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(一) Ⅰ Ⅱ

( ) morning. A. It’s a CD .

( ) 2. What colour is it. B. Good morning.

( ) 3. Are you Wang Bing? C. Yes, please..

( ) d you like a hot dog? D. No, I’m not. I’m Liu Tao.

( ) 5. What’s this. E. It’s yellow.

( ) 6. It’s nice. F. No, thank you.

( ) 7. What about a cake? G. Thank you.

(二)Ⅰ Ⅱ

( ) 1. What’s this? A. It’s a pie..

( ) 2. Would you like an egg? B. Good afternoon

( ) 3. Are you Liu Tao? C. Yes, please..

( ) 4. What colour is the apple? D. No, I’m not. I’m Su Hai.

( ) 5. Good afternoon E. It’s red.

(三)Ⅰ Ⅱ

( )1. What about an ice cream? A. Thank you.

( )2. This is my sister. B. Nice to meet you.

( )3. Happy birthday. C. It’s a hot dog.

( )4. Happy New Year. D. Happy New Year.

( )5. What’s this? E. Yes, please.

(四)Ⅰ Ⅱ

( )1、Hello! Are you Wang Bing? A、Thank you.

( )2、Goodbye, Miss Li. B、Yes, please.

( )3、Nice to meet you, Helen. C、Goodbye, Liu Tao.

( )4、Look at my jacket. D、No, I'm not. I'm Mike.

( )5、This is for you. E、Nice to meet you ,too.

( )6、Would you like a cake? F、How nice.


班 姓名


( )1.早晨在校門口遇到李老師時,應該說:

A. Good morning, Miss Li. afternoon, Miss Li.

( )2.麥克向別人介紹自己時,可以說:

A. Hello, Mike. o, I’m Mike.

( )3.當你在校園裏遇到劉濤時,可以說:

A. Hello, Liu Tao. o, I’m Liu Tao.

( )4.下午在路上遇到朋友時,可以說:

A. Good morning. afternoon.

( )5.當你想知道對方是否是楊玲時,可以說:

A. Hello, I’m Yang Ling. you Yang Ling ?

( )6.有人問你是否是麥克,而你不是,你是劉濤。你應該怎麼回答?

A. Yes, I am not. , I’m not .I’m Liu Tao.

( )7.放學同老師告別時,應該說:

A. Goodbye , Miss Li. bye , Mike.

( ) 8.早上在校門口遇到劉濤,可以說:

A. Hello, Liu Tao. bye, Liu Tao.

( )9.你想知道這個人是不是王斌,可以說:

A. Are you Wang Bing? B.I’m Wang Bing.

( )10.當你向爸爸介紹這是楊玲時,可以說:

A. This is Yang Ling. o, Yang Ling.

( )11.你想告訴爸爸他是你的朋友,可以說:

A. He is my friend. is my friend.

( )12.向別人介紹這是你的爺爺時,可以說:

A. This is my grandma. B. This is my grangpa. C. She’s my grandpa.

( )13.向你的同桌說她是你的妹妹時,可以說:

A. He is my brother. B. She’s my sister. C. This is my brother.

( )14向別人介紹這是你的奶奶時,可以說:

A. This is my mother. B. This is my grandpa. C. This is my grandma.

( )15. 晚上在公園裏遇到湯姆,可以說:

A. Good afternoon,Tom. B. Good morning,Tom. C. Good evening,Tom.

( )16.李老師放學時與同學們告別,她會說:

A afternoon ,class. B. Good evening, class. C. Goodbye, class.

( )17.下午遇見李老師,應該說:

A. Good afternoon, Miss Li. morning, Miss Li. evening, Miss Li.

( )18.你想問對方是不是麥克,可以說:

A. This is Mike. you Mike ? C. Yes, I am.

( )19.當你向別人介紹這是你的姐姐時,可以說:

A. She’s my mother. is my brother. is my sister .

( )20.放學與同學們分別時,可以說:

A. Good evening. B. Goodbye. C. Good afternoon.

( )21.當別人問你是不是蘇海,你回答不是,應該說:

A. No ,I am. B. No, I’m not. C. Yes, I am.

( )22.向媽媽說她是你的朋友海倫時,可以說:

A. This is my sister. She is Helen. B. She’s my friend. She is Helen.

C. He’s my brother. He’s Tim.

( )23.讓海倫看你的新短裙,可以說:

at my new T-shirt. B. Look at my new cap.

at my new skirt.

