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1. be far from 離„„很遠

2. be friendly to 對„„友好

3. be / come from 來自於,是„„人

4. be full of 充滿着„„

5. be glad to 樂於„„

6. be grateful to sb. 對某人表示感激

7. be good (bad) at sth. (doing sth.) 善於

8. be good for 對„„有益的

9. be ill / sick in hospital 生病,住院

10. be in the hospital 在醫院裏

11. be in time for 準時

12. be / become interested in 對„„感興趣(關心)

13. be known to 爲„„所熟知

14. be late for 遲到

15. be like 像„„

16. be / get lost 迷失(道路)

17. be proud of 以„„自豪

18. be made from 用„製成的(看不出)

19. be made in 在某地製造

20. be made of 用„„製造的

21. be made by 由„„製造

22. be nice to 親切的, 體貼的

23. be pleased to 對„„高興地從事„„,做„„感到愉快

24. be pleased with (對„„)高興,滿意

25. be (get ) ready 準備好


1. be ready for sth.(get ready to do sth./prepare for) 準備„

2. be shocked at 對„„感到震驚,對„„感到驚訝

3. be shown 被陳列

4. be short for 是„„的簡稱

5. be sorry for 感到抱歉

6. be sure 肯定;確信

7. be sure of 深信;確信

8. be sure that 確信

9. be sure to do sth. 一定要;務必

10. be surprised at 使„„感到意外吃驚

11. be surprised by 使„„吃驚,使„„感到意外

12. be tired from 因„„疲倦

13. be tired of 對„„厭倦

14. be to 將要做

15. be up (時間等)到了,結束了

16. be used as +工具/手段 (被)作爲„.來用

17. be used by +人 (被)„„用

18. be used for (被)用來做„.

19. be used to doing 習慣於

20. be used to sth. (被)用來„„

21. be worried about 擔心

22. be worth doing sth. 值得做„.

23. beg your pardon 請再說(做)一次

24. best of all 最,首先,尤其

25. before breakfast 早飯前


1. away from home 不在家

2. base on„ 以„„爲基礎

3. bang one’s head 砰的撞了一下某人的頭

4. because of 因爲

5. be able to do sth. 能夠(有能力)做

6. be awake 醒着的

7. be afraid 害怕的,恐懼的

8. be afraid of + (名詞)v-ing害怕,恐怕..

9. be afraid that 認爲„„,恐怕,擔心

10. be angry at (about) sth. 生某事的氣

11. be angry with sb. 生某人的氣

12. be at home 在家

13. be amazed at 對„„感到驚訝

14. be bad at 拙於

15. be bad for 對„„有害的

16. be born in (on)出生

17. be careful 小心

18. be covered with 蓋滿„„,掩滿

19. be busy doing (with) sth. 忙於做„„

20. be different from 和„„不同

21. be dressed in 正穿着

22. be excited about 對„„感到興奮

23. be famous for„以„著名,出名

24. be fed up with 厭倦

25. be filled with 裝滿