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英語詞彙非常豐富,據說,僅同義詞就佔了英語詞彙總量的百分之六十。下面小編爲大家分享500組同義詞替換,希望對大家有用。  500組同義詞替換如下:  rigid/ stiff/ unchanged/ little change 僵硬的,一成不變的  significant/enormous/dramatic/tremendous/appreciably/remarkable/crucial/ 巨大的,明顯的,程度大的/substantial  approximately 將近-nearly, almost  proportion/ percentage 比例  be involved (in)/ involve in/ involvement [n.] 涉及,捲入,參與  given/ considering , in regard to / despite/ although 有鑑於  考慮到,儘管  induce [v] 引入,引導,引誘/ inductive [n] 歸納 >< deduce /deductive推斷  fortune/ destiny/ chances  deplete 開採完,耗盡/ exhaust -exhaust emission (尾氣)排放/ exploit  complex 錯綜複雜的/ complicated/ sophisticated 老奸巨滑的,複雜的  capacity能力,容量/ competence (競爭)能力/ ability 能力(籠統的)  確保,保障:Secure-security/ ensure (insure)/ guarantee 押金  solely/ merely/ only  a vast array of 系列/ a great variety of 花樣,品種/ a great rang 系列 of  pesticide 殺蟲/ suicide 自殺/ homicide/ murder殺人  believe/ assume (responsibility)/ suppose  授權,委託:authorize/ commission 佣金/ entitle 頭銜 + ment =right (權利)  purchase/ buy  ethnic 種族的/ ethic 倫理,道德的 + s =[n ]  modify/ change [v] shift work 輪班工作[n]  insight/knowledge/ learning/ understanding/ knowing  constrain拘泥,限制/ restrict 限制/ limit  circumstance 環境(社會 )/ surroundings/ environment 環境( 環保 )背景 background 後臺 / settings後臺,佈景/ context 上下文( 文章中 )  notorious 臭名昭著的/ flagrant臭的><fragrant 香的  移民:immigrant (進來)/ emigrant(出去)/migrant  興旺,繁榮;prosperous/ thriving/ booming(人口,行業)/flourishing  神聖的:divine/ heavenly/ holy/ sacred  有毒的:poisonous/ toxic ( in-, non- 無毒的)  致命的:deadly/ fatal/ lethal/ mortal  類似於:look like/ resemble  chronic長期的,慢性的- long-term 長期的  網戀:virtual love/ cyber love  網友:on-line /net/ cyber friend  上網(聊天)chat on line/ go on-line cyber café/網吧  evolve-evolution 進化/ revolute-revolution 革命,旋轉/ involve-involution 捲入,涉及  indicator/ predictor 表示詮釋,預測  indicate/ demonstrate/ display/exhibit/betray  therapist /expert/ specialist  優點,長處,美德:advantage/ merit/ virtue/ length  commonest/ frequent  未開發的,初級的:rudimentary/ underdeveloped  退化:degenerate/ -tion [n] ->generate 生產,製造/ degrade ->grade 等級/ deteriorate 惡化,每況愈下  分類:category-categorize/ class-classify  consequence後果->影響/ subsequence緊跟其後/ sequence=order秩序/ frequency頻率  clash 衝突(民族,種族)/crash 飛機墜毀  substitution=> substitute sth for sb /replace  alternative=> 選擇性,代替性,輔助性  孤立:isolate/ alienate/insulate隔絕, 排外,孤立->be alien to/insulate (-ior) 絕緣,隔熱(體)  .缺點,不足之處:defect/ flaw/ failing/ disadvantage /drawback  創新的,發明的,新穎的,創新的:inventive (-tion)/ innovative (-tion)/ creative (-tion)/ ingenious (ity)/novel (-ty) =>[n]/creative/revolutionary  l 易錯拼寫:environment/ convenient  ral 中立的,中性的 /negative 否定,消極,陰性的 /positive 肯定,積極,陽性的  guous->ambiguity 模棱兩可的,曖昧的/obscure  communicate 溝通,傳達,通報  accommodate 供...