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香港書商上電視認罪 Hong Kong booksellers admit smuggling books into mainland China

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香港書商上電視認罪 Hong Kong booksellers admit smuggling books into mainland China

Four of the Hong Kong booksellers who vanished last year before reappearing in mainland police custody have admitted to smuggling critical political works into China, according to videotaped confessions and a Chinese news report.

據香港鳳凰衛視(Phoenix TV)的視頻資料和中文媒體澎湃(The Paper)報道,四名香港書商已承認向中國內地走私批判性政治圖書。這四名書商於去年失蹤,隨後現身內地警方看守所。

Gui Minhai, one of the owners of Causeway Bay Books, said in a video broadcast by Hong Kong’s Phoenix TV on Sunday night that the sale of such books was “not legal” in China and that he and his colleagues had circumvented the rules.

銅鑼灣書店(Causeway Bay Books)店主之一桂敏海週日在鳳凰衛視播出的一段視頻中表示,在中國銷售這些圖書是“非法”的,他和他的同事避過了法規。

“After several discussions, we considered ways to avoid Chinese official inspection,” he said in videotaped comments, the source of which was not revealed. “These included changing the book covers and putting the books into dark nylon bags to avoid X-ray inspection.”


Three of his colleagues also confessed in broadcast videos to helping Mr Gui, a Swedish citizen, and claimed that they regretted their actions. It was not possible to reach them for comment.


A separate story published by The Paper, a state-controlled Chinese media outlet, said they had smuggled 4,000 books into China, distributing them to 380 readers in 28 provinces.


Televised confessions have become an increasingly common propaganda tool for Chinese police, as they expand an already wide-ranging crackdown on dissent that has ensnared lawyers and labour activists as well as journalists, writers and publishers.


The video confessions have painted Mr Gui, who disappeared from his home in Thailand last October, as the driving force behind Mighty Current. It is one of several publishing houses in Hong Kong producing books that would be banned in China because of their sensitive content, ranging from hefty historical tomes to lurid, apocryphal tales of top leaders’ personal lives.

據這段電視認罪資料,去年10月從泰國家中失蹤的桂敏海是巨流傳媒有限公司(Mighty Current)的主要創始人。由於內容敏感,巨流以及香港其他幾家出版社的圖書在中國內地遭禁,其圖書範圍包括大量歷史書籍,以及有關最高領導人個人生活的聳人聽聞的杜撰故事。

“[The books] have created a lot of rumours and bad influence on the society,” said Lam Wing Kee, who managed the bookstore, in his taped confession. “I have deeply acknowledged my fault. I am willing to be punished.”


The Paper cited Chinese police as saying that because Mr Lam and two other colleagues had been co-operative, they may be released on bail and allowed to return to Hong Kong soon. No information was provided on Mr Lee and Mr Gui’s likely fate.



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