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美國堪薩斯州英文介紹:別名「向日葵之州」(Sunflower State)的堪薩斯在1861年加入聯邦,成為美國第34州。堪薩斯一字源自於坎薩族或考族印地安人,它是一個蘇族印地安名詞,意即「南風區域內的人」(south wind people)。堪薩斯的邊界是北美洲的磁性中心點。美國、加拿大及墨西哥在進行土地測量時,都會以此點為參考點。 美國境內,48個相連州的地理中心位於堪薩斯平原上。長於這片土地上的向日葵是堪薩斯州的州花,而它的首府是託皮卡(Topeka)。

Known as the "Sunflower State," Kansas became the 34th state in 1861. The state's name comes from the Kansa or Kaw Indians and is a Sioux Indian term meaning "south wind people." Within Kansas's borders is the magnetic center mark for all of North America. All land surveys in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico use this as a reference point. The geographic center of the 48 contiguous (connected) states is located in a Kansas pasture. The native sunflower is the state flower and the capital is Topeka.

中文資料:堪薩斯州 (Kansas -- KS) 是美國中部7個州之一,位於美國本土的正中心。該州北接內布拉斯加州,南鄰俄克拉何馬州,西與科羅拉多州接壤,東與密蘇里州相連。除東北隅臨密蘇里河一段州界稍有彎曲外,整個州域呈長方形。堪薩斯州地勢平坦,自東向西逐漸增高,屬北美大草原。面積213068平方公里,在50州內列第14位。人口2,764,075(2006年),在50州內列第32位。首府託皮卡 (Topeka,也譯託尼卡)。堪薩斯州是美國第一個承認憲法所付予美國非洲裔人民選舉權的州。堪薩斯州位於美國大陸四十八州地理中心。北界內布拉斯加州。南鄰俄克拉荷馬州。西接科羅拉多州。東與密蘇里州毗連。由西北角到東南角可分三區:(A)西部是高平原,面積最大,約佔本州面積三分之二,高度有一千多公尺,地面已被切割,出現溝谷丘陵。(B)東北部冰磧區,面積很小,也被切割。(C)東南部是大平原區,高度只有二百公尺。






座落於堪薩斯州北部中央的煙谷區(Smoky Valley),林茲堡社區建於1869年。遷住該區的瑞典移民,全為路德教派的信徒,一個他們無法在原有土地上,自由信奉的信仰,另外,他們也熱愛音樂。早期,他們當中的許多人都是農夫,其他的林茲堡創建人還包括了工匠、教育家及音樂家。瑞典移民對各種文化事物都充滿了狂熱,一直到了現在,這樣的生活態度仍顯見於當地居民的身上,因而,林茲堡境內仍住有許多藝術家及音樂家。這個社區的現有人口約只有3,200人。即使到了現在,它仍是一個充滿瑞典色彩的城市。


Do you know who founded your city or town?

Lindsborg is a city in north central Kansas that was founded by nearly 100 Swedish immigrants. Nicknamed "Little Sweden," this city honors Lindsborg's Swedish settlers and cultural contributions.

Nestled in the Smoky Valley region of north central Kansas, the community of Lindsborg was settled in 1869. The Swedish immigrants who moved there were all followers of the Lutheran faith, which they could not practice freely in their native land, and they also had a great love of music. In the early days many of them were farmers. Other Lindsborg founders were craftsmen, educators and musicians. The Swedish immigrants had a passion for all things cultural, and that attitude still exists today. A large number of artists and musicians still live in Lindsborg, a community of approximately 3,200. Even now, the city has a Swedish character.

Are there any ethnic characteristics in your community that you can trace to the area's beginnings?