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BEC會話脱口説:第六章 待客觀光 6.1

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更新頻率:週二、週四、週六 【節目難度:初級】

Chapter 6 Sightseeing
6.1 Conversation

A: Wow!__________1____________
B: You can have a bird view of Guilin City from the top of the mountain.
A: Wonderful! I'll often come here for mountain climbing.
B: You should. Many Guiliners, especially the old and the young, will climb mountains here in the morning.
A: ___________2________________
B: Quick! Pass me your binoculars. Look at that bird…I've never seen one of those before. It's indigenous to Guilin, and an endangered species too. This is lucky!
A: I didn't know you liked bird-watching.
B:____________3__________This place is full of it.

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BEC會話脱口説:第六章 待客觀光 6.1
What a beautiful scenic spot! It's so open. And just breathe that fresh air, you can almost taste its freshness. No wonder people say: Even the immortals would rather be Guiliners. I don't really. I just like wildlife, and you don't get to see too much of it in the city.

A:哇!多麼漂亮的觀光勝地!這麼寬廣。只要呼吸一下這兒的空氣,幾乎就能嚐到它的新鮮味道。 B:你從山頂可以俯瞰桂林。 A:太棒了!以後我要經常來這兒爬山。 B:你應該。每天早上都有很多桂林人來爬山,尤其是老老少少。 A:難怪人們説:寧做桂林人,不願做神仙。 B:……趕快!把你的望遠鏡給我,看看那隻鳥……我從來沒見過那種鳥類,它是桂林本土的鳥類,而且是瀕臨滅絕的一種。我們運氣真好! A:我以前不知道你喜歡觀察鳥。 B:也不盡然,我只是喜歡野生動物,在城市裏你根本沒機會看到它們,而在這裏竟然有這麼多。 生詞:endangered species 瀕危物種
