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Unit 1 How can I get there? 我怎樣到達那裏。


science museum 科學博物館, post office 郵局, bookstore書店, cinema電影院, hospital 醫院, crossing 十字路口, turn left 左轉, turn right 右轉, go straight 直走, map 地圖, compass指南針, GPS 全球定位系統, stars 星星, Italian restaurant 意大利餐廳, get to 到達 。


1. ---Where is the restaurant? 餐廳在哪裏?

----It’s next to the park on Dong fang Street. 它在東方路,在公園附近。

2.---How can we get there? 我們怎麼去哪裏?

----Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital.書店左轉,然後醫院右轉。

3. He now has GPS. 他現在有GPS。

4. What an interesting film! 多麼有趣的電影!


next to緊挨着, near在...附近, behind在...後面, beside在...旁邊, in front of在...前面。

Unit 2 Ways to go to school. 上學的方式。


on foot 走路, by bike騎車, by bus 乘公交, by train 乘火車, by subway乘地鐵, by ship 乘船, by plane 乘飛機, slow down 慢下來, traffic lights 交通燈, traffic rules 交通規則, go/come to school 上學, by sled 坐雪橇, by ferry坐輪渡, pay attention to 注意, traffic lights交通燈, Stop and wait at a red light 紅燈停等一等, slow down and stop at a yellow light 黃燈減速並停下, Go at a green light 綠燈行。


1.---How do you come to school? 你怎麼上學?

----Usually, I come on foot. 通常我走路來的。=Usually ,I come to school on foot.

2.---How can I get to the Fuxing Hospital? 我怎麼能到達復興醫院?

----Take the No.57 bus over there. 你可以在那邊乘57路公交車。

3. In the USA people on bikes must wear one.在美國騎車的人必須戴頭盔。

4. Don’t go at the red light. 別闖紅燈。

5. I must pay attention to the traffic lights. 我必須注意交通燈。

6. Slow down and stop at a yellow light.黃燈要減速停下。

7. Stop and wait at a red light. 紅燈停下等待。

8. Go at a green light. 綠燈行。

9. In the UK you drive on the left side. 在英國,你要靠左行駛。

10. In China, people drive on the right side。在中國,人們靠右行駛。

11. You must pay attention to the traffic lights. 你必須注意交通信號燈。


always 總是, usually通常, often 經常, sometimes 有時, never 從不。

Unit 3 My weekend plan. 我的週末計劃。


visit grandparents 拜訪祖父母, see a film看電影, take a trip 去旅行, go to the supermarket去超市, this evening 今天晚上, this afternoon今天下午, this morning今天早上, tonight在今晚, tomorrow明天, next week下週, dictionary 詞典, comic book連環畫冊, word book單詞書, postcard 明信片, lesson 課, space travel 太空旅行, half price 半價, mooncake 月餅, Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋, get together 聚會, poem 詩, moon 月亮。


1.---What are you going to do tomorrow? 你明天打算做什麼?

----I’m going to have an art lesson. 我要上美術課。

2. ---What are you going to buy? 你要買什麼?

----I’m going to buy some word books. 我要買一些單詞書。

3.---Where are you going? 你們打算去哪兒?

----We are going to the cinema. 我們打算去電影院。

4.---When are you going?你們什麼時候去?

----Next Wednesday. 下週三 。

5. We are going to see a film about space travel. 我們要去看關於太空旅行的電影。

6.---Do you have comic books? 你有漫畫書嗎?

----Yes,here they are.有,在這裏。

時間標誌詞:tomorrow 明天, soon 很快, next Monday 下週一, next year 明年

next weekend 下週末, this afternoon 今天下午, this evening 今晚, tonight在今晚。

Unit 4 I have a pen pal. 我有一個筆友。


dancing 跳舞, singing唱歌, reading stories 讀故事書, playing football踢足球, doing kung fu練功夫, does word puzzles猜字謎, listening to music聽音樂, climbing mountains爬山, drawing cartoons 畫漫畫, studies Chinese 學中文, cooks Chinese food 做中餐, goes hiking 遠足, hobby 業餘愛好, good idea 好主意, amazing 令人驚奇的, join 加入, share 分享。


1.---What are his / her hobbies? 他(她)的業餘愛好是什麼?

