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以愛爲主題的作文 Love

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padding-bottom: 120%;">以愛爲主題的作文 Love
There are four people in my family. They are my parents, my sister and I. My parents always give us the best things they can provide, but they educate us to be a nice person. My sister and I sometimes will have argument, but we solve it soon and just like nothing happens. This is a classic family, and love is always around.我們家有四口人,我的父母,我的姐姐和我。我的父母總是把最好的給了我們,他們也教育我們要做一個好人。我妹妹和我有時會吵架,但我們很快就把問題解決了,就像什麼也沒發生一樣。這是一個典型的家庭,愛無處不在。