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Solar energy is becoming more and more popular as prices drop, yet a home powered by the Sun isn't free from the grid because solar panels don't store energy for later. Now, researchers have refined a device that can both harvest and store solar energy, and they hope it will one day bring electricity to rural and underdeveloped areas.


The problem of energy storage has led to many creative solutions, like giant batteries. For a paper published today in the journal Chem, scientists trying to improve the solar cells themselves developed an integrated battery that works in three different ways. It can work like a normal solar cell by converting sunlight to electricity immediately, explains study author Song Jin, a chemist at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. It can store the solar energy, or it can simply be charged like a normal battery.

能量存儲問題帶來了多種創造性的解決方案,比如巨型電池。今日在《化學》雜誌發表的一篇文章中,試圖自行提高太陽能電池的科學家開發了一種集成電池,這種電池可以三種不同的模式工作。它可以像普通的太陽能電池一樣立刻將太陽光轉爲電,研究作者Song Jin解釋道,他是威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校的一名化學家。這種電池可以存儲太陽能,也可以像普通電池一樣充電。


It's a combination of two existing technologies: solar cells that harvest light, and a so-called flow battery. The most commonly used batteries, lithium-ion, store energy in solid materials, like various metals. Flow batteries, on the other hand, store energy in external liquid tanks.


This means they are very easy to scale for large projects. Scaling up all the components of a lithium-ion battery might throw off the engineering, but for flow batteries, "you just make the tank bigger," says Timothy Cook, a University at Buffalo chemist and flow battery expert not involved in the study. "You really simplify how to make the battery grow in capacity," he adds. "We're not making flow batteries to power a cell phone, we're thinking about buildings or industrial sites.


Jin and his team were the first to combine the two features. They have been working on the battery for years, and have now reached 14.1 percent efficiency. Jin calls this "round-trip efficiency" - as in, the efficiency from taking that energy, storing it, and discharging it. "We can probably get to 20 percent efficiency in the next few years, and I think 25 percent round-trip is not out of the question," Jin says.
