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32. news [nju:z, nu:z]
Basic need
Everyday Expressions
n. 新聞
I like reading foreign news.
n. 消息
I'll send you further news in a day or two.
n. 新聞報道;新聞節目
We watch the news on television every night.
n. (可做新聞的)人/物
Pop starts are always news.
頭版新聞 front-page news
頭條新聞 headline news
國際新聞 world news
國內新聞 home/ domestic news
政治新聞 political news
新聞時事 current news
官方消息 official news
newspaper (報紙);
newsmagazine (新聞雜誌)
news agency (通訊社);
newsboy (送報生);
newsreel/newsfilm (新聞短片);
newsstand (報攤);
news media (新聞媒介);
Mass Media 大眾傳媒
常見搭配 Useful Phrases
晚報 The Evening News
每日新聞 The Daily News
轟動一時的新聞 sensational news [sen'seiʃənəl]
爆炸式新聞 breaking news
出乎意料的新聞 unexpected news
把不好的消息透漏給某人 to break the news to sb
生活用語 Street Talks
(1)There wasn't much news in the paper today.
(2)Oh! That's old news. Everybody knows.
(3)I've good and bad news, which do you want to hear first?
(4)What's on following the news and weather? Do you have a TV guide?
(5)A: Have you heard the news about Sally? She's getting married.
B: That's news to me!
電影對白 Transcripts
I mean, you can't even turn on the news nowadays without hearing about how some babe thought some guy's butt was cute. 《西雅圖夜未眠》
Workmate2: Things are a little different now. First you have to be friends. You have to like each other. Then you neck . This could go on for years. Then you have tests. Then you get to do it with a condom . The good news is you split the check. Sam: I don't think I could let a woman pay for dinner. 《西雅圖夜未眠》
諺語 Proverbs
Bad/ ill news travels fast.好事不出門,壞事傳千里。
No news is good news.沒消息就是好消息。


33. night [nait]
Basic need
Everyday Expressions
n. 夜;晚
The boys and girls at the dance made a night of it. (一通宵)
in the night (在夜間) ; in the daytime (白晝時光)
during the night (在整個夜間) ; during the day (在整個白天)
by night (在夜晚) ;by day (在白天)
n. 進行某項活動的夜晚
This is the first night of the play.
nightclub (夜總會);
nightlife (夜生活);
nightmare (噩夢);
nighttime (夜間);
nightfall (黃昏);
nightdress (晚禮服)(tux [tʌks] 小燕尾)
常見搭配 Useful Phrases
夜盲 night blind
夜校 night school
留下過夜 to stay the night
晝夜顛倒 turn night into day / to stay over
習語與俗語 Idioms & Slangs
night owl [aul] / night person 夜貓子
Call it a night. 今晚就到這兒吧!
an early/a late night 比平時睡得早或晚的夜晚
生活用語 Street Talks
(1)Mother sat up all night long. (整夜沒睡)
(2)Victoria stayed up the whole night. (熬夜)
(3)We slept by day and traveled by night.
(4)We worked night and day. (日以繼夜)
(5)A: Would you like to stay the night?
B: Sure thing!
A: I really get going.(必須得走了)(I've got go)
B: Night's still young! (時間還早。)

34. pain
Basic need
Everyday Expressions
n. 痛苦
I feel a pain in my chest.
n. 苦惱
Peter's words eased my pain.
n. 辛勞;努力
No pain, no gain.
胸痛 chest pain
腹痛 abdominal pain [æb'dɔminəl]
關節痛 joint pains
(分娩)產痛 labour pains (創業之初的辛苦)
局部疼痛 a local pain
精神上的疼痛 mental pain
斷斷續續的疼痛 an off-and-on pain
成長的煩惱 growing pains (pains from growing up, physical and psychological )
painful (痛苦的);
painless (無痛的)
pain-killer (鎮痛劑);
常見搭配 Useful Phrases
疼痛 be in pain
辛苦工作 to take pains
減輕痛苦 to relieve/ease/reduce pain
解除痛苦 to remove pain
忍受痛苦 to stand/bear pain
加劇痛苦 to aggravate pain
同甘共苦 to share pleasures and pains
努力做事情 be at pains to do sth/spare no pains doing sth
(spare 空閒;分出;饒恕)
Would you spare me? 你饒了我吧?
習語與俗語 Idioms & Slangs
pain in the neck 討厭的人或情況
go to great pains to do sth 努力,下功夫做某事
be at pain to do
spare no pains doing
take pains to do
no pains, no gains 沒有付出,就沒有收穫。/不經歷風雨,怎麼見彩虹。
生活用語 Street Talks
(1)A: Victor spares no pains. (不辭辛勞)
B: Yeah, he's a good guy.
(2)Alex is just experiencing growing pains. He’ll be alright.
(3)Victoria is addicted to pain-killers.
諺語 Proverbs
Pain past is pleasure. 苦盡甘來。
Pain wastes the body; pleasure the understanding. 疼痛糟蹋身體,玩樂糟蹋思想。