食宿,=adapt to 適應,調整,=hold 容納,使…停靠  commitment ~ to sth 奉獻 責任,義務  ribute to 導致 ~ result in /account for (佔據)導致  缺乏的,不足的:inadequate/ insufficient/ deficient/lack (of)/ short (of)  強調:emphasize/ stress/ highlight/ focus on/ concentrate on  明顯的:apparently 顯而易見的/patently 道貌岸然的/ bviously=>evidently  對…懷疑:(be) /skeptical/skeptical /dubious/ suspicious (about/of)  缺點,缺陷:drawback/ fault/ defect/ imperfection/ failing/ weakness/ shortcoming/ flaw  臭命昭著的:notorious->notoriety/ flagrant/ smelly/ odorous  ,組織:association/ structure /organization  超過:exceed/ surpass  岩漿:molten rock/ lava/ magma  語言:linguist ~學家/ lingual和~有關的/ bilingual/ 雙語  多種多樣的:diversity/ variety/ breed/ species  breed:[n]品種,[v]繁殖,培養,引起,造成  dialect 方言 accent 腔調  開始的,初步的:begin/ launch/ initial (-ly) [v] 首字母,開始的/ initiate開始,發動->initiative原創性= origin  貧窮:poor/ in poverty/ impoverished( 被剝奪財產的)  傑出:eminence (-t)/ prominence (-t)/unusual  gene/ genetic defect ~缺陷/ anatomy解剖/ conceive構思,懷孕/ deliver分娩  輔助性:alternative 補充性/ therapist  演繹,推理:deduce->deductive / inferential >< induce 引導,引入,歸納-> induction 歸納  令人困惑的:bewildering/ puzzling/ perplexing  apply:緊靠,塗,將…應用於,適用,專心致力於,獻身於  subsidize輔助/ subsidy 補助,補貼/ subsidiary  a factor in sth/ depend on sth  be preferred by/ choice  attitude to/ how  the present century/ modern society  broad/ great  in term of 按照,在…方面,關於/with regard to, in spite of 不顧,儘管  small-scale 小範圍/ marginal 邊緣處的  physical/ medical  negotiation/ agreement 談判,洽談/ 商定,協議  evolve/ develop  apartment/ accommodation 公寓/ 住房  virtual (love)/ simulate 模擬的(網戀)/ 模擬  catastrophe/ disaster 大災難/ 災難,不幸  innovate/ invent 革新,創新/ 發明,創造  sculpture/ craft 雕刻,雕塑/ 工藝  exorbitant/ expensive 過度的,極高的/ 費用大的,昂貴的  be participant in/ take part in /participate in  labour [美,澳]/work  attend to/ take care of  dual employment/ dual-worker 雙職工(家庭)  indicate/ predict 指示,表明,象徵/ 預料,預言  A major contributor to/ be central to 來源,起點/ 是…的主要,中心原因  expert/ therapist 專家,能手;知識豐富的/ 某個專科的專家  lead to/ be associated with 相聯繫(帶來…的好處)  balanced/ equitable 平等的  handicap/ d  given/considering , in regard to/despite/although 有鑑於  考慮到,儘管  induce [v] 引入,引導,引誘/inductive [n] 歸納 (deduce/deductive推斷)  fortune/destiny/chances  deplete開採完,耗盡/exhaust -exhaust emission (尾氣)排放/exploit  complex 錯綜複雜的/complicated/sophisticated 老奸巨滑的,複雜的  capacity能力,容量/competence (競爭)能力/ability 能力(籠統的)  確保,保障:Secure-security/ensure (insure)/guarantee 押金  solely/merely/only  a vast arrayof 系列/a great variety of 花樣,品種/a great rang 系列 of  pesticide 殺蟲/suicide 自殺/homicide/murder殺人  believe/assume (responsibility)/suppose  授權,委託:authorize/commission 佣金/entitle 頭銜 + ment =right (權利)  purchase/buy  ethnic 種族的/ethic 倫理,道德的 + s =[n.]  modify/change [v] shift work 輪班工作[n]  insight/knowledge/learning/understanding/knowing  constrain拘泥,限制/restrict 限制/limit  circumstance 環境(社會 )/surroundings/environment 環境( 環保 )背景 background 後臺/settings後臺,佈景/context 上下文( 文章中 )  notorious 臭名昭著的/flagrant臭的 fragrant 香的  移民:immigrant (進來)/emigrant(出去)/migrant  興旺,繁榮;prosperous/thriving/booming(人口,行業)/flourishing  神聖的:divine/heavenly/holy/sacred  有毒的:poisonous/toxic ( in-, non- 無毒的)  致命的:deadly/fatal/lethal/mortal  類似於:look like/resemble  chronic長期的,慢性的- long-term 長期的  網戀:virtual love/cyberlove  on-line /net/cyber friend  上網(聊天)chat on line/go on-line cyber café/網吧  evolve-evolution 進化/revolute-revolution 革命,旋轉/involve-involution 捲入,涉及  indicator/predictor表示詮釋,預測  indicate/demonstrate/display/exhibit/betray  therapist /expert/specialist  優點,長處,美德:advantage/merit/virtue/length  commonest/frequent  未開發的,初級的:rudimentary/underdeveloped  退化:degenerate/-tion [n] -generate 生產,製造/degrade- grade 等級/deteriorate 惡化,每況愈下  分類:category-categorize/class-classify  consequence後果-影響/subsequence緊跟其後/sequence=order秩序/frequency頻率  clash 衝突(民族,種族)/crash 飛機墜毀  substitution= substitute sth for sb /replace  alternative=選擇性,代替性,輔助性  孤立:isolate/alienate/insulate隔絕,排外,孤立-be aliento/insulate (-ior) 絕緣,隔熱(體)  .缺點,不足之處:defect/flaw/failing/disadvantage/drawback  創新的,發明的,新穎的,創新的:inventive (-tion)/innovative (-tion)/creative(-tion)/ingenious (ity)/novel (-ty) = [n] creative/revolutionary  ·易錯拼寫:environment/convenient  ral中立的,中性的 /negative否定,消極,陰性的 /positive 肯定,積極,陽性的  guous-ambiguity模棱兩可的,曖昧的/obscure  communicate 溝通,傳達,通報  accommodate 供...食宿,=adaptto 適應,調整,=hold 容納,使…停靠  commitment to sth 奉獻 責任,義務  ribute to導致 result in /account for (佔據)導致  缺乏的,不足的:inadequate/insufficient/deficient/lack (of)/short (of)  強調:emphasize/stress/highlight/focus on/concentrate on  明顯的:apparently 顯而易見的/patently 道貌岸然的/obviously =evidently  對…懷疑:(be) /skeptical/skeptical /dubious/suspicious(about/of)  缺點,缺陷:drawback/fault/defect/imperfection/failing/weakness/shortcoming/flaw  臭命昭著的:notorious-notoriety/flagrant/smelly/odorous  機構,組織:association/structure/organization  超過:exceed/surpass  岩漿:molten rock/lava/magma  語言:linguist 語言學家/lingual 和語言有關的/bilingual/ 雙語  多種多樣的:diversity/variety/breed/species  breed:[n]品種,[v]繁殖,培養,引起,造成  dialect方言 accent腔調  開始的,初步的:begin/launch/initial (-ly) [v]首字母,開始的/initiate開始,發動-initiative原創性= origin  貧窮:poor/in poverty/impoverished( 被剝奪財產的)  傑出:eminence (-t)/prominence (-t)/unusual  gene/genetic defect ~缺陷/anatomy解剖/conceive構思,懷孕/deliver分娩  輔助性:alternative 補充性/therapist  演繹,推理:deduce-deductive/inferential induce 引導,引入,歸納- induction 歸納  