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介詞詞義不完整,不能單獨使用,常以介詞短語的形式的出現在句子中。介詞短語的構成:介詞+(the)+賓語介詞的賓語通常有三種情況:名詞,代詞賓格或v-ing形式。如:on the desk (名詞)for Tom (名詞)for him (代詞賓格)after running (v-ing)介詞短語的作用:作表語、狀語或定語。如:Tom is in the room. (表語) The boy in the room isTom. (定語)They watch TV in the room.(狀語)


1 at:在...

①在時間點:at five o’clock 在五點鐘at noon at night at the weekend

at the age of 25, at that time,

②在小地點:at home at the village at the corner at the airportat the post office,③在注意力方向上:look at point at knock at④處於某種狀態:at work at hospital

2 in:在…裏

①在某空間,地點內:in Beijing in the room in space②在某時間段內:in the morning in 2018 in January in spring in those day in the future③在某個時間段後(多用於將來時):in two days 兩天後④處於…中(表狀態):Tom is in good health. 湯姆身體健康。⑤用某種語言:in English 用英語

in Chinese用漢語⑥穿衣服:in red 穿紅衣服

in a red coat 穿一件紅外套

⑦在方向:in the west in direction⑧用什麼材料(名詞前不用介詞):in ink用墨水 in pencil 用鉛筆

3 on:在...上面

①表地點(強調面與面的接觸),on the desk on the wall②表時間(特定的某天)on Sunday

on a cold morning 在一個寒冷的早上on the morning of January 7, 2018


③表處於某種狀態:on fire着火;起火;在燃燒,

on duty 在值班,on sale 出售;減價出售

on show被展示,被陳列;上演

on a visit to 訪問某人,參觀某地區別:in on 與at表時間 歌訣記憶:in年in月in季節,on天,at點at 在… (用於表示時刻,時間的某一點。)on 在…(用於星期,某天,某一天的上午,下午,晚上,指具體的某一天時,一律用on )in在…裏面(用於表示周,月,季節,年,泛指上午,下午,晚上 如:at five o’clock; at noon;at night; at a quarter past fivein 1990; in September; in springin the morning; in a weekon Sunday; on Sunday morning; on a cold morning;

on the morning of May Day

4 to 至;到; 往

①表方向(強調到達);至;到; 往go to school the way to ②表示接受者:Give that to me.③某人對某事的反應或態度:To my surprise 使我吃驚的是 to my joy 使我高興的是

④to+ 動詞原形,構成不定式(此時to不是介詞)I want to go home now.我現在想回家。區別:介詞in, to, on在方位名詞前的區別 :內in 接on 分離to 即①in 表示某地在某地範圍之內 ② to 表示某地在某地範圍之外 ③ on 表示某地與某地相鄰、接壤 Tianjin is (lies) in the east of China. 天津在中國東部. Japan is (lies) to the east of China. 日本位於中國的東面 Mongolia is (lies) on the north of China. 蒙古國位於中國北邊。

5 for 爲,爲了

① 表動作的對象:for Tom 爲了湯姆

for the people爲了人民② 表動作的方向:leave for Nanyan 動身去南陽

③ 表動作的目的:ask for help 尋求幫助

go there for lunch 去那吃午飯

eat bread for breakfast


for sale 供出售;待售

for free 義務地;無償地;免費地④引出動作持續的時間段:注意此時for沒詞意:keep it for two weeks stay there for five years⑤表動作的原因:thank you for your help sorry for saying that

6 by 被,由;在…附近

①表方式:by bike 騎自行車

by hand 用手工

by oneself 單獨;獨自;親自

by heart 牢記,憑記憶,用心②表在...附近:by the river 在河邊③表動作的的執行者:by Tom by Luxun④表表時間,不遲於 by the end of ... 到 ... 時爲止,在 ... 之前

by evening 晚上前⑤表原因,由於: by mistake 錯誤地

7 with與…一起

①與…一起, 和…:with his son 和他的兒子一起

with his parents 與他的父母一起②錶帶着…,有…的,長着...:the girl with long hair 長頭髮的女孩tea with sugar 加糖的茶水③表用(工具、手段、材料) (名詞前用介詞):with a pen 用一支鋼筆④表擁有某物 a man with a lot of money

一個有着很多錢的男人⑤表同時,或同一方向,“隨着”The big ship is sailing with the wind .這個大船正隨風向航行.And with the last words ,she turned away.隨着最後一句話說完,他轉身離開了⑥表示在...之下With one’s help= with the help of sb 在某人的幫助下

8 of ...的

of 構成的短語通常做定語

①of + 名詞構成介詞短語大多做定語修飾其前的名詞。根據名詞的意思,該短語就譯爲“...的”如:of the boy 男孩的the name of the boy男孩的名字of the desk 桌子的the leg of the desk 桌子的腿a history of 2000 years 兩千年的歷史 the surface of the earth 地球的表面②與其它詞構成表數量的短語修飾其後的名詞(尤其是不可數名詞)two bottles of milk 兩瓶牛奶a bag of rice一袋米plenty of water 足夠多的水a cup of tea一杯茶a piece of paper一張紙a pair of trousers一條褲子a group of boys一羣男孩③of great +名詞(=名詞的同根形容詞) 構成的介詞短語做表語。如:The book is of great use.= The book is useful. 這本書非常有用。

9 from 來自...

①表出處、來源:出自,來自,從…而來Tom is from Shanghai. 湯姆來自上海。a teacher from Beijing 來自北京的老師②表示地點的起點: 從... He ran all the way home from school. 他從學校一路跑回家。


from ... to/till ..... 從...到....

from morning to evening 從早到晚

from 1:00 to 5:00 從一點到五點

from door to door從一家到另一家

from one to a hundred從一到一百

They are out together with their friends from morning till night.


④ from ... on 從...起 from now on 從現在起from tomorrow on 從明天起

⑤ 表示“離...遠”:

具體距離 + from +地點 離某地有多遠;

be far from sth 離...遠

My school is far from my home.


Beijing is 2000 km from Guangzhou.

北京離廣州有2千公里。 ⑥表示避免、阻止以免做某事:...from doing sth

keep sb from doing prevent sb from doing sth; protect sb from doing sth⑦表示原料、材料)用,由Paper is made from wood. 紙用木材做原料。⑧from 與其它介詞短語連用from behind 從...後面 He came out from behind the door.他從門後走出來了。from under從底下 The old man brought it out from under the bed. 老人把它從牀下取出來了。
