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1. admit通常只用作及物動詞。如:

There were no windows to admit air. 沒有窗子可使空氣流入。 可用於引申義,表示允許進入某一機構、組織、學校、團體等。如: They admitted him to [into] their organization. 他們接受他參加了他們的組織。 How many students have been admitted into the school this year? 今年這所學校有多少學生入學?

2. 往往含有動態意味,所以一般不與 enter, go in 之類的詞連用。如:


正:He opened the door and admitted me into the house. 誤:He opened the door and admitted me to enter into the house.


1. admit一般爲及物動詞,直接跟賓語;表示向某人承認用介詞 to。如: He admitted his mistake. 他承認了他的錯誤。

He admitted to the teacher that he was wrong. 他向老師承認他錯了。 This meant admitting defeat. 這就意味着承認失敗了。 但有時也用作不及物動詞,此時一般後接介詞to。如: He admitted to the murder. 他供認了謀殺罪。

He admitted to having taken the money. 他承認拿了那筆錢。

由於 admit 表示“承認”可用作及物動詞或不及物動詞,所以上面各例中的介詞 to 有時也可省略。

2. admit後接動詞時,要用動名詞而不用不定式。如: She admitted having read the letter. 她承認讀過這封信。 I admit breaking the window. 我承認打破了窗子。

3. admit可後接帶不定式的複合賓語,但其中的不定式通常應是 to be。如:

They admitted him to be mad. 他們承認他瘋了。

You must admit the task to be difficult. 你們得承認任務是艱鉅的。 偶爾接其它形式的複合賓語。如: He admitted himself a failure. 他承認失敗。 He admitted himself beaten. 他承認輸了。

4. 有時用於插入語中。如:

This, I admit, was wrong. 我承認這錯了。

三、用於 admit of

admit of爲習語,意爲“容許”“有……的可能”“有……的餘地”(此時句子主語通常是物而不是人)。如:

The word admits of no other meaning in the case. 這個詞在此例中不可能有別的意思。

The matter admits of no delay. 這事刻不容緩。