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 大部分人都喜歡聽讚美的話,對於批評的聲音,作為成年人的我們,由於自尊心的緣故,一般都不太能接受,更不用説被同事或主管當面批評。 那麼,到底如何指出別人的問題,才不讓別讓尷尬,讓氣氛輕鬆愉快呢? 這裏給大家介紹一個國外流行的溝通方法:漢堡包溝通術Sandwich Technique),它能解決職場中的大部分溝通難題。 1、什麼是“漢堡包溝通術”? 所謂的漢堡包溝通術,其實説來非常簡單,操作起來如下: 開始時候,表揚別人(正面反饋),然後中間指出需要改進的地方(負面反饋),最後再包裹上溢美之詞。 説白了就像我們吃的漢堡包,兩片面包就是表揚,中間的一片肉就是批評的話The result is one piece of criticism wedged between two compliments)。 比如下面這段話,就運用了漢堡包溝通法。 

Your conference website looks marvelous and well-designed. However, you made an error when writing my name on the keynote page, and I expect this to be fixed ASAP! Anyways, I look forward to your event, which will surely be very inspiring.


你做的會議網站非常好,設計精良。 但是,在主題頁裏,你把我名字打錯了,我希望這能儘早改過來。總之,我非常期待這次會議活動,一定會非常鼓舞人心。

 這種方法的目的就是一開始給對方一顆蜜棗,讓他放鬆,然後指出不足(deliver the painful sting),最後再加上溢美之詞,抹平批評時候的尷尬(smooth things over with a kiss and a hug)。  這種溝通方式在國外非常流行,經久不衰。但在實施過程中,並不如我們想象中那麼簡單。
2、如何正確運用“漢堡包溝通術”? 很多時候,如果掌握不好精細技巧,可能的結果是對方只記住你的上下兩句的讚美之詞(savoring the taste of the two compliments),根本沒有聽進去你給的建議。 比如上面那個例子,可能對方就記住你誇他網站做得多麼好,會議多麼鼓舞人心,而卻忘了你讓他改正錯誤這件事。 那麼,下面我們以上面例子為示範,來説説操作中,如何更精準地運用漢堡包溝通法。  Step 1: Describe Your Context

"I'm writing you while I'm packing for my vacation. Sorry about the brevity of this message."


Step 2: List Your Observations

"I checked out your event website and noticed there is a spelling error in my name on the keynote page."


 Step 3: Express Your Feelings

"I felt a bit disappointed because I had spelled my name correctly in the materials I provided."


 Step 4: Explain The Value

"It is important to me that your attendees see my name spelled correctly; they might try to find more information about me."


Step 5: Offer Some Suggestions

"I hope someone can fix the mistake, and I will be happy to check any other information for accurateness if you like."


 3、“漢堡包溝通術”的妙處 那麼,你知道這方法究竟妙在哪裏嗎?  首先,你告知了對方你的處境,這樣對方才能理解你。 然後,你説出你的觀察,但這觀察不是對別人的橫加指責finger-pointing),而是羅列事實情況,並讓對方知道這些事實會對你造成什麼影響。 比如這裏,你告訴對方名字打錯可能導致參會者沒法據此查找更多信息,提醒對方改正名字的重要性。 再然後,你需要清晰告訴對方要怎麼做,做出改進,推動問題解決。 所以,運用漢堡包溝通法,最重要的是陳述事實問題,並指明問題的嚴重性,而非對別人橫加指責,讓對方自然意識到修整錯誤的必要性。
 下面我們,再舉兩個完整例子,説明下到底如何行雲流水運用這種方法。  1) 第一片面包: 溢美之詞 (authentic praise of something they did recently) 舉例1:

“By the way, John, I have to hand it to you on that deal you closed yesterday…that goes a long way towards helping us reach our goal.”


 2) 中間肉:簡單批評意見(provide your brief constructive criticism
通常來説,批評意見要儘量短,提一兩條即可,多了對方感情上就難以消化了。並且,批評意見要能幫助他們達成目標。 舉例:

“Jon, you’re so good at what you do that it’s hard to ever find suggestions on how you can improve. That said, I know you really want that promotion to Director of Sales. One skill you’re going to need in that position is analytics, and your weekly reports are currently pretty light on analytics. For you to earn that Director of Marketing spot, I recommend that you gain some mastery over analytics.”


 3) 第二片面包:以正向評論收尾(end on a positive note到了這一步,你有三種方法可以用。
三是表揚對方願意聽進去批評的聲音。 舉例2:

“Jon, that deal you closed was really important and I’m thrilled with the fact that you and I can have an open conversation about working harder on analytics.”



“Jon, I really admire your enthusiasm about developing yourself. You were already making headway and this analytics thing can be icing on the cake. I think it’s a huge benefit in you progressing towards the Director of Sales position you covet.”



“Anne, I really appreciate you chipping in for Nicole this week while she was out of the office — that type of teamwork exemplifies the values I’m trying to instill at our company.”



“Anne, I know this is tough for you to hear, but you are perceived by some on the team as cocky. And I know that you mentioned that you wanted a transfer to Customer Service — well, we certainly don’t want them hearing that you have a reputation for cockiness. I recommend that you and I work together on making sure you’re not perceived as cocky.”



“Anne, you’re really on the right track here. This cockiness thing is just a bump in the road and I’m looking forward to working on it with you.”


 這個非常實用的漢堡溝通法,你學會了嗎? (本文首發於滬江商務英語公眾號,掃碼關注,即可獲取更多商務英語資訊。轉載請“滬江商務英語”後台聯繫!)