----He/ She likes doing kung fu and swimming. 他(她)喜歡練功夫和游泳。

2. ---Does he live in Sydney? 他居住在悉尼嗎?

---肯定回答:Yes, he does. 是的,他居住在那裏。

----否肯回答:No, he doesn’t. 不,他沒有。

3.---does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking? 他喜歡猜字謎和遠足嗎?

---Yes, he does.




(1) 一般情況下,在動詞的後面直接加ing。如:

play—playing read—reading do—doing go—going

(2) 以不發音的字母e結尾的動詞,要去掉不發音的字母e,再加ing。如:write—writing ride—riding make—making dance—dancing

(3) 以單元音加單輔音結尾的重讀閉音節,要雙寫最後一個輔音字母,再加ing。如:

run—running swim—swimming put—putting sit—sitting



①一般情況下,在動詞的後面直接加s。如: read--reads make—makes write—writes

②以字母s, x, o , sh , ch結尾的動詞,在詞尾加es。如:do—does wash—washes teach—teaches go—goes pass—passes

③以y結尾的動詞分爲兩個情況,以元音字母加y結尾的動詞,在詞尾直接加s。如:play—plays buy--buys, 以輔音字母加y結尾的動詞,要把y變爲i,再加es.如:study--studies

④以f , fe結尾的名詞,先把f,fe變爲v,再加-es. 如:leaf—leaves



(5)第三人稱單數的肯定句在變爲否定句時,在動詞的前面加doesn’t. 動詞恢復原形。如:he lives in Beijing.---he doesn’t live in Beijing.

(6) 第三人稱單數的陳述句在變爲一般疑問句時,用does開頭,後面的動詞也要變爲原形。如:he lives in Beijing.---Does he live in Beijing?


hobby(複數形式)—hobbies story(複數形式)—stories have to(同義詞)—must

Unit 5 What does he do? 他是做什麼的?


Factory worker 工人, postman 郵遞員, businessman 商人, police officer 警察, fisherman 漁民, scientist科學家, polite 飛行員, coach教練, head teacher校長, reporter記者, secretary祕書, writer 作家, singer歌手, dancer舞蹈員, cleaner清潔工, driver 司機, university 大學, gym 體育館, sea 海。


一、 詢問職業

 1.—— What does he do ? = What is he ? 他是做什麼的?

—— He is a doctor. 他是一個醫生。

2.-- --What do you do ? = What are you ? 你是做什麼的?

—— I ’m a student . 我是一個學生。


 1.—— Where do you work ? 你在哪兒工作?

—— I work in a school . 我在一個學校工作。 

2. —— Where does your mother work ? 你媽媽在哪兒工作?

—— She works in a hospital . 她在一個醫院工作。

3. 一般疑問句 :

—— Does he work in a company ? 他在公司工作嗎?

—— Yes, he does . 是的。


1.—— How does your father go to work ? 你父親怎麼去上班?

—— He goes to work by car . 他開車去上班。



teach—teacher clean—cleaner sing—singer dance—dancer drive—driver write—writer TV report—TV reporter


act—actor act—actress art—artist science—scientist engine—engineer

Unit 6 How do you feel? 你的感覺如何?


angry 生氣的, afraid 害怕的, sad 難過的, worried 擔心的, happy 高興的, see a doctor看醫生, take a deep breath深呼吸, count to ten數到十, wear穿, chase追趕。


1. They are afraid of him. 它們害怕它。(be afraid of 對...害怕)

2. The cat is angry with them. 這隻貓很生他們的氣。(be angry with 對...生氣)

3. What’s wrong? 怎麼啦?= What’s wrong with you? 你怎麼啦?

4. ——Your father is ill. 你爸爸病了。

——He should see a doctor this morning. 他今天早上應該去看病。

5. Don’t be sad. 別難過

6. Don’t be worried. 別擔心。= Don’t worry! 別擔心。


Should 後的謂語動詞應該用原型。如:He should do more exercise. 他應該多做運動。