( )24.你讓別人看你的便帽,別人會說:

A. Yes, I am. B. How nice ! ?

( )25.你問別人你的夾克衫是什麼顏色,可以說:

at my jacket. colour is my jacket? is my jacket.

( )26.一件黑白相間的短裙

A.a white T-shirt B.a black skirt C.a black and white skirt

( )27.一件橙色的夾克衫

A.a orange jacket orange jacket C.a yellow jacket

( )28.一頂黑色的便帽

A.a black cap B.a white skirt C.a green cap

( )29.一件棕色的T-恤衫

A.a brown shirt B.a black T-shirt C.a brown T-shirt

( )30.一件藍黑相間的夾克衫

A.a black and blue jacket B.a black and green jacket

C.a black and green jacket

( )31.問別人某件物品的顏色,可以說:

’s this? colour is it? ’s your name?

( )32.向別人介紹楊玲,可以說:

is Yang Ling. B.I’m Yang Ling. o,Yang Ling.

( )33.問別人是否想要這件藍色的短裙,可以說:

d you like this black skirt? colour is it now?

d you like this blue skirt?

( )34.讓麥克看你新的白色夾克衫,可以說:

at my new jacket. is my white jacket.

at my new white jacket.

( )35.你告訴媽媽你的肚子餓了,媽媽會說:

is an egg. d you like an egg?

about an ice cream?

( )36.向別人介紹這是你的弟弟,可以說:

is my brother. ’s my sister. ’s my sister.

( )37.別人問你要不要一塊餡餅,你不要,可以說:

about a pie? ,please. ,thank you.

( )38.別人介紹一個朋友給你認識,你應該打招呼說:

is me. bye. to meet you.

( )39.提議別人吃一塊糖,你可以說:

d you like an egg? is a sweet.

about a sweet?

( )40.大年初一,遇到好朋友海倫,你可以說:

to meet you,Helen. y New Year,Helen!

y birthday,Helen!

( 41.今天是麥克的生日,你應該對麥克說:

k you. y New Year,Mike! y birthday,Mike!

( )42.你告訴湯姆,這張光盤是給他的,可以說:

CD is for you. ’s for Tom. ’s a CD.

( )43.你想知道那樣東西是什麼,你可以問:

’s this? ’s that? d you like a doll?

( )44.李叔叔送來一件禮物給你,你應該說:

’s for you,Uncle Li. k you,Uncle Li. o,Uncle Li.

( )45.你想知道海倫的T恤衫是什麼顏色,可以說:

colour is it? colour is my T-shirt? ’s yellow and red.

( )46.新年了,在路上遇見李老師,可以說:

morning,Miss Li. y New Year,Miss Li!y birthday,Miss Li!

( )47.當你介紹你的朋友王兵給爸爸時,可以說:

is Wang Bing. o,I’m Wang Bing. o,Wang Bing.

( )48.你想讓海倫看你的新裙子,可以說:

at my T-shirt. at my new skirt. ,it’s a skirt.

( )49.當別人誇獎你時,你應該說:

k you. ’s great. ,thank you.

( )50.當你稱讚麥克的夾克衫好看時,可以說:

’s a nice T-shirt. ’s a new jacket. nice!

( )51.媽媽問你要不要吃冰淇淋,你不要,可以說:

A. Yes,please. ,thank you. ,thank you.

( )52.你想問對方是不是蘇海,可以說:

is Su Hai. you Su Hai? C.I am Su Hai.

( )53.當王兵把他的哥哥介紹給你認識時,你應該說:

is my brother. o,Wang Bing. to meet you.

( )54.當別人祝你生日快樂時,你應該說:

y birthday. k you. same to you.

( )55.營業員問你要不要一塊餡餅時,她會說:

A. Would you like a pie? about a hot dog?

B. Would you like a cake?

( )56.你問5你的裙子是什麼顏色時,可以說:

A. What about a skirt? colour is my skirt?

B. What colour is my T-shirt?

( )57.你向別人介紹這是你的奶奶,可以說:

is my grandpa. is my grandma. to meet you.