朋友。(a few在句中作賓語)

He has a few friends besides you.除了你以外,他還有幾個朋友。(a few在句中作定語)

He has few friends except you.除了你以外,他沒有幾個朋友。(few在句中作定語)

a few=quite a few

not a few和quite a few都是“許多”的意思。

only a few=few,是“很少”的意思。如:

Only a few people have such a chance.很少人有這樣的機會。

He made quite a few mistakes in his exercises.他在練習中犯了許多錯誤。

There are not a few people in the room.房間裏有不少人。

3.(a)few和(a)few of用法比較

(a)few可用作形容詞,直接修飾可數名詞,但是當(a)few修飾的名詞前有these,those以及所有格等限定詞時,要用(a)few of結構。比較下例:

I met a few friends there.我在那兒遇見了幾個朋友。

I met a few of my friends there.我在那兒遇見了我的幾個朋友。


le和a little的用法比較

little和a little在句中也可作主語、賓語和定語。作句子主語時,接動詞單數形式;作定語時,只修飾不可數名詞。little指“很少”,表示“幾乎沒有”,帶有否定意義;a little指“一些”,表示“有”,帶有肯定意義。如:

There is little water left in the bottle.瓶子裏沒有多少水了。

not a little=n little=much,是“很多”的意思。

only a little=little,是“一點點”的意思。

There is a little water left in the bottle.瓶子裏還有一些水。

I know little about the school.這學校情況我不大瞭解。

little和a little都可用作程度副詞,在句中作狀語。如:

I feel a little cold.我覺得有點冷。

He is little older than you.他不比你大多少。  2.(a)little和fal little of的用法  (a)little可作形容詞,直接修飾不可數名詞,但是當(a)little修飾的不可數名詞前有this,that及所有格等限定詞時,要用fal little of結構。如:  I want to drink a little wine.我想喝一點酒。

I want to drink a little of that wine.我想喝一點那種酒。

  三、a bit.a little的用法



Please give me a bit/a little.請給我一點吧。


He is feeling a bit/a little tired.他感到有些累了。

Please warm the milk a bit/a little.請熱一下牛奶。

Sharon came a bit/a little earlier today thanyesterday.莎倫今天比昨天來得早一點。


(1)a bit和a little作為程度副詞,用在肯定句中可以互換。但當二者用於否定句時,兩者不可互換。

not a bit=not in the least=not at all,意為“根本不”、“一點也不”、“毫不”。

not a little=very,意為“非常”。


I was not a bit frightened.我一點兒也不害怕。

I was not a little frightened.我非常害怕。

(2)a bit,a little都可作定語,意為“一點”、“一些”,修飾不可數名詞。但a bit不直接修飾名詞,修飾名詞要用a bit of,而a little可直接修飾名詞。如:Giveme a bit of/a little bread,please.請給我一點麪包。 (3)a bit可構成a bit of+不定冠詞+名詞,而alittle則不能。如:

I am afraid your friend is a bit of a thief,恐怕你那朋友有點兒小偷小盜的毛病。14:09 2009-4-20

waiyuaihaozhe yingyuxuexiban




