
首頁 > 英語詞典 > 專利專業英漢詞典 > combustion engine with exhaust gas (waste gas) for sucking combustion residues from cylinders是什麼意思、英

combustion engine with exhaust gas (waste gas) for sucking combustion residues from cylinders是什麼意思、英

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combustion engine with exhaust gas (waste gas) for sucking combustion residues from cylinders

padding-bottom: 60%;">combustion engine with exhaust gas (waste gas) for sucking combustion residues from cylinders是什麼意思、英

詞語: combustion engine with exhaust gas (waste gas) for sucking combustion residues from cylinders

解釋: 利用排氣(廢氣)把燃燒殘留物從汽缸中吸出的內燃機

詞典: 專利專業英漢詞典

combustion engine with exhaust gas (waste gas) for sucking combustion residues from cylinders 相關解釋

利用排氣(廢氣)把燃燒殘留物從汽缸中吸出的內燃機 combustion engine with exhaust gas (waste gas) for sucking combustion residues from cylinders



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