令人困惑的:bewildering/puzzling/perplexing  apply:緊靠,塗,將…應用於,適用,專心致力於,獻身於  subsidize輔助/subsidy 補助,補貼/subsidiary  a factor in sth/depend on sth  be preferred by/choice  attitude to/how  the present century/modern society  broad/great  in term of 按照,在…方面,關於/with regard to, in spite of 不顧,儘管  small-scale 小範圍/marginal 邊緣處的  physical/medical  negotiation/agreement 談判,洽談/商定,協議  evolve/develop  apartment/accommodation 公寓/住房  virtual (love)/simulate 模擬的(網戀)/模擬  catastrophe/disaster 大災難/災難,不幸  innovate/invent 革新,創新/發明,創造  sculpture/craft 雕刻,雕塑/工藝  exorbitant/expensive 過度的,極高的/費用大的,昂貴的  be participant in/take part in /participate in  labour [美,澳]/work  attend to/take care of  dualemployment/dual-worker 雙職工(家庭)  indicate/predict 指示,表明,象徵/預料,預言  A major contributor to/be central to ,起點/是…的主要,中心原因  expert/therapist 專家,能手;知識豐富的/某個專科的專家  lead to/be associated with 相聯繫(帶來…的好處)  balanced/equitable 平等的  handicap/disabled/primitive殘疾的,落後的  could not-and cannot/has always been unable to  by/from  benefit/advantage  substantial influence/greater likelihood  agree on/define  considered desirable/effectiveness  masquerade/(in) disguise 僞裝  insignificant/didn’t seriously 不重要/不嚴重的  inspect/examine審覈,檢查  ber/criterion 標準CoM  -one knownotorious 無人知曉臭名昭著的  atisfy/argue 不滿意/厭惡,討厭  pessimism/negative/blue optimistic 悲觀的,憂鬱的 樂觀的  unsatisfactory/hardly be looked upon  identify/define  turn… into/become  urban/rural/suburban  demolish/knock down/dismantle毀壞,拆毀(建築物)/敲,打  migration/move 遷移/移動  pay/charge sb for 向某人…猛攻,充電,負責,付費,控訴  separate/split 分開,使隔絕,提取/分,劈開  fascination/attraction(-e:[v]) 迷住,吸引住  not require/unnecessary 不需要/不必要  decode/decipher 譯解(密碼),解釋  delay/drawback= disadvantage 耽誤,延遲/欠缺,弊端  association/organization 機構,關聯/組織  recent/current/nowadays/present 最近的/現代的/當今的/現在  intensive burst/explosive release 強烈的爆發/爆炸性的釋放  recognized/identified 承認,識別,認可/識別,鑑別  aim to/focuson 針對,目標,打算/集中  link…to/lead to 連接/導致,通向  inadequate(diet)/deficiency(in trace minerals) 不充分,不適當的/缺乏,不足  basic/fundamental 基礎的,基本的  seize/catch 捕捉,抓住  fatal/lethal 致命的  success on/running on 成功  costly/be related by 有關係的  be obtained in/be derived in 獲得,流行,通用/由…產生,起源於  high-income/wealthy 高收入的/富裕的  be alike/be similarto 相同的,相似的  indicate/show 顯示,指出,象徵  eliminate/lessen 消除/減少  not risen significantly/stagnate 停滯不前的  salary/wage 工資:總稱/藍領的  create/gain 創造,造成/獲得,增加  efficiently/increased productivity 有效率的/上升的生產率  economy/financial 經濟  administration/management  (be) sympathetic/understand 同情的,贊同/理解  introduce/involve 引入/捲入  change/different  die exist 死亡存在  almost/approximately  be out of date/be developed  solve/reduce 減少  famous/eminent  barrier/ hurdle  higher position/top post