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以反建議辯駁原議 Counter arguing




Vincent: You know, we don't have to pick either of the two options. We could just continue selling our product. After all, it's not really our fault. We did all the research anyone could do.

Grace: Not a bad idea, but maybe we should look at the larger picture. Maybe no judge would say it's our fault. But people would feel we were wrong, and would stop buying our products. I know the options will cost a lot, but doing nothing could break the bank.

Sam: I'd like to add something to what you just said. We've only been talking about money here; we should be talking about people. Is it OK to save the money if we know some people are going to get hurt?

Vincent: I guess not. But we just can't take the powder off the market. You know what will happen. Profits will go down, quickly. The shareholders will get angry. Management will have to blame someone. You know who that will be us!

Grace: We have to make the best of a bad situation. But I can't agree with leaving the product on the market just to save our profits. Not even if we try to make better powders for each area.

Sam: Then what do we do?

Grace:We bite the bullet, and take the powder off the market. But there is a way to have the best of both alternatives. We take one month to do tests, and see if we can easily make the new powders. If it will be too expensive, we never sell them there again; we pack it in. It will be my decision.



●  委婉駁斥
1. Not a bad idea, but maybe we should look at the larger picture.
2. Not a bad idea, but there's more to this than one might think at first.
3. Not a bad idea, but I think we need to take a second look.
4. Not a bad idea, but I think it would be good if we looked at this again.

"the larger picture"即指‘遠景;大局'。這句話是説對方所言不差--"Not a bad idea",但未能掌握全局。此句型暗示自己不能苟同,但又很技巧地為對方找台階下。這句話還有將討論轉向另一個不同方向的功用。

●  逆境中找機會
1. We have to make the best of a bad situation.
2. We have to make the best of what we've got.
3. We have to do our best with what we've got to work with.
4. We have to look for a way to make the best of a bad situation.

"make the best of..."是形容事情陷入不利情況時,能儘量利用現有的改善情況,甚至找出最佳的出路。這個句型可用在當一切方案都很不樂觀,而你似乎有方法,能為頹勢帶來一線希望。因此這句話有鼓勵士氣的作用,能讓與會者提起興趣,期待你將要提出的建議。

●  提出兼顧方案
1. There is a way to have the best of both alternatives.
2. There is a way we can use the best of both options.
3. There is a way we can combine the best of each alternative.
4. There is a way we can take the best parts from each plan.

"alternative"當名詞是指‘二個選擇中的一個',句中的"both alternatives"即指‘二者兼顧'。這句話是説另外還有個兼顧兩種方案、兩全其美的方式。此句型是在推翻前述的方案,但實際上,自己的看法乃是將那些方案推陳出新,擷取其優點所成。

● More 駁斥

That's just not feasible.
I really can't accept that.
I'm absolutely/completely against that.
That's out of the question.

I'm afraid I can't accept that.
I'm sorry, but that's not really practical.
I'm afraid I'm not very happy about that.
I'm sorry, but I have reservations about that.

I don't want to be discouraging, but...
I accept the need for (something), but...
I appreciate your point of view, but...
I can see why you want to do this, but...
That's very interesting, but...


A. 提方案時,最忌諱模稜兩可或信心不夠的語氣。

發言時最忌諱模稜兩可的意見,所以英文中諸如"I could be mistaken, but..."的不確定語氣,都會給人信心不足的印象。其它一些不夠堅定的語氣還有: "I'll double check my facts, but..." "Is it me or did I observe...?" "I know you might interpret this as..." "Time may prove me wrong, of course, but..."

B. 演説時,應轉動上半身,環顧四周的聽眾。


C. 在台上走動時,要如何控制節奏?
