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在雅思口語考試,尤其是part 2中,經常出現考生因思路枯竭,未到規定時間便腦筋短路、舌頭打結,最終只好由考官帶進part 3了事,可想而知分數也不會高到哪兒去。而這種“膛目結舌”,很可能是因爲學生搜腸刮肚,卻發現過於此題無多少自身的親身經歷所導致。其實在口語考試中我們並沒有多少如實向考官申報的義務。換而言之,他並不會去驗證所提供信息的真僞——只要不是聽上去特假的話。我們可以儘量“編造”與主題相關的信息,虛虛實實,邏輯可行,上下關聯即可。。


Describe a good service that a shop or a company offers.


You should say:

What the service is

Where you get the service

And explain how you felt after enjoy the service.

很多學生碰到這題反映services說不上太多內容:又不能分身二人模擬當時對話場景A:Is there anything that I can help you with? B:er yes, I would like to...能想到的也就是買賣、付款,而且感覺三言兩語就能說完根本無法展開的樣子。其實要是仔細一想的話,前言後語裏放上些“填充材料”,不明顯地湊字數又與主題相關聯,哪是件難事?一如既往,考題後的引導性問題非常重要,可以幫助我們理清行文思路,將所述內容保持在話題相關範圍中。下爲土磚一塊,轉爲引玉之用。


In modern times, not only does success of a company rely on those products it manufactures, but heavily depends on excellent customer service as well. Qualities, appearance or whether it is practical in use may still have some sort of influence on consumers, but the really crucial point to this matter is that if you wanna draw your customers’ attention continuously, you have to apply some useful methods, like, as I say, a perfect customer service.

扯戰略高度結束後得有那麼些乾貨。通常情況下雅思口語考官願意聽考生的個人經歷,此爲“實”。這時就得編些自己有的沒的經歷,比方說曾成爲社會性話題的iPhone 維修。很多考生覺得這個角度“太大衆臉”毫無特色。其實能把大衆臉描述清楚邏輯清晰,足夠拿個7分了。

I sometimes call myself a fanatic devotee of the Apple, which is now the most successful I.T company in the world. (多用用非限定性定語從句)But besides excellency of those fancy stuff it makes, the Apple has something more to own the fame. I believe the pleasant and helpful customer service is the key. You know even the best thing may perish, so may my iPhone 5S. One day I did not know why but it just went wrong and I could not dial any number when using my device; apart from that, the screen stayed locked and any screen-lock password or pattern could not save it. Unfortunately, I had to go to the Apple’s after-sales service in Lu Jiazui (編個正確的地址上去增加可信度)to fix this since I had bought it from its official online store, by which I got the warranty. (接下來開始描述具體的服務過程,流程清晰即可)That cool young man in the Apple centre who served me gave me a warm and courteous smile and asked me what he could do in order to help. After I explained what had happened to my precious phone he ensured me that the problem would be fixed. The cellphone was then to be collected by its maintenance department and two days later I received an E-mail from them, saying that there had been a fatal crackdown in the system and something might be wrong with the antenna, so they promised to offer me a totally new one! I was quite impressed by both of Apple’s positive personalized attention to the customers and its desire to provide them the best quality of its products. That’s , what I believe, the reason why so many fans like me are enchanted!(一般來說說不到結尾考官就要打斷進入part 3了,所謂見好就收)
