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It's been 15 years since we were last treated to a Princess Diaries film, but it might not be long until we get another.


The Princess Diaries 3 is on its way folks.

Anne Hathaway revealed on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen that - not only is a script ready and waiting for the third movie - but she is definitely keen to get involved.
安妮·海瑟薇在《see What Happens Live with Andy Cohen》(脫口秀節目)中透露,劇本已經準備好了,正在等待第三部電影的開拍,而且她非常希望能參與其中。

When we last left Mia etc in Genovia - SPOILER ALERT - the Princess managed to secure her right to the crown and was made Queen after a lot of drama with love interest (and royal rival) Nicholas Devereaux.
當我們最後一次在Genovia離開米婭等人的時候——劇透警告——公主成功地保住了她的王位,並在與戀人(皇位競爭者)Nicholas Devereaux經歷了很多戲劇性的事情之後成爲了女王。

Author Meg Cabot released the first adult Princess Diaries book in 2015, named The Royal Wedding, so there's every chance the new film will follow Mia's first foray into marital bliss.
作家 Meg Cabot 在2015年出版了第一本青少年書籍《公主日記》,名爲《皇室婚禮》,所以這部新電影很有可能會追隨米婭首次嘗試婚姻幸福的腳步。

And according to some previous hints from the late film director Garry Marshall back in 2016, the third instalment of The Princess Diaries might be set in New York.

"I was with Anne Hathaway a couple weeks ago, it looks like we want to do Princess Diaries 3 in Manhattan," he told People Magazine a few years back.